W is for WONDER
One of the basic human responses is wonder. It's an inner state, a mood or attitude, that seems to have an accompanying emotion that can be very intense. There are also certain thoughts that go along with it. The external universe elicits these thoughts with its size, beauty, complexity, and simplicity.
A Huge Ocean Likely Covered More Than a Third of Mars 3.5 Billio
It took NASA a few decades, several probes, and a whole lot of money to find hard evidence for the existence of water on the surface of Mars. But timing is everything. Had the agency been looking for water on the Red Planet a few billion years earlier, all they would've needed was a telescope. A new CU-Boulder analysis of the Martian surface has concluded that a massive ocean covered as much as a third of the planet around 3.5 billion years ago. The CU researchers are by no means the first to suggest that Mars was once home to large oceans, but their research does lend a lot of credence to earlier assertions to that effect, assertions that have been challenged repeatedly over the years. The study is the first to mash up a huge body of data collected by NASA and ESA missions over the last decade.
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2016 April 15 Mercury and Crescent Moon Set Image Credit & Copyright: Miguel Claro (TWAN, Dark Sky Alqueva)
Yosemite Panorama Pictures
Hetch Hetchy Reservoir Half Dome Cable Route On the hike to Half Dome Flat Half Dome Summit Looking from Half Dome Summit into the Main Valley (Glacier Point, Sentinel Dome, El Cap visible) Looking from Half Dome into Tenaya Canyon (left) and Little Yosemite Valley (right)
Earth-Sun Distance
How Far Away is the Sun? Astronomers determined the size and shape of our galaxy and measured distances to other stars using the “parallax method” (and eventually other methods using the star’s light spectrum). Unfortunately, these methods do little to help us find out the exact distance to our very own star, the Sun. Surprisingly, to get the distance to the sun, astronomers first had to determine the exact distance to Venus!
The End of Time is Nigh (in a Cosmic Sense, Anyhow)
The universe has only about 3.7 billion years in which to settle its affairs. At least, that's the new assertion from a group of physicists who say that there is a 50 percent chance that time will end within that time frame. If the laws of physics as we understand them are in fact correct, then time must eventually end – and their math shows that both the sun and the Earth should still be around when that happens. Why? Physics tells us that the universe has been expanding since the Big Bang some 13 billino years ago and that it is still expanding to this day (Did you just feel that? That was the universe expanding around you).
Sun`s path June to December « Helpmyphysics
Last June I placed some photographic film into a tin cannister with a small hole punched into its side. The tin cannister was then attached to a clothes pole in my backgarden and left. This afternoon I fetched the cannister and took the photographic film out.
40 Captivating Examples of Landscape Photography
Top Home » Inspiration • Inspired By » 40 Captivating Examples of Landscape Photography When you see a photograph you get inspiration and more motivation from. A nice taking Photo can captivate your heart and soul. In fact to take a Photo there is much need of creativity and true passion to confine moments. A little phrase is that a Photograph is more than a writing article due to its vast dimensions.
Carl Sagan: Cosmos, Pale Blue Dot & Famous Quotes
Called "America's most effective salesman of science" by Time magazine, astronomer Carl Sagan spent much of his career translating technical scientific explanations to make them easily digestible by the general public. Described as a natural teacher, he educated not only through classroom lectures but also through interviews and on television shows. His 13-part TV series, “Cosmos,” has been seen by over 600 million people in more than 60 countries.
Smog on Titan Moon May Hold Ingredients For Life, New Study Says
Scientists studying Titan's atmosphere have learned it can create complex molecules, including amino acids and nucleotide bases, often called the building blocks of life. They are the first researchers to show it's possible to create these molecules without water, suggesting Titan could harbor huge quantities of life's precursors floating in its atmosphere. It's a breakthrough that even has implications for the beginning of life on Earth. Researchers at the University of Arizona built a simulated Titan atmosphere in a special chamber in Paris and blasted it with microwaves, simulating the effect of solar energy.
The Galaxy Wars!
Astronomer's are discovering almost daily that galaxies are voraciously hungry entities, growing by merger and acquisition, Here, a pair of galaxies NGC 1531/2, are engaged in a deadly waltz, located about 70 million light-years away towards the southern constellation Eridanus (The River). The deformed foreground spiral galaxy laced with dust lanes NGC 1532 is so close to its companion — the background galaxy with a bright core just above the centre of NGC 1532 — that it gets distorted: one of its spiral arms is warped and plumes of dust and gas are visible above its disc. The cosmic fandango leads to another dramatic effect: a whole new generation of massive stars were born in NGC 1532 because of the interaction. They are visible as the purple objects in the spiral arms. This exquisite image was made using the 1.5-metre Danish telescope at the ESO La Silla Observatory, Chile. It is based on data obtained through three different filters: B, V and R.
New sunspot group bombards Earth with solar flares - and one blast knocks out radio communications in Europe
By Rob Waugh Published: 10:59 GMT, 6 July 2012 | Updated: 15:04 GMT, 6 July 2012 A violent new sunspot is bombarding the Earth with particles from solar flares - including a blast that affected some radio transmissions across Europe.
Farthest Galaxy Cluster Ever Detected
Captured by NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and combined with data from infrared and optical telescopes, this image shows the farthest galaxy cluster ever detected. Designated JKCS041, the cluster is located 10.2 billion light-years from Earth, beating the previous distance record by a billion light-years. Astronomers think JKCS041 formed just about as early as was feasible.
21 Unbelievable Photographs of Mars
Mars is the fourth planet from our Sun in the Solar System. Out of the various planets and moons in our Solar System, Mars perhaps bears the most similarity to Earth, featuring an atmosphere, polar ice caps, and remnants of tectonic activity on the planet’s surface. Mars has fascinated both astronomers and the general public for years, and has been the subject of countless movies and fiction works. Currently, several nations in the world are planning to send missions to Mars for exploration, and NASA’s Spirit Rover recently ended a 6 year exploration of the surface after becoming trapped in sand.