Write in Elvish Write Your Name in Elvish in Ten Minutes You want to write your name in Elvish, but every place you go seems to make it harder than it ought to be. Elvish writing looks beautiful and mysterious, but does it really have to be impossible to understand? Why doesn't somebody just spell out the alphabet so you can simply substitute the letters and get straight to the result? That's exactly what I've done here. Here's the alphabet. That's it. Generally the vowels go above the consonants, but sometimes, in the case of Y and silent E, they go below. The straight line underneath is just one way to make one character do the work of two. The line above a consonant means that a nasal N or M precedes the consonant in question. Here's one last example with two different letter combinations. I am often asked how to handle double vowel situations. That's all you need to get started. Please be aware that there are many ways to write English words in Elvish. Good luck! Ned Gulley Want an Elvish tattoo?
The Encyclopedia of Arda The Encyclopedia of Arda is a personal project - a tribute to and a celebration of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. The site is evolving into an illustrated hypertext encyclopedia of Tolkien's realms and peoples. Inside the encyclopedia The Encyclopedia of Arda contains thousands of articles covering topics from J.R.R. You'll also find a selection of interactive tools, including a chronicle to help you explore Tolkien's fictional history, and calendar to translate dates and events, a lexicon of names, a glossary of old and rare words, and much more. Context and approach The content of the Encyclopedia is written in the same context as Tolkien himself used; he presented himself simply as a translator, rather than originator of the tales. About the name Arda Arda was the name given by the Elves to their World and all it contained, and so 'Encyclopedia of Arda' seemed a peculiarly apt title for this project. Special thanks But the real Special Thanks, though, belong to the memory of J.R.R.
The Encyclopedia of Arda The Encyclopedia of Arda is a personal project - a tribute to and a celebration of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. The site is evolving into an illustrated hypertext encyclopedia of Tolkien's realms and peoples. It already contains about four thousand entries, and we're constantly adding new entries and expanding existing ones. Inside the encyclopedia The Encyclopedia of Arda contains thousands of articles covering topics from J.R.R. You'll also find a selection of interactive tools, including a chronicle to help you explore Tolkien's fictional history, and calendar to translate dates and events, a lexicon of names, a glossary of old and rare words, and much more. Context and approach The content of the Encyclopedia is written in the same context as Tolkien himself used; he presented himself simply as a translator, rather than originator of the tales. About the name Arda Special thanks But the real Special Thanks, though, belong to the memory of J.R.R.
JNC, Barton-Wright, Self Defence with a cane part 1 Journal of Non-lethal Combatives, February 2000 From Pearson’s Magazine, 11 (January 1901), 35-44. Contributed by Ralph Grasso. Editor’s notes by Ralph Grasso and Joseph Svinth copyright © 2000 all rights reserved. Introduction It must be understood that the new art of self-defence with a walking-stick, herewith introduced for the first time, differs essentially from single-stick or sword-play; for a man may be a champion in the use of sword or single-stick [EN2] and yet be quite unable to put a walking-stick to any effective use as a weapon of defence. No. 1. -- The Guard by Distance -- How to Avoid any Risk of being Hit on the Fingers, Arm, or Body by Retiring out of the Hitting Range of your Adversary, but at the same time Keeping Him within the Hitting Range of your Own Stick. The mode of defence I am about to describe I have called "The Guard by Distance," to distinguish it from "Guards by Resistance." No. 6. No. 10. Editor's Notes (hit yoru back button to return to the text) EN1.
handwriting tips - StumbleUpon You’ve decided you want to improve your handwriting and you’re probably hoping a fountain pen will do the trick -- maybe a friend told you it would. Maybe you’re just adventurous and you want to try your hand at calligraphy (or you might, once your handwriting improves). Good for you! A fountain pen may make your writing look a bit better, but if your writing looks as if frenzied chickens got loose on the page, chances are this won’t be enough. Most likely, you’ll need to retrain your arm and hand. After coaching handwriting and teaching calligraphy over the years, I’ve learned to see the characteristics of those who’ll be able to pick up the necessary motions quickly from those who’ll have to work a bit harder. Crampy, uneven letters are often the result of drawing the letters with the fingers rather than using the whole arm to write. People who inevitably have trouble with handwriting and calligraphy write with their fingers. It will take time to re-train muscles and learn new habits.
Doctor Who Cell Phone Alert Charms Free eBooks at Planet eBook - Classic Novels and Literature Themes & Things To Keep In Mind When Writing Fantasy Stories and Adventures & Daily Encounter This list is far from complete. It’s not even trying to be complete. It knows better than that. It just wants to be helpful and provide some inspiration here and there; you know, offer little suggestions that might lead to bigger ideas. (Especially by using the words offered as Wikipedia searches!) Feel free to make suggestions in the comments! Weather Natural: sunlight, rain, snow, hail, fog, humidity, moonlight, wind, smoke, clouds, shadows, overcast skies, clear skies, lightning, hurricanes, tornadoes, moon in sky during daytimeFantastic: summoned weather, unnatural coloration (eg. green fog) Terrain Changes Landmarks Natural: stone outcropping, lightening struck trees, large boulders, waterfallsArtificial: lone buildings (eg. towers, houses, barns), statues, signs/markers, border wallsFantastic: large skeletons (eg. dragons, giants) After-Effects of Events Tricks Cultures Mysticism Events Unfolding Harsh Situations fatigue, hunger, thirst, extreme temperaturesenemy territories (invading?
Flip Title ( ǝlʇıʇ dılɟ) : write upside down - flip your words,flip your text,reverse your text,upside down text,flip title, write upside down, mirror text flight engineers Top Fantasy Books and Series | Sword Blog You are here: Home / Fantasy / Top Fantasy Books and Series Top Fantasy Books and Series-List of best 10 fantasy book series. Fantasy sagas i love the most. My Top 10 Fantasy book Sagas 1. Lord of the Rings-Top fantasy books Legendary fantasy series. Lord of the Rings books: The Fellowship of the Ring The Two Towers The Return of the King2. The Black Company Excellent dark fantasy about Black Company, an elite legion pf mercenaries who fighting for money and fame. The Black Company books: The Books of the North The Black Company Shadows Linger The White Rose Black company story continues in The Books of South and in The Books of the Glittering Stone. 3. Malazan Book of Fallen Awesome fantasy epic saga focused on wars in Malazan empire. Malazan saga books: Gardens of the Moon Deadhouse Gates Memories of Ice House of Chains Midnight Tides The Bonehunters Reaper’s Gale Toll the Hounds Dust of Dreams The Crippled God 4. The Witcher 5. A Song of Ice and Fire 6. The Wheel of Time 7. Thieves World 8. 9.
Thermal Physics Jokes As we all know, it takes 1 calorie to heat 1 gram of water 1 degree centigrade. Translated into meaningful terms, this means that if you eat a very cold dessert (generally consisting of water in large part), the natural processes which raise the consumed dessert to body temperature during the digestive cycle literally sucks the calories out of the only available source, your body fat. For example, a dessert served and eaten at near 0 degrees C (32.2 deg. Obviously, the more cold dessert you eat,the better off you are and the faster you will lose weight, if that is your goal. Frozen desserts, e.g., ice cream, are even more beneficial, since it takes 83 cal. Unfortunately, for those who eat pizza as an excuse to drink beer, pizza (loaded with latent calories and served above body temperature) induces an opposite effect. Happy eating! School of Physics, University of Sydney