ComboFix | freeware Lisa Boyle Lisa Doreen Boyle is an American model known for her appearances in Playboy magazine and its various Special Editions, often teamed with Patricia Ford. She is a professional photographer, shooting content for her own website, as well as freelance work for various publications. Early life[edit] Boyle was born in Chicago, Illinois. Career[edit] Boyle worked as a booth babe for Eidos Interactive at the 1999 Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3). She was a still photographer in the TV show Chasing Farrah in 2005. Personal life[edit] Boyle operates her own website and has appeared in numerous issues of the Playboy Newsstand Specials. Filmography[edit] References[edit] External links[edit] Power-ups for your browser Introduction to Design Patterns Using PHP Introduction to Design Patterns Using PHP(Page 1 of 2 ) What are Design Patterns Design Patterns are simply defined solutions to common problems. Design patterns are not created by someone who sits in a room and decides to make a design pattern instead design patterns are proven solutions that are implemented over and over again through different projects. This re-use of the solution itself becomes a pattern. Don't be intimidated by the fancy names given to design patterns, such as façade, singleton or observer, they are exactly that just fancy names given to repeatable solutions. What Design Patterns Are NOT A design pattern is NOT a template rather a proposed solution that is not implementation specific. Why Use Design Patterns Most PHP developers may first ask why use Design Patterns or why design in the first place. Yes this is probably true if you work alone on small projects. Using Design Patterns with PHP Here is the UML diagram: Possible code for a member sign up form would be:
Digital backlot A digital backlot (also known as a virtual backlot) is a motion picture set that is neither a genuine location shoot nor physical (i.e. hand-built) sets on the soundstages; the shooting takes place entirely on a stage with a blank background (often a greenscreen) that will have an artificial environment put in during post-production. It is often used in futuristic films to achieve what would otherwise be too expensive or outright impossible to build as a real set. Notable films[edit] Among the first films to introduce the technique was Mini Moni the Movie by Shinji Higuchi in 2002, predated by Rest In Peace by Stolpskott Film (2000).[1] Others include: Released[edit] Upcoming[edit] Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (United States 2014) – Co-directed by Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller. See also[edit] References[edit]
The Octoverse in 2012 · GitHub Blog My 25 Favorite Programming Quotes that are Funny too | JournalDev Recently I was looking for some good programming quotes for one of my presentation. I was amazed to find that there are some good programming quotes that are really funny and need some brains to figure out the fun part. Here are 25 of them I like in random order. The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit. (Anonymous) Without requirements or design, programming is the art of adding bugs to an empty text file. Before software can be reusable it first has to be usable. The best method for accelerating a computer is the one that boosts it by 9.8 m/s2. I think Microsoft named .Net so it wouldn’t show up in a Unix directory listing. If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, then the first woodpecker that came along wound destroy civilization. There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. Ready, fire, aim: the fast approach to software development. It’s not a bug – it’s an undocumented feature.
ABC News - Japan Earthquake: before and after Development: Andrew KesperSource: Google Aerial photos taken over Japan have revealed the scale of devastation across dozens of suburbs and tens of thousands of homes and businesses. Hover over each satellite photo to view the devastation caused by the earthquake and tsunami. Sendai Airport © Google, Digital Globe, GeoEye Hover over the image to toggle before/after Arahama in Sendai Fujitsuka in Sendai Yuriage in Natori Yuriage in Natori (looking west) Fukushima nuclear plant Kashimaku in Minamisoma © Google, Cnes/Spot Image, GeoEye Kashima in Minamisoma Haranomachi in Minamisoma Ishinomaki in Miyagi © Google, Cnes/Spot Image, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye Iigohama in Miyagi (Oshika Peninsula) Yagawahama in Miyagi (Oshika Peninsula) Village wiped out near Fukushima nuclear power plant © Google, Digital Globe Hirono oil-fired power station South of Fukushima nuclear plant © Google, Digital Globe, TerraMetrics, GeoEye Iwaki beach © Google, Cnes/Spot Image, Digital Globe Ueda in Iwaki, Samegawa river outlet Kesennuma Odohama
A List Of The Best Annual Tech Startup Events In Europe In 2013 Back in July, we made an attempt at listing the best annual tech startup events in Europe, with some included from the Middle East and Africa. It was a ‘first attempt’ and as you can see, it’s a complex patchwork of events. But in general we tried to focus on the biggest events (not weekly or monthly meet ups) which cater to an international audience (so held in English). We have also synched some of the big U.S. events which many Europeans will attend. Hopefully events organisers can use this to plan, because if there is one thing Europe needs to get better at, it’s synchronising events so that people can move easily from one to the other rather than miss out because of stupid clashes. Please Note: TECHCRUNCH DISRUPT EUROPE AND HACKATHON IN BERLIN – OCTOBER 26-29, MORE INFO HERE Why is this important? We have not included events in Asia as this is more about U.S. Although all of the events are good some are genuinely ‘Recommended’, or ‘Interesting’. Week 2CES, Las Vegas, January 8-11
Институт за телекомуникации - проф.д-р Тони Јаневски д-р Тони Јаневски, редовен професор. Персонална веб страница Здраво! Ова е мојата персонална веб страна. Консултации Термин за консултации: вторник 17 часот За договор за консултации во конкретен термин или за било кои прашања можете слободно да ме контактирате на мојата е-маил адреса во било кое време. ** Актуелно ** Од зимскиот семестар 2013/2014 година на ФЕИТ стартуваат новите магистерски студии според ЕКТС со намален број предмети, 5 предмети во 9-от семестар, 1 предмет од УКИМ листата во 10-от семестар, и магистерска работа (составена од два дела, подготовка на темата и изработка на магистерската). ::Напредни Интернет технологии (9-ти семестар, 6 кредити, задолжителен предмет, а изборен за сите други); ::Дизајн на телекомуникациски мрежи (9-ти семестар, 6 кредити, изборен предмет за сите) ::Безжични мултимедиски мрежи (9-ти семестар, 6 кредити, изборен предмет за сите) Од зимскиот семестар 2008/2009 година на ФЕИТ стартуваа постдипломските студии според ЕКТС. Последипломски студии
Films that stands out - a list by Jonathen Parker MEMBRANA: Люди. Идеи. Технологии. Institute of Telecommunications - Dr. Toni Janevski Dr. Toni Janevski, Full Professor. Short biography Toni Janevski, Ph.D., is a Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, Ss. Personal web page (Macedonian version)