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Note on this book Chapter 11-Teaching in an online context Figure 11-1. Community of inquiry. In a work on teaching presence, Anderson, Rourke, Archer, and Garrison (2001) delineated three critical roles that a teacher performs in the process of creating an effective teaching presence. In addition to these tasks, in formal education, the institution and its teacher employees are usually fulfilling a critical credentialing role that involves the assessment and certification of student learning. top The design and construction of the course content, learning activities, and assessment framework constitute the first opportunity for teachers to develop their “teacher presence.” The design of e-learning courses is covered in greater detail in earlier chapters of this book, but this design process provides opportunities for teachers to instil their own teaching presence by establishing a personalized tone within the course content. Activities in this category of teaching presence include building curriculum materials. Getting the Mix Right 1. 2. 3. 4.
