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Building a Vertical Pallet Garden with Chef Janie 11.wmv

Building a Vertical Pallet Garden with Chef Janie 11.wmv
Related:  Vertical Gardening

DIY Outdoor Vertical Garden Looking for more space to place some flowers at your patio? Here is a way to make an attractive vertical garden on a budget. Such vertical garden would be especially great for urban dwellers where you haven’t plenty of space to grow. It also can become a nice space divider or privacy screen on a large terrace too. As you can see this vertical garden is made of gutter and only needs some hook to hang it. Bottle Tower Gardens Provide Exceptionally Efficient Small Space Growing Dr. Willem Van Cotthem experimented with this vertical gardening system using recycled plastic bottles stacked and attached to a fence. He began with the 2011 growing season and continued through 2012 with great success. This type of garden is cheap to start and is extremely efficient for those who do not have much growing space. A system like this could be built along a fence, wall, or on a balcony. In Van Cotthem’s system, the height of the different towers vary, and can be 4, 5, or 6 bottles. Using this method, many towers can be installed in a small space. This garden remained productive through the 2011 growing season. For 2012, the same set of bottles and substrate was used and a huge variety of vegetable and herb species were planted. A simple and cheap, but very efficient and sustainable gardening method to grow vegetables and herbs in small spaces at home year after year.

DIY Vertical Garden Made Of A Pallet If you have a small balcony or a small terrace than it probably is already overflowed with plants. The best way to add some more is to organize some plants vertically. Nowadays you can buy systems to organize vertical gardens from different manufacturers but who want to spend money if there is the possibility not to. For example you can use a wood pallet as a platform for your vertical garden. Fern Richardson from Life on the Balcony has done such vertical garden and showed us how. What Is Vertical Farming? Experts estimate that by the year 2050 our world will be populated by 9 billion people. That’s 9 billion hungry mouths to feed. How will we do it? The agricultural system as it stands isn’t capable of supporting that many people. Photos via FarmedHere, one of the largest vertical farms in the U.S. What is vertical farming anyway? Despommier is an award-winning professor of microbiology at Columbia University and is the touted father and inventor of vertical farming. How it works Vertical farming is more than producing food indoors in an urban landscape. In theory, these farms would be entirely self-sufficient, taking energy from the sun and wind, as well as composting spent plants to produce energy. Another huge factor: The vertical farms would take up considerably less space than traditional farms, as one acre of vertical farm can grow the equivalent of 4-6 acres on a traditional farm. Advantages of vertical farming Disadvantages of vertical farming

How To Grow Vegetables Vertically Anne Phillips of Go Green Gardeners has come up with a great idea to grow vegetables vertically. She created a vertical salad garden, which is about 2.5 feet wide and nearly 5 feet tall. She used a French riddling rack, boards with slanted holes in which fermenting bottles of sparkling wine were perched nearly upside down, so yeast could collect in the neck and be removed. She wrapped the backside of each plant with coconut coir fiber, the kind typically used to line hanging baskets, and then packed dirt around the roots. The salad garden she created looks quite good to put it on a deck or patio.

Future Growing - Of Highest Quality Food Our mission at Future Growing® is to inspire healthy and sustainable living around the world, by empowering people with the technology and training to do so. We have been on this journey for almost a decade, with over 100 successful projects across North America. Katherine Grandey, owner and operator of The GreenHouse. (Click photo to enlarge) The local, grass roots urban food movement has given us the opportunity to meet some truly extraordinary people along the way, and the urban farmer we’ve featured this week is no exception. I met Katherine Grandey, co-founder and owner of “The GreenHouse”, in Orlando, Fla., three years ago. With that vision in mind, Katherine developed three main goals for her business: Produce healthy, safe food for her family.Provide local, healthy, chemical-free, low-carbon footprint food to the Orlando-area community.Work a moderate amount of hours and have time to raise her children. Katherine, I am so proud of the work you are doing! These are big accounts!

Créer un mur végétal pour l'extérieur le béton En extérieur, cette solution est la plus durable. Il peut être habillé de carrelage, céramique ou galet. On peut à sa base créer un bassin avec plantes et poissons. Le substrat C'est lui qui viendra recouvrir le support et qui permettra un bon enracinement des plantes. la sphaigne (mousse naturelle) est utilisée entre les 2 treillis soudés.les nappes d'absorbtion et d'arrosage composées de fibres synthétiques imputrescibles Aquanap vendues en Vpc à environ 2€ le m². Le bac Il est surtout utilisé pour un mur intérieur. le ciment Soit par coffrage ou en agglomérés, il sera recouvert d'une couche de goudron sur sa face interne. le PVC On peut utiliser des plaques de PVC gris qui seront soudées entre elles. Les branchements L'eau En extérieur, l'arrivée d'eau à proximité est indispensable. L'éléctricité

5 Story Farm In The Middle of The City Vertical Farm Project Growing Power wants to build a 5 story Vertical Farm in the middle of Milwaukee! If you’re not familiar with Growing Power, then you need to check this article out. 1 Million Pounds of Food on 3 Acres This is an ambitious project to be sure, but if anyone can do it, Will Allen can. He’s proven his system works, and can produce more food per acre than anyone ever thought possible. The old adage and rural legend of needing 2 acres of land to provide enough food for a single family is completely and utterly smashed into oblivion. 333k pounds of food per acre is a phenomenal achievement, not just for the single family, but for agriculture as a whole. Vertical farming is nothing new, but what is innovative is the combination of farming techniques into one single system that can grow more than enough healthy organic food than anyone ever thought possible. The Vertical Farm “…Imagine a five-story farm in the middle of a city! via .

Prototype pour un jardin vertical hydroponique Pendant les dernières semaines nous avons exploré les différentes techniques possibles pour élaborer un jardin vertical qui pourrait pousser dans un petit espace de la maison : la fenêtre. Nous sommes arrivés d’abord à la solution de l’hydroponie (ou agriculture hors-sol), qui est la culture de plantes réalisée sur substrat neutre et inerte (de type sable, pouzzolane, billes d’argile, laine de roche etc.). Ce substrat est régulièrement irrigué d’un courant de liquide qui apporte des sels minéraux et des nutriments essentiels à la plante. Cette technique est largement utilisée pour les cultures maraîchères. Ensuite, nos recherches nous ont conduit au «window farming», qui est la dernière évolution en matière de production durable d’aliments en cycle court. Si vous voulez en construire un, vous pouvez trouver tous les détails dans la section Produits Locaux du site : Jardin vertical hydroponique

GARDEN TOWER: Composting + 50 Plants = Fresh Food Anywhere. by Garden Tower Project The Garden Tower grows a surprising number of vegetable and flower varieties. Here is a partial list of suggestions: VEGETABLES Amaranth (vegetable type), Arugula, Beans (Lima, bush, pole, shell, fava), Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Chinese cabbage, Cauliflower, Chard, Chicory, Collards, Cucumbers, Dandelion, Eggplant, Endive, Escarole, Gourds, Kale, Leeks, Lettuce, Melons, Mesclun, Mustard Greens, Dwarf Okra, Peas, Peppers, Radicchio, Sorrel, Spinach, Squash,Strawberries, Tomatoes (note: vines such as squash and melons grow nicely from the bottom holes, trailing onto the ground). FLOWERS Edible Flowers: Calendula, Carthamus, Dianthus, , Marigolds, Nasturtiums, Pansies, Salvia, and Violas.

Le végétal dans la ville : l’élément vital Le rêve d’une ville réconciliée avec la nature se propage : au XXIe siècle la ville sera végétale, prônent de plus en plus d’urbanistes. Il s’agit notamment d’apporter à la ville les fonctions écologiques de la biodiversité : le végétal tempère le micro-climat, humidifie l’air ambiant et réduit les îlots de chaleur. Lorsque les précipitations sont abondantes, il absorbe l’eau et ralentit la saturation des réseaux d’écoulement. Sur les murs et les toits, il agit comme un isolant. Il filtre l’air de certains de ses polluants et de ses poussières, il atténue le bruit. A lui seul, le végétal combine de grandes performances technologiques. Source: les cités végétales de Luc Schuiten Le végétal dans la ville, des bienfaits psychologiques et sociaux Depuis 2007, la moitié de la population mondiale est urbaine. Végétaliser les villes est donc une solution: par exemple, lorsque l’on dispose d’un parc ou d’un jardin près de chez soi, on sort, tout simplement [i]. Source: High Line par Joel Stemfeld

What If You Could Grow Fresh Organic Veggies & Herbs Right In Your Kitchen? You Can! What if you could have fresh organic veggies, herbs and flowers that are grown year round with no chemicals, pesticides or fertilizers right in your kitchen? Thanks to Hyundai you can! This is a whole food lovers dream come true! The Nano-Garden is an absolutely amazing invention especially for people, like myself, who are living in condos, or in houses that don’t have much yard space. The nano-garden somewhat resembles a refrigerator, and takes up approximately the same amount of space. Most people do not realize that vegetables will lose about half of their nutrients within the first week of being picked. Currently, Hyundai’s Nano-Garden is just a prototype and is not available for sale. If you have the space to have your own garden or have access to a community garden, you should totally take advantage of that. “In our society growing food yourself has become the most radical of acts. Much Love Sources:

Sustainable Farming: The Urban Smart Farm The Urban Smart Farm’s unique vertical design converts 9 square feet into 36 square feet of growing space, capable of growing up to 200 plants! Vertical gardening is easy on the back, as you no longer have to bend or crouch down. To ensure all your plants are receiving optimal sunshine, the Invictus Urban Farm has an internal bearing track, allowing you to turn it 360 degrees.
