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Food is Free: Growing Food & Community in the Front Yard!

Food is Free: Growing Food & Community in the Front Yard!

Berlin Farm Lab Some visual input from the first day of the gardening season. Thank you, Melina Daphne Papageorgiou for the beautiful photos! if you want to garden, come and find us every saturday at the Beilsteinerstrasse 51, in Berlin-Marzahn. more to come! Fiber-Optic Solar Toilet Turns Sewage To Plant Friend txchnologist: by Michael KellerWorld Water Day is coming up this Saturday. Moss Fm, the first radio that works with electricity captures by moss during photosynthesis! read more Urban farming and permaculture merge with the popular hiphop culture in Brussels! 'Utopian cob awesomeness' Community garden in Marzahn Berlin Farm Lab is looking for people who would like to start a community garden in Berlin-Marzahn! 10 Vegetables & Herbs You Can Eat Once and Regrow Forever There are some ingredients I cook with so often I can never buy too many of them, and most of them are produce. A film about place and memory, a farmhouse in Japan, and the lives of the people who called it home.

Achtung die Stadt! - Sternstunde Philosophie Die einen haben Angst vor ihr, andere suchen sie in der Agglomeration, und dritte fühlen sich magisch von ihr angezogen: die Stadt. Juri Steiner diskutiert mit den beiden Stadtexperten Anna Schindler und Philip Ursprung über urbane Bedürfnisse, Werte und Utopien der Schweizer Stadt- und Raumplanung. Städte sind dynamisch: Sie schrumpfen, wachsen, passen sich an geographische, klimatische, politische und wirtschaftliche Situationen an. Aber bewegen sich die Seelen der Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner mit der Stadt? Urbanisten sagen, dass die Abneigung der Schweizerinnen und Schweizer gegen alles Wuchtige städtische Architektur hierzulande kaum möglich mache. Die Stadtentwicklerin Anna Schindler und der Architekturhistoriker Philip Ursprung erzählen vom Stadt-Land-Graben, den Herausforderungen des ebenso komplexen wie faszinierenden Systems Stadt und man in der Schweiz von den Favelas in der Dritten Welt alles lernen könnte. Dienstag, 12. VHS- oder DVD-Bestellung direkt:

How I grow and harvest organic Chia seeds Chia is very convenient and versatile. I chew chia seeds, releasing their nutty taste, and use them as a snack food on a busy day. They swell a little as they absorb saliva, making them soft and ready for the journey to my stomach. Soaking the seeds first in water or a fresh juice makes them even easier for your body to digest. Sprouting chia seeds increases their vitamin content and makes them even more nutritious. The leaves, fresh or dried, make a relaxing and therapeutic tea. If you want to sweeten your chia tea, use a healthy sweetener like honey or stevia. When baking my own bread, I sometimes toss a handful of chia seeds in the mix. Extra chia leaves I feed to my hens, pigs or other animals.

10 Ways To Create An Open Culture Three years ago, Grey London really needed to change. The industry had changed, the media landscape had changed and Grey remained a relatively successful (in financial terms at least), safe, but dull London outpost of a global network. Not a great, or ultimately sustainable, place to be if you’re in a creative industry. Grey had tried to change before. As a team, we have a shared dissatisfaction for how most agencies choose to work. To achieve actual change rather than paper change we needed three things: vision, courage and urgency, with the greatest focus on the latter--because talking about change rather than doing it is where most programs come unstuck. And we have. Here, based on our experience, are 10 ways to become Open. Don’t just strategize for change All businesses need to change. Strategy is, in fact, the easy bit. Do it now Pick the right team The operative word here is team. Do as I do, not as I say Fundamentally, culture is the behavior of management. Engage, don’t mandate

Dorms Tell us how you got started painting graffiti? It was the summer between 8th and 9th grade. I had just moved from Los Angeles to San Diego. My pop still lived up in Los Angeles and every other weekend I had to go visit him. I remember staring out the window and seeing all the graffiti on the freeways of LA in the '80s. When I moved to San Diego I rode my skateboard to a ditch with a homey from school and bombed it up with some wack shit. Who were some of your early influences? Well when I first started I gotta say Gkae, Chunk, Siner and Brail I didn't really start doing anything substantial until I met Huge, Fokus, and Chie. What do think about bombing, and street writers versus legal walls. That is a double-edged sword for sure. How to you feel about Graffiti on the Internet? When I started writing there was no Internet, and mags were pretty hard to come by. Any good chase stories? In like 1998 I was living in Berkeley. I love rocking big walls and productions with themes and backgrounds.

Neceser natural para viajeros | Viajeros reverdes Cuando introdujimos el veganismo en nuestras vidas, éste vino acompañado de muchas cuestiones que nos empujaron a ampliar nuestra visión en las cosas del día a día, extendiéndose más allá del plato que teníamos delante. Salud, ética animal, medioambiente, cosmética, productos de limpieza… Después de algunos años, esta teoría la hemos ido aplicando a nuestra cotidianidad viajera. ¿Queréis saber qué nos llevamos? Siguiendo la tónica de consejos saludables durante el viaje, os presentamos nuestro neceser reverde, formado por elementos altamente naturales clave y con menos química de la habitual, que pueden sacar del apuro al viajero sin la necesidad de abusar de pastillas a la mínima de cambio. Hemos intentado reunir a los más importantes y que combinados entre sí, dan lugar a un abanico más amplio de posibilidades. Por supuesto que todo esto son consejos personales y no incitamos a nadie a llevar o dejar de llevar lo que soléis incluir de por sí en vuestra bolsa de viaje. Higiene personal

Free Winter Heat! - And It Goes Like This - Plan ahead now! This is one great way to take advantage of nature and keep warm in the winter, or warm your greenhouse. It can be used to heat water, and cut the cost of bills. Composte and warmth go hand in hand. Other Great Stories From Interview with Graffiti Writer MONE | Alternative Control MONE is a New York City graffiti writer and Freight King who’s been in the game for over two decades, before it became the latest trend. Starting out in the streets of Mount Vernon, New York in the late 1980s he progressed from bombing walls to painting freights in the early 1990s. His pieces are recognized from coast to coast. I recently had the opportunity to interview MONE about his graffiti work back in the day and the current state of street art. VM – When did you start painting and what inspired you to pick up a spray can for the first time? MONE – I grew up in New York in the early 1980s, which was a really different time than now. VM – Did anyone take you under their wing when you were coming up? M – JENT taught me the most when I was young. VM – Do you prefer to paint with other writers or solo? M – It depended on my mood. VM – Who would you say is the most underrated writer? M – Of the writers that I personally saw painting I would have to say Vet TMC. M – No.

A Kale Smoothie That Tastes Like Ice Cream I'm a blendaholic. And when it comes to passing my addiction on to others, I'm also an enabler. But fear not. Our lives are hectic and we've taken to bottling, canning, boxing and vacu-packing all of our foods for convenience, a way to fill up on the fly, and it's only human that we make this trade-off. Enter the blender...a phenomenal machine, the greatest culinary gift bestowed on us since fire and spoons! This is why I wrote The Blender Girl, a collection of love letters to the power of whole foods, to the power of balance, and to everything you can make in the miraculous blender. The recipe from my book that I've included here was inspired by a smoothie created at SunCafe, my favorite local raw restaurant that won the SeriousEats Best Smoothie in L.A. Still the most popular recipe on my website, this is the Holy Grail of Kale. Tastes-Like-Ice-Cream Kale Serves 2 Note: With a conventional blender, you’ll get the smoothest consistency if you use maple syrup or chop the dates finely.

I bought a woodland with 60 strangers When I tell someone that I bought a wood with more than 60 people I didn't know, reactions vary from "Brilliant!" to "You must be nuts!" We moved to Stroud eight years ago and one of the pulls was the picturesque woodland nearby. I wanted to do more than just walk in the woods – I wanted to develop a connection to the beautiful landscape and learn woodland skills. Finding our wood Once we'd settled in, I put an ad in the local paper saying I was thinking of buying a bit of woodland and wondered if anyone had some to sell. We bemoaned the fact that there's such little woodland for sale, and that it's so expensive. About a year later, a 1.5-hectare wood came up for auction around 30 minutes' walk from Stroud. Creating our group Martin had experience of collaborative community projects, so we set out to find a group of people to buy it with us. It was clear that we all had quite similar interests and values, and we were very upfront. Sealing the deal The day of the auction was very exciting.

Priz and Stan PRIZ: I started writing in 1979 in discreet and inconspicuous places at first, freely on unobserved neighborhood buildings and then on desolate subway station walls along Broadway. I was hanging out at a writers' corner in my school cafeteria and benching at select subway stations like 96th Street and 125th Street, where loners and introverts with some hidden talents converged and socialized. My neighborhood on the upper Westside of Manhattan was also a backdrop for elegant style signatures and distinctive masterpieces which were plastered on handball courts, park walls and school playgrounds by dynamic cats like JEAN 13, BILLROCK, REVOLT and DOZE to name a few. During my inept period as a novice, I experimented with contours, indecipherable logograms in my blackbooks quite frequently. STAN: I started bombing in late 1979 till 1984. This same classmate and I were into wrestling and my signature move was adopted from a wrestler named "Stan the Man" and the name stuck with me.
