23 Useful Online HTML5 Toolsmyown Are you aware that HTML5 is captivating the web by leaps and bounds? This new language is used for displaying the content on net. One can also add in audios, videos, various fonts, web graphics, drag and drop, animations to make your pages more colorful and informative. It is simply a renewed and much better version of the XHML1 or HTML4 and is also compatible to those versions. The online sprite tool box compresses your image and puts your image in a sprite. The pattern generator tool is good for web designers to make header backgrounds and pages. The online HTML5 Tools audio maker tool brings in new features of the audio. Sketch in 3D With Animating Lines on HTML5 canvas Spritebox – Create CSS from Sprite Images font dragr – Drag and drop font testing Patternizer – Stripe Pattern Generator Tool XRAY: look beneath the skin Automatoon- Easy Animation For The Web HTML5 Audio element maker SVG to HTML5 Canvas Converter Rendera – Online HTML5 Editor CanvasLoader Creator HTML 5 Outliner HTML5 Tracker
CSS you can get excited about in 2015 CSS is a constantly evolving language, and as the new year begins it’s a great time to take a look at some of the emerging features that we can start to experiment with. In this article I’ll take a look at some newer modules and individual CSS features that are gaining browser support. Not all of these are features you’ll be able to use in production immediately, and some are only available behind experimental flags. However you’ll find plenty of things here that you can begin to play with — even if only during a prototyping stage of development. CSS Selectors level 4 The level 3 selectors specification is well implemented in browsers and brought us useful selectors such as nth-child. The negation pseudo-class :not The negation pseudo-class selector :not appears in level 3 but gets an upgrade in level 4. In level 4 of the specification you can pass in a comma separated list of selectors. The relational pseudo-class :has The matches-any pseudo-class :matches CSS Blend Modes Using mix-blend-mode
960 Grid System Making a Beautiful HTML5 Portfolio Martin Angelov In today’s tutorial we will be making a beautiful HTML5 portfolio powered by jQuery and the Quicksand plugin. You can use it to showcase your latest work and it is fully customizable, so potentially you could expand it to do much more. The HTML The first step is to write down the markup of a new HTML5 document. index.html <! In the body, there are a number of the new HTML5 elements. The #stage unordered list holds our portfolio items. You can put whatever you want in these li items and customize the portfolio further. Beautiful HTML5 Portfolio with jQuery The jQuery What the Quicksand plugin does, is compare two unordered lists of items, find the matching LIs inside them, and animate them to their new positions. First we need to listen for the ready event (the earliest point in the loading of the page where we can access the DOM), and loop through all the li items detecting the associated tags. script.js – Part 1 Each tag is added to the itemsByTags object as an array. Great!
Using CSS animations - Web developer guide CSS animations make it possible to animate transitions from one CSS style configuration to another. Animations consist of two components, a style describing the CSS animation and a set of keyframes that indicate the start and end states of the animation's style, as well as possible intermediate waypoints along the way. There are three key advantages to CSS animations over traditional script-driven animation techniques: They're easy to use for simple animations; you can create them without even having to know JavaScript. Configuring the animation To create a CSS animation sequence, you style the element you want to animate with the animation property or its sub-properties. The sub-properties of the animation property are: animation-delay Configures the delay between the time the element is loaded and the beginning of the animation sequence. animation-direction animation-duration Configures the length of time that an animation should take to complete one cycle. animation-iteration-count Examples
Create a Stylish Contact Form with HTML5 & CSS3 Follow this step by step process to create your own stylish contact form completely out of HTML5 and CSS3. We’ll be using a couple of the handy new features in HTML5 to add cool functionality to our form, while making use of cool CSS3 properties to recreate our Photoshop concept purely in code. The design we’ll be building features all the things that make a rich interface; gradients, highlights and shadows! View the HTML5/CSS3 form demo Open up Photoshop and create a new document. Use Photoshop layer styles to add a subtle drop shadow at around 30% opacity and a thin 1px stroke using a very light grey. Add a title to the design using the darker blue colour swatch. Use the same font styling on each of the labels, then draw a rounded rectangle with 5px corner radius to create an input field. Copy the elements to lay out the form with a series of input fields, then a slightly larger text area. Modify one of the input fields to visualise how the field would look when in use. <!
go programming Chapter 1: The way of the program Warning: the HTML version of this document is generated from Latex and may contain translation errors. In particular, some mathematical expressions are not translated correctly. The goal of this book is to teach you to think like a computer scientist. This way of thinking combines some of the best features of mathematics, engineering, and natural science. Like mathematicians, computer scientists use formal languages to denote ideas (specifically computations). Like engineers, they design things, assembling components into systems and evaluating tradeoffs among alternatives. The single most important skill for a computer scientist is problem solving. On one level, you will be learning to program, a useful skill by itself. 1.1 The Python programming language The programming language you will be learning is Python. As you might infer from the name "high-level language," there are also low-level languages, sometimes referred to as "machine languages" or "assembly languages." print 1 + 1 input
Web2Py - pyfpdf - web framework integration for PDF report and templates support - Simple PDF generation for Python (FPDF PHP port) AKA fpdf.py At this point you could go to web2py AppAdmin and start to define your document templates, or use import/export functions to reuse your already defined formats! Note: if you used designer.py to create the templates, and you want to import the templates with the Web2Py database admin you will have to modify the file. So; designer.py outputs a file like this: {{{line0;T;20.0;13.0;190.0;13.0;times;10.0;0;0;0;0;65535;C;;0line1;T;20.0;67.0;190.0;67.0;times;10.0;0;0;0;0;65535;C;;0name0;T;21;14;104;25;times;16.0;0;0;0;0;0;C;;2title0;T;64;26;104;30;times;10.0;0;0;0;0;0;C;;2}}} You will have to make it look lke this: A simple python script should do the trick. After defining and filling your database, you can use PyFPDF [Templates] directly reading rows elements from the web2py database: For example, for an invoice, in a controller you could write:{{{def invoice(): from gluon.contrib.pyfpdf import Template import os.path # generate sample invoice (according Argentina's regulations) # last page?
Python & Web: Building Dynamic Web Forms in Web2Py from Ground – Part III Welcome to the third and final tutorial in the series of creating dynamic web forms using Web2Py. In the second tutorial of this series, we talked about editing/updating/deleting the submitted form records as well as management of those records using an ingenious function named SQLFORM.grid(), which allowed us to import and manage our form records in a pre-built environment having security features enabled. In this third, and final tutorial of the series, I would like to shed some light on how multiple web forms can exist on a single page, how a single form can submit data to multiple tables, and finally, a hint about modifying CSS of your web form (which is a common practice in classical PHP based web forms). Okay, let’s go. 1. Multiple Forms on a Single Page: As the header suggests, we are going to integrate more than one web forms on a single page, arranged serially against each other. Now we have two database tables named ‘registration’ and ‘personal’ having following fields: personal:
Python and Web: Building Dynamic Web Forms in Web2Py from Ground – Part II In the first tutorial of this series, we dived into the basics of creating web forms in Web2Py. We saw how easy it is to create dynamic web forms and how smoothly their inputs sync with the database. Assuming that you have followed it, let’s play even harder. 1. Many of you should be wondering about how the form data provided through this form can be edited, updated or even deleted? def form_a(): form = SQLFORM(db.registration) if form.process().accepted: response.flash = ‘You have successfully submitted the form’ elif form.errors: response.flash = 'Please check your form for errors' else: response.flash = 'This form cannot be left empty!' This is a very meanly written controller function (I admit it), which only supports the insertion of input data. Well, we have added a ‘bit’ something in the above function, so allow me to explain it all. Check your new Web2Py form and insert some sample registration record by visiting: 2.
web2py:Web development like a boss Nodrev / Kivy python for android with ctypes Bitbucket is a code hosting site with unlimited public and private repositories. We're also free for small teams! Sign up for freeClose Python for android is a project to create your own Python distribution including the modules you want, and create an apk including python, libs, and your application. Global overview Download Android NDK, SDK Launch "android", and download latest Android platform, here API 14, which would be Android 4.0Export some environment variables:export ANDROIDSDK="/path/to/android/android-sdk-linux_86" export ANDROIDNDK="/path/to/android/android-ndk-r8c" export ANDROIDNDKVER=r8c export ANDROIDAPI=14 (Of course correct the paths mentioned in ANDROIDSDK and ANDROIDNDK) Clone python-for-android:git clone Build a distribution with OpenSSL module, PIL and Kivy:cd python-for-android . Troubleshooting if you get the following message: Android NDK: Host 'awk' tool is outdated. rm $ANDROIDNDK/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/awk Owner Nodrev Public Type
Sample Oscar projects — django-oscar 0.6 documentation Oscar ships with two sample projects: a ‘sandbox’ site, which is a vanilla install of Oscar using the default templates and styles, and a fully featured ‘demo’ site which demonstrates how Oscar can be re-skinned and customised to model a domain. The sandbox site¶ The sandbox site is a minimal implementation of Oscar where everything is left in its default state. It is useful for exploring Oscar’s functionality and developing new features. It only has one notable customisation on top of Oscar’s core: A profile class is specified which defines a few simple fields. Note that some things are deliberately not implemented within core Oscar as they are domain-specific. All tax is set to zero.No shipping methods are specified. The sandbox is, in effect, the blank canvas upon which you can build your site. The demo site¶ The demo site is the reference Oscar project as it illustrates how Oscar can be redesigned and customised to build an realistic e-commerce store. Note Warning $ virtualenv oscar $ . .