Lucas Foglia | A Natural Order Nazraeli Press, 2012 Exhibition Cora in a Realtree Camouflage Dress, Tennessee 2008 Desk, Sassafras Community, Tennessee 2009 Natalie’s Wattle and Daub House, Wildroots Homestead, North Carolina 2010 Woodcutting, Russell Creek Community, Tennessee 2010 Rita and Cora Aiming, Tennessee 2007 Creek, Kevin's Land, Virginia 2009 Acorn with Possum Stew, Wildroots Homestead, North Carolina 2006 Cora Going Fishing on the Tennessee River, Tennessee 2009 Patrick and Anakeesta, Tennessee 2007 Natalie Carrying Firewood, Wildroots Homestead, North Carolina 2006 National Geographic, Wildroots Homestead, North Carolina 2008 Pixie and Kyd's Duet, Falling Leaves Rendezvous, Georgia 2007 Car Parts, Tennessee 2008 Lowell Cultivating with Pickup Truck and Ox Plow, Tennessee 2008 Scarecrow, Tennessee 2008 Bhajan Wrestling, North Carolina 2009 Nolan Scything the Lawn, Tennessee 2008 Jasmine, Hannah and Vicki Picking Jewelweed, Tennessee 2007 Victoria Bringing in the Goats, Tennessee 2008 Valarie and the Shadow, Tennessee 2008
Cor Jaring - Portfolio - Stephan Vanfleteren ‘Ik heb twee ziektes’ zegt de oude fotograaf. Zeeziekte en heimwee. Had ik geen last van zeeziekte dan was ik zeeman geworden net zoals mijn voorouders. De andere ziekte zorgde ervoor dat Cor veel in Amsterdam heeft gewerkt. ‘Ik zat nog maar op dat vliegtuig of ik wilde al naar huis. Zonder heimwee was hij heel de wereld rondgetrokken met zijn fototoestel. Fotografen worden vaak geboren uit gebreken en tekortkomingen. Heimwee is iets onwezelijk. Het is een wonder dat ik eigenlijk zoveel op reis ga. Niet dat Cor Jaring nooit naar de andere kant van de wereld trok, maar zijn werk is Amsterdam. Tijdens zijn dienstplicht, net na de oorlogsjaren, kwam Cor in aanraking met fotografie. Na de dienstplicht werkte Cor als walmatroos. ’ Zo was ik de enige in de jaren vijftig en zestig die de hoeren mocht fotograferen. Ik heb een mooi leven gehad. Cor Jaring dwaalt nog altijd door de straten van Amsterdam. Cor Jaring heeft een stukje van dit verleden van de ondergang gered.
The Unflattering Family Album ICP alumni Giulia Bianchi ponders on the need to raise the camera in front of our own normalcy and failures. Tonight, however, I am restless. I sit at the dining-room table; rummage through the refrigerator. What am I looking for? All day long I’ve been scavenging, poking around in rooms and closets, peering at their things, studying them. Introduction In Larry Sultan’s book Pictures from Home, we see family snapshots mixed with texts and pictures that the son took of his parents, a wealthy American couple in their 1970s living in Palm Springs, a suburban town in the West Coast of America, during the Reagan era. Jamie Practicing for the Family, Armonk, Gillian Laub (2003, printed 2009). Other photographers’ family albums can be unsettling or unflattering too. A splinter of ice. Via Roma two months after the flood. As a Photographer Many photographers have turned their lens towards their own families. My father's legs. My sister on a Saturday night. I remember one night. As a Viewer
Martin Parr | Books by MP Books by MP / Artist Books by MP / Papers and Zines by MP / Books edited by MP Bad Weather, 1982 Calderdale Photographs, 1984 A Fair Day, 1984 Prescot Now and Then, 1984 The Last Resort, 1986, 1998 The Cost of Living, 1989 One Day Trip, 1989 Signs of the Times, 1992 Bored Couples, 1993 Home and Abroad, 1993 From A to B, 1994 Small World, 1995 British Food, 1995 Japonais Endormis, 1998 Common Sense, 1999 Sguardi Gardesoni, 1999 Flowers, 1999 Benidorm, 1999 Autoportrait, 2000 Flowers, 2000 Think of England, 2000, 2004 Martin Parr by Val Williams, 2002 The Phone Book, 2002 7 Communist Still Lifes, 2003 Signes Des Temps, 2004 7 Colonial Still Lifes, 2005 Martin Parr, vu par, 2005 Road Trip, Martin Parr and Friends, 2005 I Grandi Fotografi, 2005 Mexico, 2006 Parrjektif, 2006 Tutta Roma, 2006 Parking Spaces, 2007 Small World, 2007 Witness Number Three, 2007 Les Grands Photographes de Magnum Photos, 2007 Phaidon 55: Martin Parr, 2007 Martin Parr 1971-2000 (Retrospective), 2007 Correspondencia, 2008 Everybody Dance Now, 2009
Portraits of Albanian Women Who Have Lived Their Lives As Men For her project Sworn Virgins of Albania, photographer Jill Peters visited to the mountain villages of northern Albania to capture portraits of “burneshas,” or females who have lived their lives as men for reasons related to their culture and society. Many of the women assumed their male identities from an early age as a way to avoid the old codes that governed the tribal clans, which stated that women were the property of their husbands. Peters explains, The freedom to vote, drive, conduct business, earn money, drink, smoke, swear, own a gun or wear pants was traditionally the exclusive province of men. Thus, Peters wanted to capture this fading tradition before it disappeared forever. I learned that the Burrnesha are well respected within their communities. Wikipedia has an entire article regarding Albanian sworn virgins, in case you’d like to learn more about this practice. Sworn Virgins of Albania by Jill Peters (via Feature Shoot)
Two Rivers 2007-11 - Carolyn Drake Photography The Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers stretch from the western edge of China across Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, spanning a distance of 2,500km. They are the lifeblood of the vast, landlocked region between China, Russia, Iran and Afghanistan. The Greeks knew the two rivers as the Oxus and the Jaxartes. An islamic hadith holds that they are two of the four rivers that flow into Paradise. The Silk Route linking China to Europe followed the paths of the rivers. After the Soviet government took control of the region in 1917, it began one of the most ambitious engineering projects in world history, diverting massive quantities of water from the rivers to bring cotton production to an area too arid to sustain such a thirsty crop. Two Rivers follows the rivers from their endpoints to the source.
Tierney Gearon Photography The Mother Project - Tierney Gearon Photography Exhibition Tierney Gearon’s photographs have been called manipulative, disturbingly ambiguous, even perverse; the London police demanded that the Saatchi Gallery which first showed the offending photos of her young children take the pictures down. Tierney has always maintained she loves her subjects deeply and understands them better than anyone else. How could she not? Buy the book on Excerpt from the Forward to the Book When I first saw the images from Daddy Where are you? “My mother had no boundaries,” she said in speaking of her childhood with her father and three younger brothers in Atlanta, Georgia. Now the mother of four children — Emilee, Michael, Walker, and Grace — Tierney wanted to resurrect parts of her own past, and in doing so she was able to discover her own growth process. “When I started documenting times with my mother, it felt good to be able to express what I was feeling inside and translate it. – Susan M. Film View the Trailer Buy the DVD on
Ansel Adams Adams fotografeerde in de jaren 1944-1958 de nationale parken en kreeg daarvoor drie Guggenheim-prijzen. Hierdoor kreeg hij naam als de bekendste natuurfotograaf van Amerika. Hij kan hierbij terecht worden gezien als de opvolger van Timothy O'Sullivan, een bekend natuurfotograaf uit de 19e eeuw. Werken[bewerken] Zijn bekendste werk is waarschijnlijk Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico uit 1941 (Museum of Modern Art, New York). Informatie is uit Adams boek uit 1983: Examples: The Making of 40 Photographs. Monolith, The Face of Half Dome, Yosemite National Park, 1927.Rose and Driftwood, San Francisco, California, 1932.Georgia O'Keeffe and Orville Cox, Canyon de Chelly National Monument, 1937.Clearing Winter Storm, Yosemite National Park, 1940.Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico, 1941.Winter Sunrise, Sierra Nevada, from Lone Pine, California, 1944.Aspens, Northern New Mexico, 1958. Boeken (Selectie)[bewerken] Technical books[bewerken] Prijzen[bewerken] Externe links[bewerken] Galerij[bewerken]
The Beautiful Gene : Marina Rosso The Beautiful Gene In September 2011, Cryos International, the world’s biggest sperm bank, stopped accepting red haired donors for a period: demand for them was too low compared to the supply. Single women, who currently represent half of the customer base, tend to select donors based on the search for a “dream prince”. As a provocation to this system, I decided to act as a conservation geneticist who would classify the genetic variation of a species in the first step to preserve its diversity and components. To buy the book, go HERE
My Fair Ladies — Elena Kalis Elena Kalis Underwater Photography underwater_elena_kalis01.jpg underwater_elena_kalis03.jpg underwater_elena_kalis04.jpg underwater_elena_kalis06.jpg underwater_elena_kalis07.jpg underwater_elena_kalis10.jpg underwater_elena_kalis11.jpg underwater_elena_kalis14.jpg underwater_elena_kalis19.jpg underwater_elena_kalis21.jpg underwater_elena_kalis22.jpg underwater_elena_kalis23.jpg underwater_elena_kalis25.jpg underwater_elena_kalis26.jpg underwater_elena_kalis29.jpg oceancave259a.jpg underwater_elena_kalis02.jpg underwater_elena_kalis05.jpg underwater_elena_kalis08.jpg underwater_elena_kalis09.jpg underwater_elena_kalis102.jpg underwater_elena_kalis12.jpg underwater_elena_kalis13.jpg underwater_elena_kalis15.jpg underwater_elena_kalis16.jpg underwater_elena_kalis17.jpg underwater_elena_kalis20.jpg underwater_elena_kalis24.jpg underwater_elena_kalis30.jpg underwater_elena_kalis31.jpg underwater_elena_kalis32.jpg underwater_elena_kalis33.jpg underwater_elena_kalis34.jpg underwater_elena_kalis35.jpg Cart - 0 items
La violence conjugale vue par six femmes photographes | Journaleuse - Le blog de Margaux Duquesne Hier, vendredi 25 novembre, c’était la journée internationale contre la violence faite aux femmes. Si la parole se libère peu à peu sur le sujet dans les médias, il est très difficile de l’illustrer en photographie. Pourtant, par le passé, six femmes photographes ont levé le voile sur ce tabou. Parfois, le travail de toute une vie. Donna Ferrato est une photojournaliste américaine engagée, durant toute sa carrière, dans la lutte contre les violences conjugales. Son travail documentaire a été réuni dans un livre : « Living with the enemy« , édité en 1992 par la Fondation Aperture. Time est revenu, dans sa sélection des 100 photos les plus influentes du monde, sur cette célèbre image prise en 1982 par la photographe : Au début, la photographe a rencontré ce couple pour réaliser un sujet sur la célébrité. Voir l’épisode consacré à Donna Ferrato de l’excellente série documentaire « Conflict » sur le photojournalisme, produite par Redfitz : Lizzie Sadin / Est-ce ainsi que les femmes vivent ?
Gregory Crewdson | The Photo Art Journey Gregory Crewdson’s large format creations set in American suburbs overflow with suspense and with the use of soundstages, lighting cranes and crews of up to forty people, his productions sound more like Hollywood movie sets. (click images to enlarge, believe me its worth it!) His cinematic images feature subjects in almost suspended animation, capturing the flicker of a moment between the before and the after. Crewdson takes this moment of catatonic confusion and extends it infinitely exploring themes of loneliness, alienation, sadness and desire. Crewdson photographs his subjects in a never-ending state of shock and the combination of their vacant faces with unnatural posing makes them seem more like props than actual people. The images, besides being visually captivating are almost technically flawless with Crewdson using a variety of light sources and styles ranging from diffused to spotlighting to envisage his idea. Like this: Like Loading...
Spencer Murphy Katie Walsh Timothy Spall Karl Heinz Bohrer Laurie, from the series The Abyss Gazes Into You Gyr Saker Falcon, from the series Traces Barn Owls Motion Study, from the series Traces Tom Hiddleston Fox By Pile Of Tin, from the series The Abyss Gazes Into You Underground Electrician, Kellingley Colliery, from the series Canary In A Coal Mine Mark Rylance Michael Shannon Guy Pearce Peter Crouch Boxer Natasha Jonas, Boxer Girl At Appleby Boy At Appleby Untitled, Appleby Appleby, from the series Gypsy And Traveller Horse Fairs Dawn, Bewl Water, from the series The Abyss Gazes Into You Mountain Steps, from the series The Abyss Gazes Into You Rob untitled (Florida), from the series The Abyss Gazes Into You Tombstones Laird Hamilton Brian Apiah Obeng, Traceur Tim, from the series The Abyss Gazes Into You Wiley Congo Natty AKA Rebel MC from the series This Kind Of Poverty Andy Serkis Benedict Cumberbatch Georg Baselitz Miner, Thorseby Colliery, from the series Canary In A Coal Mine The Contents Of Arthur Boyt's Freezer