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FusionTablesLayer Wizard

FusionTablesLayer Wizard

How To Count Queried Rows in a Google Fusion Table « Michelle Minkoff In my “free” time, I help people who are also on the JavaScript learning journey. Here’s a query, paraphrased. How can I count how many points I currently have displayed on a Fusion Table layer of a Google Map? This would be especially helpful when we’re using filters, to show how many points are currently displaying. I’m not the first one to come up with this, for more on the subject, and the creators of the code this is based off of, pleas see the “Getting Data” section of Robin Kraft’s post here. If we assume that searchString stands for the value a user inputs in a filter (look into how to use HTML forms and connect it with JavaScript elsewhere, that’s left as an exercise to the reader, and I’m pulling info from Fusion Table ID which we will call…tableid…here’s the code you would need to get that count. First, set a variable which contains the beginning of a URL, which allows you to query the Google Fusion Table SQL API. var queryUrlHead = ' Selected Tools GViz API Example: Fusion Tables Data Source TableID: Query: Link to this page BESbewy BaseX | The XML Database This is a great example of the possibilities of Google visualisation api Writing with XML For quite a while now, I've been doing most of my writing using XML - even to the point of writing my last book in XML. As I've mentioned this to people they've asked me a number of questions about my experiences, and that's been enough to prompt this little article on the whole thing. How I got started First steps - the refactoring catalog I began working with XML around 2000, when my refactoring book came out. I'd already set up a web site, and decided to add a new site to act as a portal of information about refactoring. On the whole I found web site work a bit of a pain. I've always been a fan of logical styles when writing. Although my efforts with the refactoring catalog were somewhat crude (or at least they seem that way to me now) I was very pleased with how the process all worked. Once I had the files together, I was able to write another XSLT stylesheet to display the files as HTML. A web site and a book Typing in the text Just this last few months I've started using XEmacs.
