Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding - The Industry Website Cofundit ! Business Loans, Expert Analysis and Private Investments using Crowd Funding and Open Innovation Investieren in die Zivilgesellschaft: Crowdfunding: $1.5B Raised, 1M Campaigns Funded In 2011; Figures Set To Double In 2012 Well, it’s been quite a year already for the crowdfunding industry. With the JOBS Act becoming law, the tech industry (and the economy at large) are headed for some big changes. Namely, the legalization of crowdfunding in startups for non-accredited investors has come to pass. Yes, now even your mom can invest in your startup. Yet, as crowdfunding prepares for its stampede, many have been asking just how active the industry has been to this point, collectively, especially as it may indicate what’s in store. It also seems that North America is the geography that is most cuckoo for crowdfunding, representing the largest market for fundraising at $837 million. In terms of its compound annual growth rate (CAGR), the crowdfunding industry is growing at a rate of 63 percent in terms of the total amount of funds raised. Equity-based platforms grew at 114 percent CAGR, with the largest growth primarily taking place in Europe. Check out an abridged version of the report below:
VenCorps: Community Powered Capital - Home euryclia: Aufbau einer Community rund um das per Crowdfunding finanzierte Buch "Universalcode" | Virenschleuder-Preis Beschreibung des Akteurs euryclia ist eine Internetplattform, auf der der Leser entscheidet, was zum Buch wird. Und zwar über ein Subskriptionsmodell. Kommt eine bestimmte Anzahl an Vorbestellungen für ein Manuskript/Buchprojekt zusammen, dann wird dieses Buch professionell produziert. euryclia kanalisiert das Leserinteresse bereits vor und während der Buchentstehung, aber auch noch darüber hinaus, wenn das Buch tatsächlich erschienen ist. euryclia agiert dabei als Enabler der Autoren – die Rechte an den Texten bleiben folgerichtig bei den Autoren – und gibt ihnen Konzepte und Werkzeuge an die Hand, um ihr Buchprojekt erfolgreich auf den Weg zu bringen. Jedes Buchprojekt ist anders. Praktiziert wird dieser Ansatz derzeit an dem Buchprojekt “Universalcode”. Natürlich wollen die Autoren ein spannendes und fundiertes Buch machen. Beschreibung der Marketing-Maßnahme Das Spannende an dem Modell von euryclia ist, ein Buch zu verbreiten und zu verkaufen, das es noch gar nicht gibt. Kontakt:
euryclia - ein preisgekröntes Experiment Warum Crowdfunding immer mehr Fans findet 11. Mai 2012 Lenz Jacobsen Auf Internetplattformen können Unternehmen Privatpersonen als Investoren gewinnen. Crowdfunding heißt dieses Konzept. Vor allem für Gründer ist das eine große Chance. Der Countdown auf der Internetseite zeigt an diesem Donnerstagmorgen 90 Minuten und 15 Sekunden an, und jetzt ist Timo Müller doch richtig nervös. “Die”, das sind die Privatleute, die Müller als Investoren für seinen Online-Übersetzungsservice namens Lingoking gewinnen möchte. Crowdfunding nennt sich dieser Weg der Finanzierung, der in Deutschland immer beliebter wird. Diese Schwarmfinanzierungen ermöglichen Plattformen wie Seedmatch oder Innovestment, auf denen Unternehmen ihre Ideen präsentieren können. Immer schneller, immer mehr Geld Seit einigen Monaten ist klar, dass das Modell auch hierzulande funktioniert. Auf Seedmatch ist der Countdown nach 90 Minuten abgelaufen. Erfolgreicher Selbstversuch Die niedrigen Einstiegssummen senken die Hemmschwelle für Kapitalgeber.
crowdfunding in Deutschland Crowdfunding isn't a quick fix for charity fundraisers | Voluntary Sector Network | Guardian Professional Crowdfunding has seen huge growth in America over the last few years, particularly since it was used to fund Barack Obama's presidential campaign in 2008. Websites such as Kiva and Kickstarter have enjoyed phenomenal success, raising millions for a vast array of projects, from the charitable to the creative. And recently there has been a swell in the growth of similar sites in the UK, set up to raise money for projects with a social purpose. The sites allow organisations or people to raise money for a project online through multiple donations or loans made by a number of donors over a short space of time. Their growth in the UK was exemplified in February when they received 18% of the first funding round from the Innovation in Giving Fund. So, given the growth of and investment into these platforms, are charities and community groups making the most of this relatively new form of fundraising? This was highlighted soon after the launch of SoLoCo. "That's changing though," she says.
Crowdfunding raised $1.5B last year — and is on track to double in 2012 Until Kickstarter started gaining attention for giving people a place to raise huge amounts of money very quickly, the term crowdfunding didn’t mean much. Now, crowdfunding has become a full-fledged industry, contributing $1.5 billion to new ventures in 2011. That total includes pledges from average people backing quirky projects like the Pebble smartwatch as well as seed funding for startups. The first ever Crowdfunding Industry Report, from research firm Massolution, reveals that crowdfunding platforms, such as Kickstarter and Crowdfunder, raised $1.5 billion spread out over one million campaigns in 2011. The Crowdfunding Industry Report examined four types of crowdfunding worldwide: equity-based, donation-based, lending-based, and reward-based. Equity-based crowdfunding, in which funders get a stake in the company, raised the most money per campaign in 2011. Crowdfunding is gaining traction as a viable way for startups to bypass venture capitalists and raise money from other sources.
Find the right platform for you | CrowdingIn Abundance Generation Abundance lets you take control of where your money is invested, by allowing you to put it directly into UK ethical and sustainable energy projects Fee structure: 3.5% of money raised by PLC. 1.5% annual management fee charged to project Funding window length: No maximum, usually 3 months Funding type: -/- Angels Den Where experienced angel investors and the crowd combine to fund great businesses Fee structure: Once target is achieved 5% success fee + £1,600 admin fee Funding window length: 60-90 days Funding type: All or nothing Assetz Capital Investing in a fairer world Fee structure: Interest rate dependent on risk of transaction.Minimum arrangement fee of 2% calculated on the full amount of the facility Funding window length: 3 months– 5 years (with extensions considered) Funding type: -/- Who gets funded? You decide.