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Free download of J.S. Bach's masterpiece, played by Kimiko Ishizaka, piano.

Free download of J.S. Bach's masterpiece, played by Kimiko Ishizaka, piano.
Related:  darkbaboon

100% musique : écouter et télécharger de la musique gratuite FRAGMENTS if you missed it... - YUKSEK _ On my way... Mardi 30 mars 2010 2 30 /03 /Mars /2010 01:12 Artists are always asked some mix for radio shows, webzines... Short ones, then longer ones, then... there's always a new brief to make what finally appears to be quite the same thing. This project I've been working on for a while is different, at least to me: it's my own Yuksek mix, no one asked for it, no one is expecting it. As i'm about to finish the "Away from the sea" tour, i wanted to make a review of all the things that happened to me last years: all the people i met, the collaborations i had the chance to do, the artists i discovered and liked.... I started with the remixes i did this 3 last years, and added to the remixes other artists and friends made of my own tracks. Hope you enjoy it people! 1. ok, I should have include Gorillaz, Shit disco, Mika, Booba... and some of my other remixes, but i'm sure you'll find a way to get it... Partager l'article ! inShare

Home Anandita Basu, from India, started to learn Indian music at the age of 4 years. She started her basic training with her mother and Guru (Professor Anjana Basu), who gained the first position in classical singing in all India (Sangeet Praveen, the highest degree in all India). Due to her excellent performance in singing and teaching, she was awarded by the government of India like the best teacher of 2004 in all the country. After finishing her basic studies, Anindita learned various forms of arts from great masters of dance music and percussion. Awarded with honors several times in India, she received the most important and recognized ranks like Sangeet Visharad and Sangeet Prabakar in dance, music and tabla. She worked for different international institutions and organizations with the purpose of promoting Indian music and culture all over the world.

Goldberg Variations Title page of the Goldberg Variations (first edition) Composition[edit] The tale of how the variations came to be composed comes from an early biography of Bach by Johann Nikolaus Forkel:[1] [For this work] we have to thank the instigation of the former Russian ambassador to the electoral court of Saxony, Count Kaiserling, who often stopped in Leipzig and brought there with him the aforementioned Goldberg, in order to have him given musical instruction by Bach. The Count was often ill and had sleepless nights. Forkel wrote his biography in 1802, more than 60 years after the events related, and its accuracy has been questioned. Arnold Schering has suggested that the aria on which the variations are based was not written by Bach. Publication[edit] Rather unusually for Bach's works,[3] the Goldberg Variations were published in his own lifetime, in 1741. The title page, shown in the figure above, reads in German: Nineteen copies of the first edition survive today. Form[edit] Play ). Aria[edit]

Dogmazic Musique Libre, pourquoi, comment ? L'archive musicale propose plus de 55 000 titres musicaux, tous téléchargeables gratuitement "en toute quiétude et en toute légalité".Les musiciens publiant sur Dogmazic ont tous choisi de placer leur musique sous licence de libre diffusion. Selon la licence choisie, de nombreux droits peuvent être accordés d'emblée aux auditeurs. L'association existe depuis 2004 grâce aux bénévoles de l'association Musique Libre qui édite le site, sans but lucratif. Adhérer à l'asso Plus nous serons nombreux dans l'association, et plus notre parole aura de poids pour représenter les musiciens sous licence libre ou ouverte et leurs auditeurs auprès des acteurs de l'industrie musicale.En rejoignant l'association, vous serez conviés à nos assemblées générales qui ont lieu via internet, et vous pourrez voter pour les prises de décision. Dogmazic a besoin de vous ! En septembre 2017 l'association Musique Libre a tenu son assemblée générale.

MITx 6.002x: Circuits & Electronics Présentation "powerpoint" du framework GStreamer | Le blog de NicoLargoLe blog de NicoLargo Comme vous avez pu le remarquer, depuis quelques mois la fréquence des billets sur le blog est en chute libre. La "faute" à mon boulot (celui qui paye les factures) pour lequel je suis pas ma en déplacement. J'ai pu juger comme il était difficile de bloguer loin de ses terres. J'ai donc vite renoncer à écrire des articles depuis les chambres d’hôtels et j'ai préféré visiter les belles villes de Rennes et de Paris. Cependant ces fameuses mission m'ont permis de poser sur quelques planches "powerpoint" (c'est votre chef qui va être heureux) une introduction au framework GStreamer que j'aborde souvent dans mon blog (voir la page dédiée ici). Pour d'évidentes raisons de compatibilité, je diffuse la présentation au format PDF (il suffit de cliquer sur l'image ci-dessous pour lancer le téléchargement).

Christophe Cariou — Données Statistiques Visualisations — Economie et Management des Médias — Consultant freelance Git pour les nuls Voici un tutoriel Git détaillé pour ceux qui en connaissent très peu sur les systèmes de versions. Vous comprendrez l’utilité de tels systèmes et surtout comment on se sert des systèmes de versions modernes, le tout en restant le plus pragmatique possible. Voici la liste des commandes nécessaires et suffisantes pour utiliser Git. Il y en a très peu. Récupérer un projet : git clone Utiliser Git tous les jours : git pull git log hack, hack, hack... git status git diff git add new/file git commit -a -m "Fix bug #321" git push Cet article est écrit pour ceux qui en savent très peu sur les systèmes de version. Si tout ce qui vous intéresse c’est d’utiliser Git tout de suite. Git est un DCVS, c’est-à-dire un système de versions concurrentes décentralisé. Système de versions Tout d’abord, les systèmes de versions gèrent des fichiers. Lorsqu’on modifie un fichier un peu critique et qu’on a pas envie de perdre, on se retrouve souvent à le recopier sous un autre nom.

Blogging With Octopress It’s been almost two years since this blog last changed significantly, and in that time I’ve become a bit dissatisfied with it for a few reasons: WordPress is excellent, but it’s over-featured for what I need, and its PHP/MySQL guts are opaque. I don’t really like the idea of all my writing being inside a big database either; it’s a single point of failure, and that makes me uneasy.Despite using various caching plugins (WP-supercache, W3 Total Cache, DBCache Reloaded), the site still became very unresponsive during the several fireballs I’ve had.I’ve become increasingly invested in a philosophy of simplicity and portability. I do all my writing in the Markdown format, for example, and I value software that’s laser-focused and as purposeful as possible (that’s why I do most of my work in BBEdit). For all these reasons, I’ve decided to make a change: this blog is now entirely static HTML, or is “baked” as the term seems to be. A few points of note: I now use Disqus for comments.

Existential Risk Prevention as a Global Priority ABSTRACT: Existential risks are those that threaten the entire future of humanity. Many theories of value imply that even relatively small reductions in net existential risk have enormous expected value. Despite their importance, issues surrounding human-extinction risks and related hazards remain poorly understood. In this paper, I clarify the concept of existential risk and develop an improved classification scheme. I discuss the relation between existential risks and basic issues in axiology, and show how existential risk reduction (via the maxipok rule) can serve as a strongly action-guiding principle for utilitarian concerns. I also show how the notion of existential risk suggests a new way of thinking about the ideal of sustainability. KEYWORDS: existential risk, catastrophic risk, future of humanity, human extinction, sustainability, maxipok, population ethics 1. 1.1. Probability can be understood in different senses. Figure 1: Meta-level uncertainty. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 2. 2.1. 2.2.

Ektoplazm - Free Music Portal and Psytrance Netlabel - MP3, FLAC, and WAV Downloads ‘Epic Citadel’ Demo Shows the Power of the Web as a Platform for Gaming At the 2013 Game Developers’ Conference, Mozilla demonstrated how it was unlocking the Web as a platform for gaming by announcing a port of Unreal Engine 3 running in Firefox — compiled from C++ source with Emscripten, running smoothly and efficiently without the need for plugins. Today, Epic and Mozilla are making the Epic Citadel demo available, so that you can try it out for yourself. For best results, we suggest using a newer version of Firefox Nightly (Firefox 23 or better) which includes optimizations for asm.js and support for Web Audio API. To achieve the performance that makes these advancements possible, Mozilla developed asm.js, a highly-optimized subset of JavaScript that enables Emscripten-compiled applications to reach near-native performance. If you’re a games developer and want to learn more, please visit the new Mozilla Developer’s Network Games landing page, which we’ll be expanding in the coming weeks. Enjoy!
