Home - Recline Data Explorer and Library
A simple but powerful library for building data applications in pure Javascript and HTML. Recline re-uses best-of-breed presentation libraries like SlickGrid, Leaflet, Flot and D3 to create data 'Views' and allows you to connect them with your data in seconds. Documentation » Tutorials » Demos » Get started fast
Rickshaw: A JavaScript toolkit for creating interactive time-series graphs
Graphing Toolkit Rickshaw provides the elements you need to create interactive graphs: renderers, legends, hovers, range selectors, etc. You put the pieces together. Built on d3.js It's all based on d3 underneath, so graphs are drawn with standard SVG and styled with CSS. Open Source Rickshaw is free and open source, available under the MIT license. Getting Started Here's a minimal but complete working example. Area Graphs Lines Bars Scatterplot Interactive Legend Add a basic legend: Add functionality to toggle series' visibility on and off: Highlight each series on hover within the legend: Add drag-and-drop functionality to re-order the stack (requires jQueryUI): Interactive Hover Details Show the series value and formatted date and time on hover: Specify formatting callbacks to customize output: See the custom formatter and subclass examples for more. Annotations Add toggleable annotations: annotator.add(timestamp, message);annotator.update(); Range Slider Graphs & Data via AJAX / JSONP xAxis.render();