Copyright-Free Photo Archive: Public Domain Photos and Images
The photo archive at has more than 27,000 free photos and images saved on our own dedicated server, consisting of over 2.5 Gbytes of data. The goal is to make this archive a resource for collage and photo-montage using digital image editing techniques such as those described in Chapter 7 of Grokking the GIMP. To improve the archive's usefulness, full indexing of the images is planned. In looking through the archive you will be able to browse pages of photo thumbnails, which are linked to the full-size images. The images and photos found in this archive come from three main sources: the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the U.S. The photos you'll find here are copyright free, but some restrictions still apply. In principle, if an photo is sufficiently modified so that individuals are no longer "recognizable", it should be okay to use.
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Pope Francis: 13 key facts about the new pontiff | World news
What we know about Pope Francis • He likes to travel by bus. • He has lived for more than 50 years with one functioning lung. He had the other removed as a young man because of infection. • He is the son of an Italian railway worker and a housewife. • He trained as a chemist. • He is the first non-European pope in the modern era. • He claims that adoption by homosexuals is a form of discrimination against children but believes that condoms "can be permissible" to prevent infection. • In 2001 he washed and kissed the feet of Aids patients in a hospice. • He speaks fluent Italian, as well as Spanish and German. • Until now he has been living in a small flat, eschewing a formal bishop's residence. • He told Argentinians not to travel to Rome to celebrate if he was appointed but to give their money to the poor instead. • He is believed to have been the runner-up in the last papal conclave in 2005. • He has co-written a book, in Spanish, called Sobre el Cielo y la Tierra (On Heaven and Earth).
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The Best Copyright-Free Photo Libraries: - DotGovWatch Exposing the good, the bad, and the buggy - A Blog Monitoring U.S. Federal, State, and Local Government Websites
Thousands of photos taken by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duty are free of copyright and free to use. Based on my extensive review of government photo libraries, the best collections below. Or just use the search I made. Search Public Domain Photos: #1 — Awesome, high-resolution photos of landscapes, sunsets, mountains, flowers, animals, science, and much more. Image Quality: Excellent! #2 — Agricultural Research Service Beautiful, high-resolution photos of plants, animals, agriculture, and agricultural research. Image Quality: Excellent! #3 — U.S. Photos of scenery, wildlife, people in the outdoors, and miscellany. Image Quality: Average – Excellent! #4 — Department of Defense Photos of soldiers, vehicles, and operations in Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marines. Image Quality: Good – Excellent! #5 — Yellowstone National Park Photos of everything in the park including scenery, plants, animals, wildfires, geo-thermal activity, park visitors, etc.