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The Paris Time Capsule Apartment

The Paris Time Capsule Apartment
A Parisian apartment left untouched for over 70 years was discovered in the quartier of Pigalle a few summers ago and I’ve been meaning to share the pictures with you. Time to unlock the vault … The owner of this apartment, Mrs. De Florian left Paris just before the rumblings of World War II broke out in Europe. She closed up her shutters and left for the South of France, never to return to the city again. Seven decades later she passed away at the age of 91. The team that had the honor of opening what must have been a very stiff old lock for the first time in 70 years, likened the experience to ‘stumbling into the castle of sleeping beauty’. There is a further twist to the story. With some expert historical opinion, the ribbon-bound love letters were quickly recognized as the calling card of none other than Giovanni Boldini, one of Paris’ most important painters of the Belle Époque. What kept her away even after the war? via The Telegraph, photos by GETTY. Related:  TimelineParis

wait but why: Putting Time In Perspective Humans are good at a lot of things, but putting time in perspective is not one of them. It’s not our fault—the spans of time in human history, and even more so in natural history, are so vast compared to the span of our life and recent history that it’s almost impossible to get a handle on it. If the Earth formed at midnight and the present moment is the next midnight, 24 hours later, modern humans have been around since 11:59:59pm—1 second. And if human history itself spans 24 hours from one midnight to the next, 14 minutes represents the time since Christ. To try to grasp some perspective, I mapped out the history of time as a series of growing timelines—each timeline contains all the previous timelines (colors will help you see which timelines are which). A note on dates: When it comes to the far-back past, most of the dates we know are the subject of ongoing debate. For teachers and parents and people who hate cursing: here’s a clean, Rated G version.

L'escalier de la rue d'Alsace après restauration... Il y a encore peu de temps, on ne pouvait pas le voir, caché derrière ses palissades. Les ouvriers travaillaient à le restaurer, nous avait-on dit de bonne source. Des petits malins habitant le quartier ont pu malgré tout nous adresser cette vue presque aérienne de l'escalier en travaux : C'était en juin. Consulté, un ami architecte nous dit qu'il ne faut pas s'arrêter aux différentes teintes des pierres. Voici quelques photos, si vous n'avez pas trop le temps d'aller voir sur place : De loin, l'ensemble rend assez bien. L'état des balustres, de loin donc, ne saute pas aux yeux. Au soleil, ou sous les nuages, le rendu est à peu près le même. Pour les curieux, qui se demandent quel est édifice dont toutes les pierres dégradées ont bien pu être remplacées... il s'agirait du Pont-Neuf de Paris.

Found at Auction: The Unseen Photographs of a Legend that Never Was Picture this: quite possibly the most important street photographer of the 20th century was a 1950s children’s nanny who kept herself to herself and never showed a single one of her photographs to anyone. Decades later in 2007, a Chicago real estate agent and historical hobbyist, John Maloof purchased a box of never-seen, never-developed film negatives of an unknown ‘amateur’ photographer for $380 at his local auction house. John began developing his new collection of photographs, some 100,000 negatives in total, that had been abandoned in a storage locker in Chicago before they ended up at the auction house. It became clear these were no ordinary street snaps of 1950s & 60s Chicago and New York and so John embarked on a journey to find out who was behind the photographs and soon discovered her name: Vivien Maier. A self portrait: Before he could reach her, to John’s great dismay, he found her obituary notice in the Chicago Tribune in 2009. The film will begin screenings in March 2014.

Paris 1900-2013 en photos : pilotez notre fabuleuse machine à remonter le temps | Rue89 Culture Dix autochromes, commandés par un riche banquier, de la capitale au siècle dernier... en face de dix photos, prises par nous cette année. Rue89 vous invite à sentir le temps passé. Mode d’emploi - Les flèches à droite et à gauche de l’image, pour changer de photos. - La poignée rouge, pour remonter le temps. Ces photos parisiennes du début du XXe siècle, que vous connaissez peut-être, nous ont fascinés. Albert Kahn a envoyé des photographes à travers le monde entier pour réaliser un fonds photographique qui comprendra au final plus de 60 pays et 72 000 plaques autochromes. Plusieurs photographes (ou « opérateurs ») ont réalisé ces autochromes parisiens au début du siècle dernier. Nous avons voulu revoir ces endroits, sentir le temps passé. Making of Audrey est partie avec son appareil et son pied. Nous interrogions de temps en temps des vieux du quartier, Pascal leur demandant de commenter les images que nous leur montrions.

Tiny Paris Apartment Would you like to tour a sweet little apartment in Paris with me today? No you say? Yeah, right. I know you, I had you hooked at tour. Or was it Paris? Look at all of her books and nooks, this place is packed with stuff but so cozy and charming though a minimalist may go a bit bonkers with all this stuff around. This is but a glimpse of her magical world, to see more click here (including her kitchenette). (images: elodie at la mechante)

Bilresan till kontinenten 1939 (1939) - Filmarkivet Harry von Eckermanns samling nummer 6. Amatörfilm från resa genom Europa några månader innan andra världskriget bryter ut. Läs mer om filmen i SMDB "Genom Centraleuropa 23/4 - 20/5 1939. Les dispositifs de la ZSP deviennent plus compréhensibles Il s'agit d'un article long... pour un samedi ! Mais il se passe des choses à Barbès et dans la Goutte d'Or: d'abord une réunion en mairie du 18e mercredi 14 pour présenter le dispositif local de zone de sécurité prioritaire, puis une visite du ministre de l'Intérieur, Manuel VALLS, vendredi après midi. Nous relatons par le menu ces deux événements, aujourd'hui et demain. Depuis l'été dernier, la presse et le ministère de l'Intérieur parlent de ces fameuses zones de sécurité prioritaires (ZSP) qui devraient à long terme – cette expression « à long terme » n'est pas une figure de style mais bien le signe que la patience est de mise – résorber les problèmes de délinquance qui ruinent le quotidien de quelque 1,6 million de citoyens qui vivent dans ces zones. Il y a désormais 64 ZSP dans toute la France, mais celle qui nous intéresse le plus – qui VOUS intéresse le plus ! Daniel Vaillant a été très clair dès le début : « Il faut que les citoyens sachent ce qui se passe, ce qui est engagé ».

Glass rain may give planet blue hue 11 July 2013Last updated at 11:23 ET The turbulent alien world - seen in this artist's impression - lies some 63 light-years from Earth For the first time, astronomers have determined the true colour of a planet orbiting another star. The world, known as HD189733b, has a deep azure hue - probably the result of silicate (glass) rain in the atmosphere, which scatters blue light. Details of the discovery, made with the Hubble Space Telescope, are to appear in Astrophysical Journal Letters. Although it might resemble Earth from a distance, HD189733b is a huge gas giant which orbits close to its host star. The temperature of the planet's atmosphere is a scorching 1,000C, and it rains glass, sideways, in howling 7,000km-per-hour winds. Its atmosphere has been found to be dramatically changeable and exotic, with hazes and violent bursts of evaporation. It has been extensively studied by ground- and space-based telescopes. HD 189733b is faint and close to its sun.

Perhaps Paris Listen, there is no way around it. In the article that follows I'm going to be forced to wield sweeping generalisations, peddle the occasional stereotype, and generally piss off the people of my adopted home. However. It needs to be done. It's like one of those difficult talks that normally take place in the kitchen and are basically painful for one party. Caveat in place, here we go. Paris, and France in general, is not a significant cultural centre. Perhaps a ridiculous thing to say, particularly in terms of art. And it is in this question that we start to approach the centre of what I'm getting at. Two things. Firstly a truly international outlook, a permeability and openness to things that are not French. Secondly, the energy and conditions that generate great art. Dealing with them in order. By way of an example. FIAC 2012 will bring together around 180 galleries from 24 countries at the Grand Palais. Here is the equivalant text from Frieze in London: And Basel: Second point.
