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Digital Resource for Palaeography

Digital Resource for Palaeography

The Next Generation of Discovery By Judy Luther & Maureen C. Kelly, 3/15/2011 The stage is set for a simpler search for users, but choosing a product is much more complex. CARL GRANT Chief Librarian Ex Libris Group The choice of over 750 institutions worldwide, Primo combines the breadth of scholarly content with a user focused interface and community-derived recommendations to support academic excellence. Primo—together with its Primo Central Index of hundreds of millions of scholarly materials—offers a true one-stop shop for discovery and delivery, branded and customized to the individual institution’s needs, with a choice of a local or cloud-based implementation. Primo provides needed OPAC functionality within the Primo interface such as requests, renewals, and fines; a variety of user services, such as a personal e-shelf; and access from mobile devices. LJ Explores the Big Tools This is the third in a series of articles this spring devoted to new developments in major tools for libraries.

Manuscripts Online Calliope Detail of painting The Muses Urania and Calliope by Simon Vouet, in which she is holding a copy of the Odyssey In Greek mythology, Calliope (/kəˈlaɪ.əpiː/ kə-LY-ə-pee; Ancient Greek: Καλλιόπη, Kalliopē "beautiful-voiced") was the muse of epic poetry,[1] daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne, and is believed to be Homer's muse for the Iliad and the Odyssey .[2] Calliope is usually seen with a writing tablet in her hand. The Italian poet, Dante Alighieri, in his Divine Comedy, makes reference to Calliope, "Here rise to life again, dead poetry! References[edit] Jump up ^ Lempriere, D.D., 1788. External links[edit]

Home - Formadoct at Université européenne de Bretagne KALLIOPE_OPAC - Nachlässe und Autographen - Verbundkatalog Kalliope-Verbund Kalliope ist ein Verbundkatalog, der verteilte Datenerfassung und -pflege ermöglicht und die Erschließungsergebnisse zentral in einem OPAC präsentiert. Jeder Titel- bzw. Objektdatensatz in Kalliope ist mit Normdatensätzen (Personennamendatei – PND, Gemeinsame Körperschaftsdatei – GKD) gekoppelt. Der Zugang zu diesen Normdateien wird innerhalb des Kalliope-Systems ermöglicht. Regelwerk Grundlage der Katalogisierung in Kalliope sind die "Regeln zur Erschließung von Nachlässen und Autographen, Berlin - Wien 2010 (RNA)".

Mesoamerica (Paul Kirchhoff) | Dimensión Antropologica Para citar este artículo “Mesoamérica”, publicado originalmente en 1943, fue un intento de señalar lo que tenían en común los pueblos y las culturas de una determinada parte del Continente Americano, y lo que los separaba de los demás. Para lograr este propósito me impuse la limitación de enumerar sólo aquellos rasgos culturales que eran propiedad exclusiva de esos pueblos, sin intentar hacer una caracterización de la totalidad de su vida cultural. Por la aplicación rigurosa de este principio no se mencionan en mi trabajo rasgos tan fundamentales y característicos de la civilización mesoamericana como la pirámide, ni se analiza la configuración y estructuración de esa civilización, que obviamente es más que la suma de sus partes. Concebí este estudio como el primero de una serie de investigaciones que tratarán sucesivamente de estos problemas, anticipando que la mayor parte de esta tarea deberían tomarla otros a su cargo. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Límites geográficos y composición étnica. 1. 2. 3.

Visualizing the Library Catalog WorldCat, the world’s largest library catalog, has launched a new interactive tool that lets users visually explore the catalog, specifically the relationships between WorldCat “Identities.” A WorldCat Identity can be a person (an author or a fictional or non-fictional character, for example), a thing (an animal or a boat, for example), or a corporation. <img src=" border="0" width="575" style="margin-bottom: 15px;"A screenshot from the WorldCat Identity Network. Click to visit the full interactive version. The WorldCat Identity Network uses the WorldCat Search API and the WorldCat Identities Web Service to create an interactive map. Using these Identity Maps, users will be able to see how these subject-based identities are interconnected. This post is part of an ongoing series exploring visualizations.

Paléographie médiévale
