Questioning – Top Ten Strategies “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning.” – Albert Einstein Questioning is the very cornerstone of philosophy and education, ever since Socrates ( in our Western tradition) decided to annoy pretty much everyone by critiquing and harrying people with questions – it has been central to our development of thinking and our capacity to learn. Most research indicates that as much as 80% of classroom questioning is based on low order, factual recall questions. Effective questioning is key because it makes the thinking visible: it identifies prior knowledge; reasoning ability and the specific degree of student understanding – therefore it is the ultimate guide for formative progress. 1. 2. Taken from ‘Mock the Week’, this simple little technique sparks the inquisitiveness within students – just by quickly reversing the standard question and answer dichotomy it can deepen their thinking. 3. 4. 5. Q1. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Added Extras:
WordPress Hack: Autoreninformationen unter WordPress-Artikel einfügen | Phlow WordPress Hack | Von Haus aus legt WordPress für jeden Autor/Teilnehmer ein eigenes Profil an. Und weil jeder Beitrag mit einem Autor verknüpft wird, kann man die Daten des Autorenprofil ober- oder unterhalb des Beitrages anzeigen. Das personalisiert den jeweiligen Beitrag und macht besonders bei einem Weblog mit mehreren Autoren Sinn. Leider fehlt bisher aus unerklärlichen Gründen ein Feld für die URL zu einem Bild. Mit dem folgenden Hack nutzt man die WordPress-Bordmittel. Plugins und ein Verbiegen von WordPress sind hierbei vollkommen unnötig. Foto: Seit ich damals für das DJ Magazine - Gott hab es selig - geschrieben habe, mag ich die Idee, dass ein (Print)Magazin oder Weblog seine Autoren unter jedem Beitrag vorstellt oder versammelt auf einer ganzen Seite. Und weil auf Phlow auch Autoren außer mir Artikel veröffentlichen, bietet sich die Ausgabe eines Autorenprofils an. Autorenbilder für WordPress-Einträge <img src="<? alt="Phlow-Autor <? <a href="<?
Robert Rice Speaks At MOMA Robert Rice, the CEO of Neogence Enterprises and blogger of augmented reality on Curious Raven, spoke back in June at Mobile Monday. His speech targets the intermediate developer of augmented reality. If you’re new to the technology, most of this speech will go over your head. The video is long, but if you’re serious about augmented reality and the future of mobile, the speech hits major points about the industry. And at 40 minutes, I’d give it a good five minute buffer if you’re going to watch the whole thing. “Mobile is dead,” said Robert to begin his speech. Robert briefly explains the history of communications and tells us that if we do augmented reality correctly, it’ll join the pantheon. Augmented reality needs more than graphics over video, Robert goes on to explain. Overall, I have to say I enjoyed the speech, though I was hoping Robert would get into specifics about Neogence Enterprises and their recent Mirascape announcement. Like this: Like Loading...
The 21st-century textbook With new technologies constantly coming on-line, and with states like California, Texas, and Oregon allowing digital curriculum to replace printed curriculum, the question arises: what will textbooks look like in the coming years? Dale’s post, “A hunger for good learning,” featured a fantastic video about teaching math. In a few brief minutes, Dan Meyer showed us a photo of a math problem involving filling a tank of water and calculating how long that would take, then showed us why traditional approaches to teaching this problem stifled student learning. The picture showed a traditional math problem with a line drawing of the tank, a problem set-up written in text (octagonal tank, straight sides, 27oz per second, etc.) followed by short sub-steps that are needed to solve the problem (calculate the surface area of the base, calculate the volume). Then, finally, it asks the question “how long will it take to fill the tank?”
High School Teachers These Thinker's Guides are available through electronic license for educational institutions. Faculty and administrators - email to inquire. This set includes the thinker’s guides which focus on the foundations of critical thinking. beta) | Using Web 2.0 and Social Media to Encourage Deeper Learning | Syllabus To sign up, click here. Registration open until September 23rd! Using Web 2.0 and Social Media to Encourage Deeper Learning Welcome to Using Web 2.0 and Social Media to Encourage Deeper Learning! Of these three values we have particularly focused on peer learning in the design of this course. As a whole class we will record our learning in the form of a practical “Kit” that we will publish and share with teachers around the world under a CC-BY license. Core Academic Knowledge Critical Thinking Complex Problem Solving Effective Communication Working in Collaboration Learning how to Learn Global Perspective Other__________ *The sections of the Kit will be finalized by the whole class during the first week of the course. To view the full course description click here. Here’s what you can expect every week (AKA Syllabus): In general, each week will have three to four “tasks” for you to complete under the following categories:
Business Tips Meeting (BTM-methode) : start It's an amazing time to be a learner - Will Richardson | DMLcent Your personal learning network is not just a network of people you learn from. A "pln," as enthusiasts call them, is a network of people who are learning together. I was given this essential lore - and truth be told, much of what I know about social media in education - by Will Richardson. The reciprocal nature of learning networks is only the latest useful insight Richardson has given me and the rest of his network. In part, this blog post and interview is a form of reciprocation: you know you have succeeded as an educator when your students start teaching to others what they learned from you. Five years ago, I started teaching university courses on social media issues because I was growing concerned about the need for students to think seriously about matters of identity, privacy, community, civic engagement that arise from their own texting and Facebooking.
How to teach mind mapping and how to make a mind map Mind mapping is a visual form of note taking that offers an overview of a topic and its complex information, allowing students to comprehend, create new ideas and build connections. Through the use of colors, images and words, mind mapping encourages students to begin with a central idea and expand outward to more in-depth sub-topics. Mind Map Example Definition of a Mind Map A mind map is a visual representation of hierarchical information that includes a central idea surrounded by connected branches of associated topics. Benefits of Mind Maps Help students brainstorm and explore any idea, concept, or problem Facilitate better understanding of relationships and connections between ideas and concepts Make it easy to communicate new ideas and thought processes Allow students to easily recall information Help students take notes and plan tasks Make it easy to organize ideas and concepts How to Mind Map Mind Maps in Education and Teaching with Mind Maps Mind Mapping Software
Öffentliche Kultur in der digitalen Gesellschaft Thomas Krüger „Für eine Renaissance der öffentlichen Kultur“ … … plädierte Thomas Krüger, Präsident der bpb, zur Eröffnung des 6. Kulturpolitischen Bundeskongress 2011 netz.macht.kultur - Kulturpolitik in der digitalen Gesellschaft. Wir dokumentieren das Manuskript zur Rede, die die Herausforderungen des digitalen Zeitalters für die öffentlichen Kulturinstitutionen und ihr Verhältnis zu Google, Apple & Co aufzeigt. Für eine Renaissance der öffentlichen Kultur Thomas Krüger, Präsident der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung / bpb Berlin, 09.06.2011 Die Ausgangssituation ist ambivalent. Auf der anderen Seite gibt es eine bewahrpädagogische Duldungsstarre der etablierten Institutionen in Medien, Bildung, Kultur und Politik, nicht überall, aber doch nicht zu übersehen. Privatwirtschaft und öffentlicher Raum Wir erleben dabei eine grundlegende Verengung und Eingrenzung. dieser Tagung diskutiert werden können. Öffentliche Gemeinschaft Vernetzung öffentlicher Akteure Die freie Datenwolke
Competenties - Ozet-Ontwikkeling > Werkt nauwkeurig en precies. < Indicatoren Heeft oog voor details. Ontwikkelbaarheid Accuratesse is goed ontwikkelbaar door het aanleren van vaste routines en controletechnieken. Ontwikkeltips > Herkent relevantie en patronen in informatie en waarnemingen Indicatoren Onderscheidt hoofd- en bijzaken. Ontwikkelbaarheid Analyseren is een denkproces en daarom sterk verbonden met abstractievermogen en andere intellectuele capaciteiten. het werken met een gestandaardiseerde en/of een duidelijke gestructureerde aanpak, zoals modellen, formulieren en dergelijke;ervaring en het opbouwen van routine bij dezelfde of vergelijkbare vraagstukken. Analyseren speelt zich grotendeels af in iemands hoofd en is dus moeilijk waarneembaar. In besluitvormingsprocessen is analyseren altijd verbonden met oordeelsvorming en besluitvaardigheid. Ontwikkeltips > Voorziet mogelijkheden en/of knelpunten en reageert daarop Is proactief, wacht niet af. Anticiperen overlapt gedeeltelijk met initiatief. Ontwikkeltips
Models -- Instructional Design The Taxonomy Table -- Faculty Resources -- OSU Extended Campus -- Oregon State University How to Write Objectives Adapted from A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Lorin W. Andersin, David R. To dispell the confusion between the means and ends of instruction, contemplate these definitions: Ends Objectives describe intended results, outcomes, and changes. Means Instructional activities, such as reading a textbook, listening to lectures, conducting surveys, and observing field work, are means by which objectives are achieved. For an objective or outcome to be measurable, learning a fact, concept, or procedure is implied. Examples taken from OSU Extended Campus distance courses are attached to each category in the Cognitive Process Dimension and the Knowledge Dimension in the taxonomy table below. For consultation regarding writing objectives and activities for distance courses, please contact: Dianna Fisher, Director of Project Development & Training Office: (541) 737-8658 Cell: (541) 230-4029 Extended Campus
Pisa-Forscher Jürgen Baumert schlägt Alarm: Bildungsabstieg durch sinkende Schülerzahlen und mehr Einwandererkinder » Baumert, Jürgen, Prozent, Schüler, Hier, Jahren » Das Schulblog Für Eilige: Hier geht es direkt zum Gutachten “Herkunft und Bildungserfolg”: Hier Herunterladen /Hier direkt zum Baumert-Interview: Baumert im ZEIT-Interview. Und hier die Meldung dazu: Der Pisa-Forscher Jürgen Baumert warnt in der am Mittwoch erscheinenden Ausgabe der ZEIT vor einem Bildungsabstieg Deutschlands durch sinkende Schülerzahlen und den steigenden Anteil von Einwandererkindern aus schwächeren sozialen Schichten an der Schülerschaft. „Wenn nichts geschieht“, sagt Baumert im ZEIT-Interview, „genügt dieser sozialstrukturelle Wandel, um die deutschen Pisa-Zugewinne zunichtezumachen.“ Gleichzeitig werde die Risikogruppe der schwachen Leser von jetzt 19 wieder auf 21 Prozent anwachsen. In Flächenstaaten wie Baden-Württemberg, erläutert Baumert, kämen zurzeit 35 Prozent der Schüler aus Zuwandererfamilien. Jürgen Baumert, 69, ist der bedeutendste deutsche Bildungsforscher. Zur Bekämpfung des Problems plädiert Baumert für eine kontinuierliche Sprachförderung.