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Robert Full on engineering and evolution

Robert Full on engineering and evolution

Biomimicry in National Geographic and on TED Live from TED2014 In case you missed it: Day 2 at TED2014 So what went down at TED on day two? Well, a lot, as it happens. As curator Chris Anderson commented rather tiredly later, “that was the most intense day of TED I can remember, ever.” Here, a lightning round-up of some of the day’s key moments. Progress for “the blue heart of the planet” and a plan to de-extinct a kayak: A recap of “Planet Dearth,” All-Stars Session 1 at TED2014 By Liz Jacobs and Kate Torgovnick Are we on the brink of a resource crisis?

Actuators could be find in the all life by asantana Jul 1
