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UDL and The Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture

In response to all of the attention given to the flipped classroom, I proposed The Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture and The Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture for Higher Education in which the viewing of videos (often discussed on the primary focus of the flipped classroom) becomes a part of a larger cycle of learning based on an experiential cycle of learning. Universal Design for Learning has also been in the news lately as a new report Universal Design for Learning (UDL): Initiatives on the Move was released by the National Center on UDL, May, 2012. This post describes the principles of Universal Design for Learning and how they naturally occur when a full cycle of learning, including ideas related to the flipped classroom, are used within the instructional process. Universal Design for Learning The UDL framework: Source: More about UDL can be found at: Some of the key findings of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL): Initiatives on the Move study:

À la découverte de la pédagogie inversée: le pourquoi « Annick Arsenault Carter Comment se fait-il que certaines régions du Monde parlent de classe inversée depuis déjà deux ans et que j’en ai seulement fait connaissance il y a quelques mois? Vous la connaissez? Si vous lisez ce billet, il y a de fortes chances que vous êtes familiers ou familières avec celle-ci et/ou que vous cherchez, tout comme moi, à la comprendre davantage. Pourquoi fait-elle fureur? Dans l’article Warning : Flipping Your Classroom Might Lead To Increased Student Understanding Teaching Science and Math on précise qu’il s’agit d’une philosophie et non d’une stratégie. J’aime bien que l’article souligne qu’il faut changer le statu quo, car le statu quo ne fonctionne pas. We all know how students like to interact with one another as well. Quant aux élèves et parents, il faut comprendre la dynamique à mon école. Il n’est plus question du pourquoi, mais du comment! Like this:

To Flip Or Not Flip? To flip or not to flip? That is not the essential question. In assessing the optimal classroom dynamics, I would argue that we need to take a good look at what our classrooms look like right now, what activities our students gain the most from, what we wished we had more time for, and what things about our class we wish we could eliminate. Do I flip: yes. Would I recommend it: enthusiastically. But let’s start by rewinding for a minute, to my 2009 AP Calculus class. Running Out Of Time Worst of all, I felt that I never got to hear from my students because they were trying their best to digest the newly presented material. So I asked myself the same questions that I posed at the beginning of this essay: what is working, what is not, and what do I wish I had more time for? Planning In math, we often have the preconceived notion of a boring, rigid learning environment where the teacher lectures and the students do endless practice problems until the skill is mastered.

5 Ways Apps Fit Into Curriculum and Learning Strategies As the recently released "2012 Horizon Report: K-12 Edition" suggests, mobile devices and apps will become mainstream in a year or less. But apps aren't all about playing games. Converge asked three instructional technology coordinators and teachers to share how they're using apps to help students achieve learning goals. 1. Meeting state standards With the Common Core State Standards making their way into most U.S. states, educators are lining up their instruction with the standards their students are supposed to meet. Ladue School District in Missouri chooses apps that support learning and introduce new concepts, said Carol Kliesen, elementary instructional technology coordinator. When first-grade teacher Patti Anderson from Sam Houston Elementary School in Tennessee looks for apps, her first criterion is that they meet the state's first-grade standards. 2. "Content creation to us is really important," Norris said. 3. 4. "They will often ask, 'Do we get to share this with somebody?' 5.

The Learning Cycle: The Learning Cycle: A Comparison of Models of Strategies for Conceptual Reconstruction: A Review of the Literature Several pedagogical frameworks have been devised that center on conceptual reconstruction. Renner. Renner's analogy for this entire process is that of a guided tour where the guide, the teacher, points out all the sights to be observed and the learner is discouraged from taking any detour that, in the guide's view, is not productive. If we accept that each of us must develop the understandings we have about a concept for ourselves, then Renner suggests an alternative teaching model as more appropriate. 1) His initial concern is with pupils gaining experience and this becomes the first stage of his teaching model. 2) In the second stage, the learner is introduced to some appropriately–specific terminology in relation to the phenomenon being investigated. Karplus. 2) In the second phase of the Karplus model, the concept is introduced and explained. Driver . Erickson. Barnes.

Expansive Education Network | Bill Lucas's Blog The Flipped Classroom: Explanation & Resources The flipped classroom model, in which traditional teaching methods and the order of a student’s day are basically reversed to make use of resources online and/or outside of class while moving what we know as traditional “homework” into actual classroom time, has been slowly gaining steam around the country since its unofficial inception in 2004, but the recent onslaught of high quality educational resources being released from the likes of Khan Academy, MIT, and others has really kicked the movement into high gear. What is the flipped classroom model? Does it work? Take a look at a collection of articles and resources below. Background on the flipped classroom: The Daily Riff: How the flipped classroom was born The Atlantic: Flipped classrooms promote personalization in higher education The Washington Post: The flip: Turning a classroom upside down Articles on the flipped classroom in action: The classroom flip: a rural case Zanesville, OH teachers use technology to flip classrooms YouTube edX

Zspace: The Future of 3D Learning - Getting Smart by Tom Vander Ark - STEM, virtual environments I started my engineering career on a drafting board in the late seventies before CAD programs were widely used. I recall the challenge of drawing objects in multiple perspectives. I remember my calculus teacher asking me to imagine rotating a curve around an axis. Today I visited the future of 3D learning and I’m excited about what’s in store for STEM students. Zspace is an immersive, interactive 3D environment created by InfiniteZ, a five year old company in Mountain View (also home of Google and Khan Academy). CEO Paul Kellenberger launched me on an amazing 3D field trip into Zspace, a beautiful 24 inch stereoscopic user interface. The implications for design and learning are immediately obvious, but Zspace is a platform—a hardware, software, and interface bundle—not yet a giant content library. These workstations will be pricy for a while, so Zspace is not an education 1:1 solution just yet.

10 Things You Can Do To Make Yourself an Ed Tech Star This Summer As I watch Twitter at this time of year I see a mix of sadness, relief, and excitement that the school year is ending for many teachers. The summer is a great time to tackle some of that personal learning that got pushed to the back burner during the school year. If one of your goals for the summer is to improve your knowledge and skills in educational technology, here are ten things that you can do to work toward that goal. 1. Create a framework for your use of educational technology. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The Flipped Classroom Model: A Full Picture Due to Khan Academy’s popularity, the idea of the flipped classroom has gained press and credibility within education circles. Briefly, the Flipped Classroom as described by Jonathan Martin is: Flip your instruction so that students watch and listen to your lectures… for homework, and then use your precious class-time for what previously, often, was done in homework: tackling difficult problems, working in groups, researching, collaborating, crafting and creating. Classrooms become laboratories or studios, and yet content delivery is preserved. A compiled resource page of the Flipped Classroom (with videos and links) can be found at The advantage of the flipped classroom is that the content, often the theoretical/lecture-based component of the lesson, becomes more easily accessed and controlled by the learner. It is important, though, not to be seduced by the messenger. The Flipped Classroom Model Experiential Engagement: The Activity Summary

Slow Education and the Concept of Process by Professor Maurice Holt - Slow Education There was a brief fashion, a few years ago, for education pundits to sit at the back of a school class for a whole day, moving from lesson to lesson and sampling a day’s schooling. The usual conclusion was that there were too many room changes, and some lessons were boring. But at least the basic idea was sound – to see what the actual process of schooling was like – that succession of encounters between student and teacher which constitutes the student’s experience of schooling, as opposed to Ofsted-style selection of miscellaneous lessons. You would think, therefore, that if the government wanted to improve schooling, it would focus on enhancing teachers’ professionalism. There’s only one problem: it doesn’t work. England is already in decline, compared with other European countries.

Faire la classe mais à l’envers : la «flipped classroom»: Service de soutien à la formation Accès rapides UdeS en bref Direction Les études Recherche International Facultés Services Urgence 811 Bottin Nous joindre Plan des campus Plan du site monPortail Tout le site Cette section Accueil » Service de soutien à la formation Partager Imprimer Connexion Accueil Babillard Événements À propos du SSF Mission et mandat Historique Soutien-conseil en pédagogie Soutien-conseil technologique Soutien-conseil en formation continue Création ou modification d'activités ou de programmes Appui aux études supérieures Antiplagiat Visioconférence Audiovisuel Salles et équipement Organiser un événement Concours et fonds d'appui Formations Calendrier des formations Catalogue des formations Formation du personnel enseignant Formation des gestionnaires de programmes Coaching pour les directions de faculté Formations à l'encadrement aux études supérieures Documentation Articles et nouvelles Archives du Mois de la pédagogie universitaire Archives d'événements du SSF Capsules techniques Guides d’initiation vidéo et audionumérique Dossiers de veille

Digital Badges For Learning in the Classroom and Beyond 6.20.12 | A pair of stories by Education Week reporter Katie Ash provides a big-picture overview of the pros and cons of digital badges and a close-up look at how badges are being used in a graduate course. Alex Halavais, who teaches a master’s program on interactive communications at Quinnipiac University, began implementing digital badges in place of a traditional grading scale last spring. The new system enables him—and his students’ prospective employers—to better gauge the specific skills his students master. “It’s an index of your learning biography,” Halavais told Education Week. In addition to substituting a certain number of badges for letter grades, Halavais also introduces a collaborative element. The badge system Halavais created relied on a peer-review process in which certain students who had achieved a certain level of badge could approve other students’ badges, says Rossi. Those concerns are not uncommon. – Connie Yowell, The MacArthur Foundation
