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Alltop - Top Infographics News

Alltop - Top Infographics News
Related:  La Data visualisation, qu'est-ce que c'est ?

Datavisualization How The World Spends Its Time Online - Have you ever wondered how people across the world spend their time online? Global research firm Nielsen periodically releases data from its studies of consumer behavior online. Here are the 2010 findings regarding social networking, branding and world net usage. Total Time Online The average person spends more than 60 hours a month online. Social networking accounts for 22 percent of the time while 42 percent is spent viewing content, whether watching videos, reading articles or playing online games. Among people who use the Internet, each person visits 2,646 Web pages on 89 domains and logs in 57 times per month. Most Popular Brands The percentage of all online users that visit Google is 82. Social Network Usage The highest percentage of internet users who log onto social media is in Brazil, with 80 percent using social network sites. Daily Internet Activities For many, internet use is a daily occurrence. Click For Full Size Comments comments

Junk Charts FlowingData | Data Visualization, Infographics, and Statistics Data as Art: 10 Striking Science Maps | Wired Science The computer age triggered a seemingly endless stream of scientific data, but such incoming mountains of information come at a cost. The more data you amass, the tougher it is to comprehend what you're dealing with.In a push for better perspective, a group of information scientists in 2005 created a decade-long competitive art exhibit called Places & Spaces: Mapping Science. From artistic pop-culture plots to illustrations of the state of scientific collaboration (above), the founders hope winning entries inspire researchers to present their troves of data in clever and digestible ways."Good science maps give you a holistic understanding of how the data is structured," said information scientist Katy Börner of Indiana University, a founder and curator of the exhibit. She is also author of the Atlas of Science, a collection of the maps gathered over the years. Images: Chris Harrison/Carnegie Mellon University; Pastor Christoph Römhild/St. - Visualisation de l'information, présentations efficaces et tableaux de bord Visualisation Insights #4: Visual Thinker This is the fourth article in my Visualisation Insights series. The purpose of this series is to provide readers with unique insights into the field of visualisation from the different perspectives of those in the roles of designer, practitioner, academic, blogger, journalist and all sorts of other visual thinkers. My aim is to bring together these interviews to create a greater understanding and appreciation of the challenges, approaches and solutions emerging from these people – the visualisation world’s cast and crew. Carlos Gamez Kindelan is a talented Visual Thinker based in Madrid. I approached Carlos to do an interview for this article for two main reasons. Hi Carlos, can you start off by explaining what is? It is a new journalistic media that works exclusively in the digital environment. Can you describe the graphics department at lainformacion – where you are based, how many people work in your team, what are the different job roles etc.? What was your “aha!”

5 Great infographic Creation Tools for Teachers Creating infographics is a skill much needed in the 21st century classroom. They can serve a wide variety of learning objectives and they are not really hard to make. They are very useful in the sense that they can be used for illustrative purposes. For instance, teachers can use graphs, diagrams , and colorful templates to present information in such a way that catches students attention. There are several web platforms where you can easily create your own infographics and Educational Technology and Mobile Learning has already reviewed a list of such tools and today we are going to provide you with our best 3 infographic creation tools. 1- This is a great tool that allows users to create visually rich infographics from pre-designed themes. 2- Creately This is also a great tool in creating diagrams and flow charts. 3- Gliffy This is another awesome infographic creation tool that is very easy to use. 4- 5- Visually

Data Visualisation ou l’art de se faire comprendre De nos jours il faut comprendre et se faire comprendre vite et bien. Une bonne présentation, un bon article ou bien un bon poster se distingue non seulement par un contenu pertinent mais aussi par des illustrations efficaces. On peut avoir la meilleure idée du monde, si on ne sait pas la mettre en valeur elle peut tout simplement passer à la trappe. Cet article a pour but de mettre en avant l'importance de bien présenter ses idées par des schémas et autres graphiques percutants et de rappeler que la forme influe tout autant sur l'audience que le fond. Il ne s’agit que d’une mise en bouche et d’autres articles plus techniques sur divers outils de représentation de données suivront probablement. Ce n'est un secret pour personne, le monde scientifique a encore de gros progrès à faire dans ce domaine. La Data Visualisation ou DataViz est l'étude des représentations visuelles de données et de l'abstraction de l'information sous forme de schémas. Osez les couleurs! Choisissez bien vos polices.
