How to migrate Oracle to MySQL |My Technical Blog
Intro It may sound unbelievable, but I have found nothing when googling for some good HowTo regarding the migration from Oracle to MySQL. Fortunately based on various tips spread across numerous sites I have finally succeeded after almost 2 days thanks to the SQLyog software. Why not to share this experience then? The following are the components that were used by me in the migration process: CentOS 5.4 server with Oracle - sourceUbuntu 12.04.2 server with MySQL 5.5.29 - destinationWindows Server 2008 R2 acting as an agent Preparation First of all as I was using the Windows server as an agent I had to configure both Oracle and MySQL DBMS that they're accessible via network. 1) Oracle: According to some tips that I found on the Oracle endpoint the only thing you need to do is to check if the Oracle listener is running. lsnrctl status Indeed, I was able to connect. 2) MySQL: mysql> CREATE DATABASE db;Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec) 1) Install SQLyog MySQL GUI software. Migration
OraDump-to-MySQL is a program to export data from Oracle dump files into MySQL database. The program does direct reading from the dump, so Orace installation is not required. Command line support allows to script, automate and schedule the conversion process. Download trial version of OraDump-to-MySQL Quick Lauch Having never touched the Oracle database system I thought extracting data from a dump file would be difficult. Matt L Virtual Server users option ask your Virtual Server administrator to create blank database for you run OraDump-to-MySQL and select this database as the conversion target click "Yes" when you will be asked if you'd like to overwrite existing MySQL database When you complete these steps, the entire contents of the source MS SQL database will be imported into the specified MySQL database. How to process parallel export Oracle dump files ordmerge.exe <dumpfile#1><dumpfile#2> ... MySQL dump file Rebecca C. Try before you buy Ordering
#Videos: Las 7 mejores conversaciones entre chatbots « ESTO TE VA A GUSTAR
Para quienes no saben qué es un bot o un chatbot, y encuentran toda esta terminología de internet bastante extraña, les vamos a explicar en forma resumida qué significan estos términos. Un bot básicamente es cualquier programa que se ejecuta en forma automática, realizando funciones diversas, generalmente tratando de imitar a un humano. Algunas personas los usan para subir de nivel más rápido en los videojuegos que requieren conexión a internet, como por ejemplo, en el Lineage II, donde mucha gente los usaba para que fueran acompañándolos, generalmente brindando auras, curando, reviviendo a sus amos, y a veces hasta cumpliendo la función de “mochila extra”, cuando el inventario es limitado y uno quiere subir de nivel más rápido, evitando volver tantas veces al pueblo a vender ítems valiosos. Por eso les digo que el concepto de bot es muy amplio, el tema da para mucho, y si quieren leer más analicen todos los casos que se encuentran en Wikipedia. 7. Related articles Me gusta:
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Transactions on Computational Science XII: Special Issue on Cyberworlds
The LNCS journal Transactions on Computational Science reflects recent developments in the field of Computational Science, conceiving the field not as a mere ancillary science but rather as an innovative approach supporting many other scientific disciplines. The journal focuses on original high-quality research in the realm of computational science in parallel and distributed environments, encompassing the facilitating theoretical foundations and the applications of large-scale computations and massive data processing. It addresses researchers and practitioners in areas ranging from aerospace to biochemistry, from electronics to geosciences, from mathematics to software architecture, presenting verifiable computational methods, findings, and solutions and enabling industrial users to apply techniques of leading-edge, large-scale, high performance computational methods.
Lineage II
On November 30, 2011 Lineage II adopted a free-to-play model in Lineage II: Goddess of Destruction, with all game content being free save for "purchasable in-game store items and packs".[3] Gameplay[edit] Dark Elf with a Grand Khavatari (Orc) subclass A mounted great wolf Basic gameplay[edit] As players kill non-player character (NPC) monsters, they accumulate experience points and skill points (SP). Classes and Sub/Dual Classes[edit] There is currently a large number of classes (36) for all races combined. Upon completing the quests after reaching level 75, a player may add subclass to their character. Upon completing the quests after reaching level 80, a player may add one dual class to their character (Dual class can be leveled to 99). Heroes are Noblesse characters who have accumulated the most points for their class during competition in the Grand Olympiad while having a minimum of fifteen matches with at least one win. Pets[edit] Plot[edit] Characters[edit] Development[edit] Reception[edit]