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Nietzsche - Human, All Too Human (Full BBC Documentary)

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Ancient Sumerians In Ecuador: The Father Crespi Mystery… | Hidden Inca Tours In the Amazonian Ecuadorian region called Morona Santiago there is a very deep cavern, known in Spanish as Cueva de los Tayos (Cave of the Oilbirds). According to some researchers the true discoverer of the huge archaeological treasures of the Cueva de los Tayos was not the Hungarian Juan Moricz, but rather the Salesian priest Carlo Crespi (1891-1982), a native of Milan, Italy. Carlo Crespi, who arrived to the Amazonian Ecuador area of Cuenca in 1927, was able to win the trust of the natives Jibaro, and so they did deliver to him, over decades, hundreds of fabulous archaeological pieces dating back to an unknown time, many of them made of gold or golden, often masterfully carved with archaic hieroglyphs that, to date, no one has been able to decipher. From 1960 Crespi obtained from the Vatican the permission to open a museum in the city of Cuenca, where was located his Salesian mission. In 1962 there was a fire, and some pieces were lost forever. Full details Here Full details Here

VrayWorld - Scripts & Plugins for 3d environment creation We categorized all those tools for easier research and study according to the usage they have in the creation of our environment. So we have four different categories. Terrain - Vegetation - Rocks & Pavements - Scattering. Maas Architects Bellinkhofartwork by: Nijland George Terrain creation. Populate Terrain: Optimized terrain generation from contour lines. Terrain Maker: This script was written to speed up working with other packages to create grayscale images to be used as height or displacement maps in max.It lets you change the resolution (detail) and the height of the terrain in max. Terrain-conformer: This script conforms a terrain surface to a road in just a few click. Top Plane Slice: This tool is usefull for breaking massive terrain objects e.g. for game engines. Vue: Offers CG professionals the premiere solution for creating exceptionally rich and realistic Digital Nature environments with seamless integration into any production workflow. Vegetation modeling. Rocks & Pavements.

Doctoral degrees: The disposable academic ON THE evening before All Saints' Day in 1517, Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to the door of a church in Wittenberg. In those days a thesis was simply a position one wanted to argue. Luther, an Augustinian friar, asserted that Christians could not buy their way to heaven. In most countries a PhD is a basic requirement for a career in academia. One thing many PhD students have in common is dissatisfaction. Whining PhD students are nothing new, but there seem to be genuine problems with the system that produces research doctorates (the practical “professional doctorates” in fields such as law, business and medicine have a more obvious value). Rich pickings For most of history even a first degree at a university was the privilege of a rich few, and many academic staff did not hold doctorates. Other countries are catching up. But universities have discovered that PhD students are cheap, highly motivated and disposable labour. A short course in supply and demand A very slim premium

Why Lead Used to Be Added To Gasoline Today I found out why lead used to be added to gasoline. “Tetraethyl lead” was used in early model cars to help reduce engine knocking, boost octane ratings, and help with wear and tear on valve seats within the motor. Due to concerns over air pollution and health risks, this type of gas was slowly phased out starting in the late 1970’s and banned altogether in all on-road vehicles in the U.S. in 1995. For a more detailed explanation of why lead used to be added to gasoline, it’s necessary to understand a little bit more about gasoline and what properties make it a good combustion material in car engines. The higher the compression in the cylinders a car’s motor can produce, the greater the power it can get out of each stroke of the piston. In 1919, Dayton Metal Products Co. merged with General Motors. Another benefit that became known over time was that Tetraethyl lead kept valve seats from becoming worn down prematurely. This hasn’t completely gotten rid of leaded gasoline.

The Dark Side of the Moon (Landing) | earthriderdotcom Some dispute that the U.S. sent a man to the moon. Astronaut Buzz Aldrin is the second man to walk on the moon’s surface in 1969 By Judy Berman Over eight days during July 1969, all eyes were on Apollo 11, when it became the first manned mission to land on the moon. More than 40 years after this historic event, about 6 percent of Americans still dispute that we ever set foot on the moon. It fulfilled a goal set by President John F. Apollo 11 made its landing on July 20, 1969. Yet, Bill Kaysing, considered to be the father of the moon hoax, said the whole event was staged. Kaysing, himself, was not an engineer. And, yet, his story had legs. I decided to pick an engineer’s brains on this subject: my Dad. Dad had an analytical mind and addressed some of the claims in Kaysing’s book. Here’s the scoop from the web site science.howstuffworks: Conspiracy theorists also question how the flag could flap with no wind on the moon, and that the photo had to be a hoax. I just hope it’s real soon.

solar 32k 3d 3ds This detailed 3d model comes equipped with two superposed textures, one by day and other one by night with his respective lights. Easy to use, only it needs to move the solar light towards where it is wished and automatic in the shaded part there were activated the lights of the night cities. · Ultra high definition textures.· Ready to render.· Scene lights add.· POLY COUNT can be edited.· Land day/night textures· Atmosphere materials.· Standard Lighting settings (Deflaut render, Cloud Shadow map.)· 32k Textures (32000 x 16000)· Dynamic day/night shader.· High quality fast render.· The number of polygons can be reduced with turbosmooth settings. The scene contains: -4 Spheres·Earth Layer (Day Surface Map, Night Surface texture.) - 3 Textures:·Day Surface Map (32000x16000 px) (Tif format)·Night Surface Map (32000x16000 px) (Tif format)·Cloud Map (16000x8192 px) / Tileable. - 4 Materials No external plugins, deflaut render.

"EL COBRE ES CHILENO Y DEBE SER REFINADO EN CHILE" (Por Carlos Tomic E.) | Comité de Defensa y Recuperación del Cobre Chile exporta anualmente 1 millón de toneladas de cobre fino contenido en concentrados de cobre, equivalentes a 3 millones de toneladas de concentrados que se venden al exterior sin fundir ni refinar, y que son procesados en fundiciones y refinerías del extranjero, transformándolos en cobre electrolítico a cambio de importantes descuentos que se aplican al precio del cobre fino contenido. Pero eso no es todo. Si Chile no actúa con prontitud y decisión para corregir este cuello de botella que perjudica seriamente sus ingresos por exportaciones de cobre, dentro de los próximos 4 o 5 años se verá forzado a conceder descuentos de precio equivalentes a US$ 1.500 millones de dólares anuales, una vez que se inicie la producción de concentrados proveniente de nuevos yacimientos, más las ampliaciones de otros ya existentes. Actualmente es más rentable para el propietario de un yacimiento en Chile producir concentrados de cobre que cobre electrolítico.

From the Russian revolution of 1917 to Stalinist totalitarianism - Agustín Guillamón A historical essay on the transition from Russian Revolution of the Soviets to bureaucratic dictatorship under Stalin, with special emphasis on the period extending from the February Revolution to the period of War Communism. From the Russian Revolution of 1917 to Stalinist Totalitarianism – Agustín Guillamón Introduction The Russian Revolution is the most important historical event of the 20th century, and for some historians it is even accounted as one of the great events of human history. Its influence on international relations, political ideologies and word history from 1917 to 1991 is indisputable. The Russian Revolution must not be understood as a mere coup d’état, reduced to the storming of the Winter Palace, but as a historical process that began with Bloody Sunday and the revolutionary events of 1905, and underwent an uninterrupted period of development until the mid-1920s. The Three Conceptions of the Russian Revolution before 1917 From 1905 to the First World War The April Theses

Explainer: what is the molecular clock? In the 150 years since Charles Darwin recognised the kinship of all life, scientists have worked to fulfil his dream of a complete Tree of Life. Today, the methods used to trace the evolutionary branches back through time would exceed Darwin’s expectations. Scientists across a range of biological disciplines use a technique called the molecular clock, where the past is deciphered by reading the stories written in the genes of living organisms. On the largest scale, the molecular clock has enabled palaeontologists to unveil the story of evolution over millions of years. Dating the origin of species Sometimes known as the “evolutionary clock” or “gene clock”, the molecular clock has foundations in the biological concept of heredity: all life inherits information in the form of genetic molecules (usually DNA) from the previous generation. A metaphor where information is passed through time can illustrate the concept. The uncertain ticking in the DNA Applications and advances
