UI vs UX: what’s the difference?
UI is the saddle, the stirrups, and the reigns. UX is the feeling you get being able to ride the horse, and rope your cattle. At least that’s what they used to say in the olden days. Rather, that is what I wished they’d say. An interesting note to that is that I’ve found the people who work at jobs with titles such as Interaction Designer to get paid more simply because they know and act on the differences between those two fields (typically harnessing a little of both). Let’s jump right into a standardized definition that we will try to metaphorically elaborate on. More pointedly, good user experience is the art of a drill going through wood, or a surfboard gliding through water effortlessly. Before continuing, I’d like to just say that this article is based on my opinion alone and in no way is trying to make large grandiose statements on the way anything should be. Let’s break it down Dan Saffer was kind enough to let us use his image. Generalities UX: designing for emotion
15 web sites with excellent UX
User experience is greatly important in the development of a website these days. A great user experience makes sure someone visit your site and enjoy every portion of it. User experience also makes sure you can maneuver around a site and find everything you’re looking for. UX (user experience) for web design is a combination of such skills as user interface design and interaction design. Today we’ve found 15 great sites that really understand and take the time out to create a wonderful user experience. Andrew Jackson Andrew is a freelance designer based out of London. Bakken & Baeck Bakken & Baeck is a small agency based in Norway that claims to turn good ideas into great products. David Bastian David is a designer from Chile. Defringe Defringe is a site that puts together a bunch of different creative things. Design Embraced Design Embraced is the home of Art and Creative Director Anthony Goodwin. Eskimo Eskimo Creative is an award winning agency based in Manchester. FS Emeric Harry’s
Flat Mobile UI Design with Remarkable User Experience | Design
Flat design means designing without the usual gradients, pixel perfect shadows, and skeuomorphism that’s been rampant in recent years (more on this later) to achieve what appears to be a “flat” interface. The most beautiful, modern and amazing Flat Mobile UI Design is right here. Today we’re picked up 50 Flat Mobile UI Design with Remarkable User Experience from behance and dribbble for inspiration. All the Mobile App UI/UX designs are created by professional graphic designers who can join web’s biggest platforms from all over the web. The actual fact of User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) is that both UI/UX are the two sides of the same coin. If you need Flat UI Kits, Flat Elements or Flat Design Concepts for your website or mobile app then you can get in touch with us. You may be interested in the following modern trends related articles as well. Subscribe to our RSS via email, simply enter your email address & click subscribe. 1. Source 2. Source 3. Source 4. Source 5. Source 6.
How the touch screen revolution is impacting UX
The introduction of Windows 8 saw a massive overhaul of the Windows user interface in line with the Windows Phone interface in order to be more intuitive for people using touch screens, and Apple have subtly been adapting OSX over time, streamlining features that are becoming increasingly shared across their mobile and desktop operating systems. Whilst we have yet to see a touchscreen Mac, it’s obvious that the touch screen revolution is looming upon us with users spending more and more time on their mobile devices than home PCs. With this in mind and an ever increasing proportion of browsing taking place on smartphones and tablets, websites must decide how they will adapt to people accessing their content without a mouse and keyboard. Whilst the default response to this has often been ‘just make a separate mobile interface!’ This article will take a look at a number of sites that have gone down both unconventional and standard site designs to become more touch-friendly. Radial menu
Comment améliorer l'ergonomie de votre site web
Vous connaissez tous le split-testing, ou « AB testing ». C’est une approche quantitative intéressante, qui a le mérite de fournir des éléments d’évaluation chiffrés donc objectifs (Exemple : « après modification des codes-couleur on constate une augmentation de + 7,54% de clics sur le bouton ‘ajouter au panier’, c’est donc qu’il est plus visible et / ou incite davantage au clic »). Sauf que le split-testing, ça prend du temps. Et parfois, surtout lorsqu’on travaille pour une jeune start-up, on n’a pas le temps de mettre du Biactol électronique sur chacun des « boutons » (aux deux sens du terme) de son site pré-pubère. Il y aurait tellement de choses à faire… Dans ce cas, on aura recours à des témoignages d’utilisateurs, qui permettront de recueillir des informations de nature différente, plus « qualitatives » : Sachez que l’utilisateur a toujours raison et que les « mauvaises réponses » n’existent pas. La page d’accueil A l’heure où j’écris ces lignes, le site ressemble à cela :
Inspired UI - Mobile UI Patterns
Analysez et améliorez votre ergonomie grâce au eye tracking
Vous voulez améliorer vos pages Web ou vos applications mobiles ? Être sûr que votre message essentiel va être bien lu ? Que les images que vous avez inséré ont un impact réel sur les utilisateurs ? Sachez que 3/4 des bannières des gros annonceurs ne sont jamais vues. L’eye tracking peut vous aider ! Qu’est ce que l’eye tracking ? L’eye tracking signifie en Français : oculométrie. Pour pouvoir bénéficier d’un test utilisateurs de eye tracking, il est possible de faire appel à des entreprises spécialisées. Exemple de carte du chemin exact parcouru par le regard d’un utilisateur : Si vous n’avez pas les moyens financiers de bénéficier d’un diagnostic concernant l’efficacité de vos pages Web, il existe heureusement d’autres techniques très efficaces et gratuites (ou peu onéreuses), comme le clickheat et le crazy egg. Qu’est-ce que le clickheat ? C’est une solution open source et gratuite de Heatmap (carte de chaleur) qui sert à visualiser les clics de l’utilisateur.