3 Ways to Improve Your Company's Social Media Architecture Joshua-Michéle Ross (@jmichele) is SVP and director of digital strategy, Europe with Fleishman Hillard and an O’Reilly Radar blogger. His free ebook on social media architecture is available here. While the pressures on large organizations to use social media have gone up, creating a social media presence has reached one-click simplicity. Take one look at the social media footprint of any large brand and you find dozens of social sites that lie abandoned with no active engagement. This is unsustainable and counterproductive. The solution is a “social media architecture” — a structure that brings harmony, utility and durability to the diverse elements of an organization’s social media presence. 1. A proper footprint uses a few data points (site name, platform, size, recency of moderator activity) to visualize your social media presence. Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Visualization is the first step in recognizing you have a problem. 2. What warrants creating a new social account? 3.
Hoe schrijf je een Social Mediabeleid? Stap 1: Wie gaat het doen? Meestal iemand binnen de afdeling communicatie. Ook komt het voor dat er een extern bureau voor wordt ingehuurd. Of een stagiaire. Stap 2: Waarom zou je het willen? Beetje jammer als je alleen zo’n plan gaat schrijven “omdat we er nou eenmaal wat mee moeten” of omdat het moet van de directie. Maar waarom zou je überhaupt een social mediabeleid willen? Stap 3: Waar moet het over gaan? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Er zijn 3 onderdelen nodig voor een succesvolle implementatie van social media in je organisatie: mensen (bereidheid tot verandering en scholing), middelen (ict randvoorwaarden, open zetten facebook en youtube) en kaders (beleid en richtlijnen). Stap 4: Vergeet de organisatorische kant niet Laat het plan officieel vaststellen door het management en zorg ook dat men er enthousiast voor is. Verder lezen: Voor meer achtergrondinformatie kun je de artikelen lezen van Mischa Coster: Hopelijk kun je er wat mee.
Three Ways to Supercharge Social Media with Google Analytics If your business is participating in social media, dig into Google Analytics to uncover actionable insights that will immediately improve your social efforts. We’ve identified three ways Google Analytics can supercharge your social media initiatives. #1. Optimize Social Traffic Create an advanced custom segment to look at the percentage of traffic that came to your website from social media versus other places and what that social traffic did once they got to your site. #2. Google Analytics can help you identify which Twitter conversations you should be listening for. #3. Use your most popular search phrases throughout your blog – in posts, titles, and tags – to generate more blog traffic. Google Analytics is a powerful tool. Connect: Authored by: Chad Wiebesick Chad Wiebesick is the Social Media & Interactive Marketing Director at PWB Marketing Communications in Ann Arbor, Michigan, a B2B agency specializing in integrating digital technologies with traditional media. See complete profile
Online Reputatie Management - Tribal Internet Marketing Internet beïnvloedt in toenemende mate reputaties van bedrijven doordat mensen online ervaringen met elkaar delen via ondermeer discussiefora en weblogs. Inge Harts onderzocht dit fenomeen in het kader van haar afstuderen. Dit praktisch rapport beschrijft hoe online reputaties ontstaan en hoe bedrijven hier concreet mee om moeten gaan. Download het volledige rapport hier (PDF formaat) Wat doe je als je nieuwe televisie het begeeft of je al weken wacht op een internetaansluiting? Steeds vaker gaan mensen online opzoek naar advies, lotgenoten of een plek om hun klacht wereldkundig te maken. beoordelingsites zoals Kieskeurig.nl fora zoals Tros Radar weblogs zoals Geenstijl.nl sociale netwerksites zoals Hyves.nl Via deze social media delen grote groepen mensen meningen en ervaringen over bedrijven, producten en diensten. Reageren op een negatief bericht op internet Eén van de vragen waarop het rapport antwoord geeft is hoe om te gaan met negatieve berichtgeving op internet. Over het rapport
The Anatomy of a Social Media Crisis Social media crises are on the rise, but 76% of those that occurred since 2001 could have been diminished or averted with the proper social media investments, according to a report by Altimeter Group released on Wednesday. For the report, entitled "Social Business Readiness: How Advanced Companies Prepare Internally," Altimeter Group analyzed 50 social media crises that have occurred since 2001 and found that those reaching mainstream media have risen steadily through the past decade, with just 1-2 incidents per year in the first five years and a total of 10 social media crises last year alone. The report also sheds light on exactly how social media crises arise and how companies can avoid them. The majority of businesses caught up in social media crises lacked proper internal education programs, but the lack of a professional staff, triage system and employee social media policy were also key problem areas for companies. And what were the causes of these crises?
Why 2012 is going to be “The Year of SoLoMo” IN-DEPTH: Social, local, and mobile are lending a new dimension to plans of travel marketers. To get started, travel brands must have a mobile website optimised with fresh, local content and location-based offers; accurate and optimised listings on local mobile directories; and mobile engagement via SMS and social platforms. By Ritesh Gupta HeBS Digital believes that 2012 is going to be The Year of SoLoMo (Social, local, and mobile) . In travel marketing, there is a major convergence of channels, and social, local, and mobile will work as part of an integrated initiative, says Margaret Mastrogiacomo, Manager, New Media & Creative Strategy, HeBS Digital. These three initiatives speak to key components of a travel consumer’s behaviour. “The future of SoLoMo looks promising. “Checkins will be king. Mastrogiacomo spoke further in detail about this topic. Margaret Mastrogiacomo: Over 50 percent of the US population will have a smartphone in 2012. Consumer-generated- content is king. Or contact:
5 Things Social Media Can't Do - TNW Social Media Over the past few years, we’ve seen an explosive growth in social media. Some platforms have fallen by the wayside, while others have seen up to 300,000 new members per day at their peak. If your organization isn’t involved in social media, the silence can actually be a detriment to your business, as information hungry consumers have come to not only look for your presence, but expect it. For all the upsides that social media can bring to your business, there still remains a great deal of uncertainty and misconceptions about what social media can actually accomplish in terms of overall business growth. Far too often, high (read: mismanaged) expectations can lead to disappointment, even frustration with the mechanism. 5 things social media can’t do 1. Solution: If social media is your marketing strategy at the moment, it’s time to head back to the drawing board. 2. Solution: There are actually two problems within this scenario. The second problem here is, “Where’s the beef?” 3. 4. 5.
Handig: Alle 2012 trends voor mobiel, social media, marketing, adverteren en CRM Gelukkig 2012! Inmiddels is het jaar 2011 echt voorbij en is 2012 echt aangebroken. In dit eerste artikel van 2012 op Marketingfacts verzamel ik voor jullie de diverse artikelen met trends 2012 zodat je ze makkelijk kunt teruglezen. Trends 2012: Social Media Toekomst van social media: ontwikkelingen en trends 2012 (Marketingfacts)2012: Social Media Marketing Trends (Social Media Today)Zes Social Media Trends for 2012 (Retail 2020)De social media trends van 2012 (Social Mark-eting) Klik voor de 206 andere trends voor 2012 op het gebied van mobiel, marketing, CRM, ICT, algemeen, internet en adverteren door.