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Brainless Tales

Brainless Tales

SUBNORMALITY! All content copyright Winston Rowntree, 2015. Museum previously seen here and then here. Alligator Sunglasses Blogging Twilight: Index Page We know you love Dan. We love him, too! And now, for your greater reading convenience, we're going to collect all of his Blogging Twilight posts here, in one place. We'll update this page every time a new post goes up. Of course, you are invited to join the lovely Amanda's Facebook group, Dan Bergstein's "Blogging Twilight" is AMAZING. Also, did you realize that Dan is on Twitter? Finally, okay, listen, we get it. Blogging Twilight Blogging New Moon Blogging Eclipse Blogging Breaking Dawn Topics: Books Tags: twilight, blogging twilight, cartoons

Bug - random nonsense 5 days a week Candi - A College Story How To Draw A Wave | Club Of The Waves - StumbleUpon This art tutorial, kindly donated by surfing comic strip illustrator and surf artist Bob Penuelas covers how to draw a wave the Wilbur Kookmeyer way! If you're like me, then you've probably spent a lot of time in high school class daydreaming and doodling a thousand perfect cartoon waves in your notebook. It's safe to say that ninety percent of us surfers have a habit of scribbling perfect waves whenever a pencil is in our hands. Hopefully the following pointers will help you change your throw-away wave doodles into actual compelling artwork that you want to keep forever. Remember, there are millions of ways to draw a wave and hopefully with these simple pointers you'll find a million more. So, have fun. Drawing a basic wave The following illustrations and captions by Bob Penuelas take you through the basic steps of drawing a wave… Step 1 Sketch in the basic shape of the curl, spray, foam and base of the wave. Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Add the rest of the flow lines. Step 5 Step 6 Tips… Paddler's view

Hyperbole and a Half Completely Serious Comics - Where funny comes to die! Updated Mondays Lackadaisy Expressions - StumbleUpon Boy, I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I started this. I've had requests for some sort of expressions tutorial dating back a while now, so I figured, "Sure! I can explain expression drawing...and it'll be way better than all those tutorials out there that are nothing but charts of generic expressions. Yeah! Just give me a day or two to whip something up..." Um. Anyway, I found all I could really do was try to explain ways to teach yourself...and then add some pictures.
