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Unemployed Negativity: A Million Blooms: Tiqqun and Negri on the Actualization of Ontology With the publication in English of This is Not a Program, Tiqqun brings to light a certain insurrectionist critique of Negri (and Hardt’s) position. Broadly speaking this critique takes two forms. First, there is a critique of the valorization of immaterial labor. This critique does not concern the descriptive accuracy of the term, the continued existence of material production, but its political efficacy. For Tiqqun the valorization of immaterial labor is consistent with the values of the capitalist economy. Despite these critiques there is a strange proximity between Tiqqun and Negri, and that is what I want to explore here. There is, however, a saving grace to this negative condition. “The Bloom does not experience a particular finitude or a determined separation, but the ontological finitude and separation, common to all men. In Hardt and Negri’s writing, this takes the form of the actualization of the multitude.

Moscow Urban Forum Introduction to Parecon: The Basics of Participatory Economics The following are installments for a column run in the Nashville Free Press. Participatory Economics, or Parecon for short, is an economic model developed by Michael Albert and Robin Hahnel as an alternative to capitalism. As I did not come up with this economic model, much was certainly borrowed from Albert and Hahnel for this column (some points and examples come directly from Albert). If you want to find out more about Parecon ahead of my pieces, you can visit the Z PARECON Page for books, articles, and presentations exploring all aspects of Participatory Economics. Installment 1 of 13 Over the next several months, I will be offering pieces introducing readers of the Nashville Free Press to the basics of Participatory Economics. Now before anyone starts rolling their eyes, please know that this is not some dressed up version of communism. And probably just as important as what that alternative entails is the concept that an alternative even exists. Installment 2 of 13 Think about it.

ZNet About 1,600 people have so far signed up on the We Stand Site. We need a great many more for this effort to sustain positive activity.Please Sign. Please take the statement to relatives, friends, schoolmates, and workmates. Please comment anywhere online, or in social media, or by blogging, or perhaps writing an article, or prodding alternative media to relate to the effort.Will you Sign? Will you seek other signers? Please visit the site, read the statement, and join them and others to sign…dfhd

BALLAST Daniel Colson : « L’anarchisme est extrêmement réaliste » Dans le cadre de notre semaine Présents libertaires Notre intention, en créant Ballast, était de donner à lire — et, qui sait, à découvrir — des paroles critiques que nous espérons porteuses d'alternatives au quotidien. Nous ne sommes pas une organisation politique et, si nous respectons l'engagement partidaire (plusieurs de nos auteurs sont d'ailleurs militants au sein de formations — libertaires, trotskystes, communistes, altermondialistes, socialistes), nous ne tenions pas, en tant que revue, à nous revendiquer d'un seul et unique courant : d'où la pluralité politique et philosophique des participants et des intervenants. Coquille vide et incohérences ? Non, le commun nous intéresse simplement plus que les désaccords à la marge — l'époque oblige à enjamber le grabuge entre chapelles. Vous avancez l'idée selon laquelle l'anarchisme ne serait pas un mode de vie, un état d'âme, mais une véritable ontologie. Vous auriez un exemple concret ? Oui. Nietzsche, par Munch Mai 1968 Michel Foucault

LiquidFeedback - The democracy software An Interview Introducing and Exploring Parecon | Envisioning a Post-Capitalist Order 1. Where did parecon come from? What is its history? Participatory economics, or parecon, came mainly from the cumulative struggles of diverse populations trying to win liberation from capitalism. Parecon owes, in particular, to the anarchist and the libertarian socialist heritage, to the most recent experiences of the New Left of the Sixties, but also to every historical uprising and project aimed at eliminating class rule from the beginning to the present. I once heard about a strike, billed as the first, by Egyptian peasants against a Pharaoh who moved from requiring six days labor on the pyramid a week, to requiring seven days, and from providing food to providing nothing. Parecon meaning classlessness most broadly was born when revolutionaries of various camps began imagining and seeking a classless economy. 2. Both. I think the model is accurate regarding broad defining features. 3. It is a debilitating mistake to get caught up in seeking an inflexible, unvarying blueprint. 4. 5.

NatCAN - National Community Activists Network L’anarchisme sans mythes | Bouteille à l'Amer L’anarchie avait poussé sur la litière d’un échec, celui de la Révolution française, aussi le catéchisme de Bakounine servit pendant des lustres à la définition du militant révolutionnaire « dur pour lui-même, le révolutionnaire doit l’être aussi pour les autres. Il doit étouffer tout sentiment de sympathie, d’amitié, d’amour, de reconnaissance, toute amitié envers ses parents au profit d’une passion unique, froide : celle du travail révolutionnaire. Pour lui, ne doit exister qu’une joie, qu’une consolation, qu’une récompense, qu’une satisfaction : le succès de la Révolution. Nuit et jour, il ne doit avoir qu’une idée, qu’un but : l’impitoyable destruction. En poursuivant froidement et constamment ce but, il faut qu’il soit prêt à mourir lui-même et prêt aussi à tuer de ses propres mains tous ceux qui l’empêcheraient d’atteindre ce but ». La conspiration n’est donc pas née à l’extrême-droite mais bien à l’extrême-gauche. 1887 : L’indicateur anarchiste est publié en langue française.

Amalio Rey | Innovación, Diseño y Tendencias en la Red: dilemas y paradojas - Blog sobre innovación, escrito desde una mirada crítica y humanista A City Where Everyone Works, There Is No Police, And The Salary Is 1200 Euros With virtually no police, crime or unemployment, meet the Spanish town described as a democratic, socialist utopia. Unemployment is non-existent in Marinaleda, an Andalusian village in southern Spain that is prosperous thanks to its farming cooperative. GARD Pro Not Registered On the face of it, the Spanish town of Marinaleda is indistinguishable from any other in its region. It’s also a democratic, anti-capitalist village whose mayor actively encourages shoplifting. Since the financial crisis began in 2008, Marinaleda has shot to fame — and so has its maverick mayor Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo, who earned the nickname,”The Spanish Robin Hood,” after organizing and carrying out a series of supermarket raids in a direct action protest last August. In an interview after the event, Gordillo, the democratically elected mayor since 1979, said it was not theft, but a non-violent act of disobedience. “There are many families who can’t afford to eat,” he argued.

Renegade Inc. - For Those Who Think Differently... Libertés et libéralismes - Anarchisme et libéralisme. Une démarcation - ENS Éditions 1Cette contribution ne procède pas à une comparaison exhaustive entre libéralisme et anarchisme en tant que doctrines politiques constituées. Partant d’un contexte idéologique qui propose de fréquents rapprochements entre ces deux courants (notamment au travers de l’appellation « libéral-libertaire »), nous proposons d’abord une cartographie lexicale et problématique, puis une confrontation doctrinale qui tient compte de la dimension idéologique de l’habillage libéral du néolibéralisme contemporain, avant d’interroger, pour finir, les rapports de filiation historique qu’il est possible d’établir entre anarchisme et libéralisme. 1 Dans la vie politique franco-allemande, c’est souvent la figure de Daniel Cohn-Bendit qui est cens (...) 2 On notera que le terme « libertaire » a été créé par différence avec l’adjectif « libéral ». On do (...) 5 Nozick, 2008. Plus récemment, des membres du mouvement américain « Tea Party » ont pu se déclarer (...) 6 Bookchin, 1987, p. 1. 15 Humboldt, 2004.

Natural Capital Coalition April 2019 Newsletter The Value of Our Coral Reefs James Spurgeon, a member of the Coalition’s Advisory Panel, writes for Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors special Land Journal edition on natural capital on the value of our vanishing coral reefs. Part of his piece focuses on how the Natural Capital Protocol was used to evaluate three alternative management scenarios for Bacuit Bay in Palawan, the Philippines. The study was carried out by Indufor, with technical support from Sustain Value, on behalf of an island resort company, boat tour operators, dive boat operators and the Palawan Council for Sustainable Development, all of which directly depend on the health and quality of coral reefs, water and fish in the bay.
