Fun English - Englannin Kielen Oppimispelejä Lapsille 3-10-vuotiaille. iPhonelle, iPod touchille ja iPadille iTunesin App Storessa DLogic: Logic Game If you want to test your logic skills with some fun and twisted logical question and brain teasers, then this is the right APP! D Logic works as a little brain trainer program featuring:★80 twisted brain teasers: A brain teaser is a form of puzzle that requires thought to solve. It often requires thinking in unconventional ways with given constraints in mind; sometimes it also involves lateral thinking.★75 numeric sequences: To test your mathematic skill and logic. Both types of questions are excellent brain training exercises. Play is very simple, just read the questions, think about the answer and when you are ready press the solution button and check if you are right or wrong. Challenge your mind with our brain teasers and logic questions and start training your brain now!
Accueil Intentions pédagogiques Chacune des simulations ci-dessous vise à résoudre une situation-problème particulière (que nous nommerons «mission» dans la suite du texte). La démarche n'étant pas toute tracée à l'avance, il vous faudra faire preuve de méthode et de persévérance pour les réussir. Ne vous inquiètez pas! Note aux enseignants : L'ensemble des directives accompagnant les missions sont écrites dans un discours à l'intention des apprenants. Grow Your Garden HD Truth Tables The sole purpose of this program is generating, and displaying, truth tables. So, my fellow logicians: Don't ask what the truth-tables program can do for you - ask what you can do for the truth-tables program! This free version supports all usual connectives of classical logic, that is negation, conjunction, (inclusive) disjunction, conditonal (material implication), and biconditional (material equivalence), as well as the constants 1 and 0 denoting truth and falsehood, respectively. A cool thing is that, besides the somewhat boring standard notation of logic, you may use Lukasiewicz's stream-lined, shiny Polish notation, too! Isn't that a deal? And it doesn't stop here. No animals have been harmed in the making of this application. Frequently Asked Questions * There is NO (practical) limit to the number of propositional variables you may use.
Sanataituri iPhonelle, iPod touchille ja iPadille iTunesin App Storessa Projects | Fragile Earth Studios Projects Gallery A showcase of screen captures from some of our past and current projects. You’ll find a variety of projects here: games, simulations and data visualizations. Our older projects were all in Second Life – our newer work is mainly with the Unity game engine. A number of these screenshots were taken during the making of the game, so they may lack polish, especially in the on-screen UI elements. read more GameTech/FVWC Winners Showcased on Unity Blog Davey Jackson of Unity, who we had the pleasure of meeting at GameTech last month, has just posted about the 2012 Federal Virtual Worlds Challenge. TerraViz What’s the difference between a video game and a data visualization? Mammoth Cave Recently a group from the University of Washington in Saint Louis scanned a 4 km section of Mammoth Cave in Kentucky. Rock Creek Park Virtual Hawaii Welcome to “Virtual Hawaii.”
Lolan Matikkajuna iPhonelle, iPod touchille ja iPadille iTunesin App Storessa Readings Agency, B. E. C. T. A. (2001). Aldrich, C. (2005). Bernstein, C. (2001). Crawford, C. (1997). Crawford, C. (1997). Crawford, C. (1997). Crawford, C. (1997). Deshrill, M. (2004). Frasca, G. (2003). Gee, J. Grodal, T. (2003). Gunter, B. (1998). Hayes, E. (2002, May 24-26). Holland, W., Jenkins, H., & Squire, K. (2003). Hunter, A. (2005). Jelfs, A., & Whitelock, D. (2000). Kirriemuir, J. (2002). Kirriemuir, J. (2003). Kirriemuir, J., & McFarlane, A. Koster, R. (2005). Koster, R. (2005). Koster, R. (2005). Koster, R. (2005). Koster, R. (2005). Koster, R. (2005). Koster, R. (2005). Masters, E. McAllister, K., & Moeller, R. (2004). McMahan, A. (2003). Miller, C. Miller, C. Miller, C. Miller, C. Montfort, N. (2003). Montfort, N. (2003). Nelson, G., & Knight, C. (2003). Robertson, J., & Good, J. (2005). Rollings, A., & Adams, E. (2003). Rollings, A., & Adams, E. (2003). Rollings, A., & Adams, E. (2003). Shelton, B. Squire, K., & Barab, S. Steinkuehler, C. Tews, R.