How Choice of Middleware Tools Can Affect The Music Composition Process This post is part post-mortem, part insight into the world of audio implementation from the audio guy POV and all catharsis! When I was contacted for the job, I was informed that we would be using FMOD Designer. At this stage I had had much more experience with XACT, through my work with numerous indie developers on the Xbox Indies program. For the most part, porting the audio was plain sailing, up until I began recreating the Interactive Music system. I was wrong. FMOD Designer has some awesome interactive music tools, but they also require that the music is written in a very specific mindset for those to open up to you. An example of a sound container in FMOD (Example: The wavefile ‘Lvl02_Battle_01 is edited into 3 sections A, B, and C. My initial attempt at recreating the Interactive Music Structure - fairly straightforward! Now, my initial attempt at replicating this in FMOD had two unique problems: The tracks were not recorded to strict tempo 2.
The Miles Sound System The Miles Sound System is one of the most popular pieces of middleware ever released. It has been licensed for over 5,200 games on 14 different platforms! John Miles first released MSS in 1991 in the early days of PC gaming. Today, Miles features a no-compromise toolset that integrates high-level sound authoring with 2D and 3D digital audio, featuring streaming, environmental reverb, multistage DSP filtering, and multichannel mixing, and highly-optimized audio decoders (MP3, Ogg and Bink Audio). New! Miles 9, with all new high-level audio tools, is now shipping! Miles is the most sophisticated, most robust, and most fully featured sound system available for your games. Game Developer Magazine inducted the Miles Sound System into its Front Line Hall of Fame the very first year - the first middleware package ever to receive that honor. You should check out what our customers think, or you can read more about the Miles SDK itself. Why Miles is right for your game:
Java Applet Tutorial Java Applet Tutorial This site is meant to be a quick-and-dirty introduction to writing Java applets. A set of example applets are given to be used as exercises. Feel free to download the source code herein, try it out on your own machine, and modify it. Designers and artists: this tutorial emphasizes visual and interactive aspects of applets. Before getting started, you'll need a compiler for Java, so that you can translate source code into something executable. After getting a compiler, you can try out the examples. All of these examples were designed to be small and, hopefully, easy to absorb. If you're looking for books on Java, O'Reilly publishes some good ones, although they are most useful to people with at least a bit of prior programming experience. First-time programmers will probably find that the explanations given in this tutorial are too brief and leave out too many details. Thanks to Richard Streitmatter-Tran for encouraging me to create these lessons !
FMOD Studio audio tools now completely free for indies Firelight Technologies has made its audio tool suite FMOD Studio completely free for indie devs, regardless of whether you're using it for commercial purposes or not. The tool set has always been free to download and use for non-commercial projects, but as of today, you can now utilize it for your commercial projects too. FMOD features Unity integration, a plugin SDK for creating sound generators and effects, and an all-in-one multitrack editor for interactive music and sound effects. While Firelight didn't expand on who exactly it classes as an "indie developer," the company's CEO Brett Paterson noted, We started out as an indie company so we've always felt an affinity with the indie community...
Cryengine Fmod Music Game Here is some code from me where i tested some stuff and tried to change the pitch parameter. Maybe it works better for custom parameters the pitch parameter however is very buggy... (but works sometimes) // again this doesn't work reliable in this fmod integration // sometimes it isn't the right speed or it seems like a random speed // also the positions/durations returned arent affected at all so any kind of synchronization is then impossible // when you use bullettime ingame with synchronized videos containg sound you might see the effects.. if(fabs(m_fSpeed - 1) > 0.05 || fabs(fSpeed - 1) > 0.05) { m_fSpeed = fSpeed; if(m_p2DSound) { // Not working needs to be pre resampled.. ptParamF32 param(0.0f); if(m_pCE3Sound->GetParam(spPITCH, ¶m)) { // Seems to not work.. so couldnt test param.SetValue(float(m_fSpeed-1)); // * MILLISECOND // which unit? if(! //int n = m_pCE3Sound->GetParam("pitch", &fSpeed, true); //m_fSpeed = fSpeed; //// Gets parameter defined by index and float value.
RAD Game Tools NEO Flash Team 2005 - NDS Flash Cart Linker, GBA SP Flash Cart Linker 3 in 1 Start a Band/Join a Band. Part 1 | Guitar Columns There are thousands of musicians who never leave the shed. They can practice for hours in their bedrooms, lay down great songs on Cubase and reach astounding levels of technical proficiency. This is intended for those who want to play live and want to form their own band. My first bit of advice is to be realistic about the people you will be working with and try to understand where they are coming from. Being in a band is a team sport and your personal skills are going to count just as much as your musical ones. Bands fall into roughly two distinct categories, those with a strong bandleader and those that are more of a joint effort. This is over simplifying of course but you should recognise and try to understand the stereotypes. Of course in real life people don't fall into neat categories. So, step one is to decide if you still want to take on running your own band or if you want a partner.
Music System - Doc 2. Sandbox Manual - CryENGINE 3 Free SDK Overview This page contains documentation about the Music System of CryENGINE and its subsystems. Music System Generally spoken the Music System as a whole consists of three parts: The Music System plays back music.The Music Logic automatically changes the music, depending on certain game inputs.The Music Editor located in The DataBase View tab of the Editor specifies which music to play. Music System The Music System loads the theme description and can play a theme, switch to moods, or play individual patterns by name. Music Logic Music Logic is a game-dependent module that can have several inputs to change its internal state. Music Editor To enable music in a level, the music database must be opened from the DataBase View while a level is open. In the screenshot above, SDK_Music in the drop-down menu refers to the Game\Music\SDK_Music.xml file. The theme or mood entities can be connected to an area shape or directly triggered through Flow Graphs. Music Entities Music:LogicControl Node
Forums With the new year comes updating all of the copyright information to 2012. One thing that I do is I have my “Owner” and “Copyright” information set on my Canon EOS 50D camera body. What this does for me is the camera will auto-insert this metadata into every photo that I capture. For their EOS Utility software, Canon is still using the old practice of only offering “software updates” through their web site, not the full application. What is this update requirement anyways? So if you have an older camera body with a computer using a new operating system, you cannot install the software at all? Luckily with the current versions of EOS Utility, it’ll simply detect the prior version of EOS Utility off of the CD in your CD/DVD/BD drive. After my laptop died last year, I had considered getting a netbook as an ultra-portable replacement for the laptop. After all of this, the next issue arises with this problem. Here comes the next issue.