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Science Museum - Launchpad Online - Launchball

Science Museum - Launchpad Online - Launchball

Science Lesson Plans, Science Ideas, & Science Activities aeolab Standards Compliant..documentElement.scrollHeight: 1002body.clientHeight: 1002body.scrollHeight: 1002main.height: null dMirror LCD mirror + LED wall installation for a BMW showroom dMirror HRS2011 Kinect-driven interactive installation for Boston Scientific Trust Clock alarm clock concept and prototype for Nokia Trust Clock Ubiq Kiosk Interactive for NBC Education Week Ubiq AntPod plug-in module for iPhone enables wireless fitness monitoring AntPod Honda SEMA LED display graphics for an auto show Honda SEMA OUiP! OUiP! Reactive stills from various reactive applications Reactive FutureBoston dynamic urban data map visualized in 3D FutureBoston MiraxCity Interactive installation with Frog Design MiraxCity Sony ODO hand-powered electronic device prototypes Sony ODO PSPlad Toy construction & visualization game for PSP PSPlad Moodmark Intelligent living room device concept for Sony Moodmark Lumiloop Reactive modular LED bracelet Lumiloop UFOS Light-up sneakers with intelligent motion sensing

bartbonte Due to end of Flash in the browser, the "Factory Balls" Flash games are no longer playable in the browser. They are now part of The Bart Bonte collection, a collection of 28 of my Flash games carefully packaged and remastered for you, all accessible from a menu loaded with achievements, playable on the big screen of your pc! This collection of 28 games was made to survive the end of Flash in the browser and to preserve all these games for you! Or download the completely redesigned 'factory balls' app on mobile with lots of new levels for your iOS or Android device: Ressources d'apprentissage sur la biodiversité - Répertoire Thot Cursus vous présente des ressources d'apprentissage liées à la biodiversité, regroupées dans un seul répertoire. De très bonnes ressources d'apprentissages en ligne autour de la biodiversité avaient été réalisées en 2010 lors de l'année internationale de la biodiversité. D'autres ressources produites par des associations, des musées d'histoire naturelle, des centres de sciences... ont vu le jour depuis cette date. Dans ce répertoire, vous trouverez des références, des simulateurs-jeux, des documentaires et aussi des cours sur la biodiversité. De quoi faire de très nombreuses découvertes sur les plantes, les insectes, les animaux mais aussi sur les relations qui existent entre l'ensemble des formes de vie sur terre ... Mise à jour en août 2012 : 80 ressources, dont 25 nouvelles. Sommaire : Références Abécédaire de la biodiversité : Nouveau. : Nouveau. A l'école de la biodiversité : Nouveau. La biodiversité comprendre pour mieux agir : Nouveau. Cours

Crystal Science Fair Projects - Tips and Ideas for Crystal Science Fair Projects Crystals can make interesting and fun science fair projects. The type of project depends on your educational level. Here are some examples of crystal science fair projects and ideas to help launch your own creativity in choosing your own project. Make a Collection Younger investigators may want to make a collection of crystals and work out their own method for grouping the crystals into categories. Common crystals include salt, sugar, snowflakes, and quartz. Make a Model You can build models of crystal lattices. Prevent Crystal Growth Your project can involve ways you might prevent crystals from forming. Grow Crystals Growing crystals is a fun way to explore your interest in chemistry and geology. If you want a good science fair project, it would be better if you tested some aspect of growing crystals rather than simply growing pretty crystals and explaining the process. How does the rate of evaporation of the crystal-growing medium affect the final size of the crystals?

GMLStenciler [Mac, Windows, oF] - Convert GML drawings into vect Golan has just announced the immediate availability of GMLStenciler, an open-source software project for converting Graffiti Markup Language (GML) drawings into vector-art stencils suitable for laser cutting. This free tool solves the problem of transforming GML’s widthless linear strokes into adjustably-thickened stencil patterns with automatically bridged islands. GMLStenciler is built in openFrameworks and can be downloaded here (with complete source code) for Windows and Mac OSX. If you are unfamiliar with GML, in January 2010 the F.A.T. The GMLStenciler software was entirely developed by Charlie, Golan’s 15-year-old (!!!) To read more about GMLStenciler see Related - Zilch A dice game of skill and luck. Roll the dice, take the points or take a chance, it's up to you! Instructions Roll the dice to take your turn. The game ends when one player has banked more than 10000 points. Controls Use the mouse to click on the roll buttons, dice and scoring options. 1/2/3/4/5/6 = Click on the first/second/third/etc dice A/S/D = Click on the first/second/third score option R = roll the dice (on your turn) B = bank your points (on your turn) Enter = Close the tutorial window (if open) Game won't load?

UMR5505 Pour connaître les dernières nouvelles sur ce projet, lire les news. Présentation de Prog&Play Prog&Play est une bibliothèque de fonctions pour les jeux de Stratégie Temps Réel (STR). Elle permet au joueur de programmer de manière simple et intéractive les entités virtuelles d'un STR. Actuellement, le système Prog&Play est intégré au STR multijoueur Kernel Panic. Le système Prog&Play, combiné au jeu de STR Kernel Panic, permet la mise en oeuvre de jeux sérieux centrés sur la pratique de la programmation informatique. Le premier, intitulé Kernel Panic Campaign, immerge le joueur dans un scénario de jeu original où il devra programmer Bits, Bytes et Assemblers en vue de constituer une armée pour renverser son adversaire. Le deuxième, intitulé Byte Battle, positionne le joueur en compétition contre un second joueur (qui peut être joué par l'ordinateur). Voici ci-dessous l'architecture fonctionnelle de Prog&Play. Aide Mises en oeuvres possibles

Science World Resources Games tagged with 'physics' - Jay is Games Join your favorite oranges you wouldn't want to eat into a tropical pirate adventure. In this physics puzzler favorite, you've again got to figure out how to tuck the fruit away from exceptionally sharp rain drops by dropping and exploding various objects around each level. Use your webs to swing through a gorgeous subterranean world in this clever puzzle platformer. Though a few of the puzzles are quite tricky, the game is forgiving and has many checkpoints. The striking visuals and ethereal soundtrack truly make this a work of art. When Dave's new construction co-workers strand him on the top floor of an unfinished building, he finds himself in familiar, physics-bending, puzzle-platforming territory. I feel the need... the need for speed... and smashing! So, don't ask too many questions, but someone needs an eye and we're going to get it to them. Color Instinct is an uncomplicated, but highly interesting physics puzzle which lets you play with colourful bouncy balls (whee!).

Indie Game Showcase January 12th, 2008 I have finally found some free time for creating a discussion forum section for my website. You can discuss the Marker World concept demo, upload your custom levels, download other peoples’ custom levels, or just discuss anything you want. December 28th, 2007 I have finished working on the Marker World Editor. Download the 1.95 MB demo here . [update: 12/29/07 - There are reported problems running this version on Windows Vista. December 19th, 2007 I’ve been working on an editor for the Marker World concept demo which hopefully should be finished very soon. The editor will be integrated into Marker World, which is still just a concept demo and not a full game by any means. December 5th, 2007 I have been receiving mostly positive feedback from Marker World in the four days it has been out – thanks to everyone who provided comments, criticism, and new ideas. December 1st, 2007 [edit: 12/28/07 - please download the latest version here ]

Numpty Physics Crayon Physics Unofficial Game Blog
