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The flip: Turning a classroom upside down

The flip: Turning a classroom upside down
Roshan, her AP Calculus teacher at the private Bullis School in Potomac, told students that they would be learning their lessons at home with help from videos and other materials that she had made, and then would do “homework” problems in class. Roshan had “flipped” her class — a trend in teaching and classroom management that has been adopted by thousands of teachers across the country for a variety of different subjects. It is a reimagination of life in a classroom. The philosophy behind the flip is that teachers can spend time working with students who need their help in the classroom — and students can work together to solve problems — rather than sitting home alone with work they might not understand and with nobody to ask for help. Skeptics raise questions about flipped classrooms: How many subjects are really appropriate for this technique? “My AP Calc class was a really anxious environment,” said Roshan. Gutschick said she thinks her teacher has succeeded.

The Evolution of Classroom Technology Classrooms have come a long way. There’s been an exponential growth in educational technology advancement over the past few years. From overhead projectors to iPads, it’s important to understand not only what’s coming next but also where it all started. We’ve certainly come a long way but some things seem hauntingly similar to many years ago. For example, Thomas Edison said in 1925 that “books will soon be obsolete in schools. Scholars will soon be instructed through the eye.” Also in 1925, there were “schools of the air” that delivered lessons to millions of students simultaneously. Here’s a brief look at the evolution of classroom technology. c. 1650 – The Horn-Book Wooden paddles with printed lessons were popular in the colonial era. c. 1850 – 1870 – Ferule This is a pointer and also a corporal punishment device. 1870 – Magic Lantern The precursor to a slide projector, the ‘magic lantern’ projected images printed on glass plates and showed them in darkened rooms to students. B.

8 Crucial Resources For Flipped Classrooms Have you “flipped” yet? My colleagues have this week; it’s PSSA week in Pennsylvania (PSSAs are standardized tests.). That’s not the flipped I meant, however. I meant, have you flipped your classroom yet? Well, if you have or are thinking about it, here are some tools you might want to consider using for those after-hours background knowledge sessions. YouTube This might be the most popular tool teachers have used for flipped instruction. You don’t have to establish a class list to allow for student discussion. Other services, such as those that approximate a LMS, require a lot of preparation before a teacher can use it. You can edit the video online (somewhat). Evernote Tutorial as a Cartoon Trim and stabilize Swap audio tracks Change the look of the video (for instance, make it look like a cartoon) Add annotations Add captions Download the new version of the video for offline use It’s easy to share with colleagues, friends, and professional development organizations. Edmodo Schoology

Flipped Classroom Higher Education The Flipped Classroom: Explanation & Resources The flipped classroom model, in which traditional teaching methods and the order of a student’s day are basically reversed to make use of resources online and/or outside of class while moving what we know as traditional “homework” into actual classroom time, has been slowly gaining steam around the country since its unofficial inception in 2004, but the recent onslaught of high quality educational resources being released from the likes of Khan Academy, MIT, and others has really kicked the movement into high gear. What is the flipped classroom model? Does it work? Take a look at a collection of articles and resources below. Background on the flipped classroom: The Daily Riff: How the flipped classroom was born The Atlantic: Flipped classrooms promote personalization in higher education The Washington Post: The flip: Turning a classroom upside down Articles on the flipped classroom in action: The classroom flip: a rural case Zanesville, OH teachers use technology to flip classrooms YouTube edX

The truth about flipped learning By Aaron Sams and Brian Bennett Read more by Contributor May 31st, 2012 Ultimately, flipped learning is not about flipping the “when and where” instruction is delivered; it’s about flipping the attention away from the teacher and toward the learner. A flipped classroom is all about watching videos at home and then doing worksheets in class, right? Wrong! Consider carefully the assumptions and sources behind this oversimplified description. Is this the definition promoted by practitioners of flipped classrooms, or sound bites gleaned from short news articles? Many assumptions and misconceptions around the flipped class concept are circulating in educational and popular media. Assumption: Videos have to be assigned as homework. Although video is often used by teachers who flip their class, it is not a prerequisite, and by no means must a video be assigned as homework each night. Resulting misconception: Videos are just recorded lectures.

Part 1: Flipping The Classroom? … 12 Resources To Keep You On Your Feet Welcome to another post rich in resources. If you have come here looking for links that will guide you to videos and multimedia to use in a Flipped Classroom that is coming in a future post. Perhaps you have tried a little Flip of your own and want to learn more. Many educators are beginning to become aware of the growing teaching method referred to as “Flipping The Classroom”. You see, at first this definition does make a lot of sense, and like so many “best practices” I see great value in the idea. Yes, I am a proponent of incorporating various multimedia and online learning in a blended environment. The Twelve Resources To Better Understand Flipping the Classroom Blend My Learning (The Envision Experiment) - Oakland, California high school students who had failed algebra were randomly assigned to one of two summer school classes. Learning About The Khan Academy - You have heard about Khan and have possible even used the tutorials. Like this: Like Loading...

Étudiants plagiaires : l'Université vous donne carte blanche Le maître de conférences à l'Université Paris 8 Jean-Noël Darde a publié sur son site Archéologie du copier-coller un article, éminemment dérangeant, qui révèle que plusieurs thèses mises en ligne sur le site de l'Atelier national de Reproduction des Thèses (ANRT) sont... des plagiats avérés. Le plus inquiétant ne réside pas là : tout le contenu pris en charge par l'ANRT est auparavant validé par les jurys et autres commissions universitaires, qui semblent finalement peu regardants sur la légitimité des travaux qui leur sont proposés. Après une lecture attentive et pointilleuse de trois thèses incriminées, l'Archéologie du copier-coller est en mesure de présenter une liste exhaustive des « sources » joyeusement pillées par les auteurs plagiaires (l'une des thèses, avec passages surlignés, est disponible ici) : quand les passages ne sont pas recopiés mot pour mot, la construction est si alambiquée qu'elle ne laisse planer aucun doute sur l'artisanat du patchwork qui la sous-tend.

iPad Curriculum Open Data (3/4) : L’enjeu de la coproduction Par Hubert Guillaud le 06/06/12 | 3 commentaires | 2,747 lectures | Impression Au-delà des producteurs de données et d’un public de geeks à la recherche de moyens de développements, la question de l’Open Data ne mobilise pas les foules, malgré l’effort de mobilisation et d’animation autour de la question qui anime tous les acteurs publics qui ont publié des jeux de données. Comment élargir le cercle de ceux qui s’intéressent aux données ? Comment mettre les habitants, les associations en capacité d’agir avec les données ? Comment leur fournir les outils, leur mettre à disposition compétences et ressources ? Coproduire pour ouvrir Open Street Map est une base de donnée géographique libre et gratuite, rappelle son président, Gaël Musquet (@ratzillas). Image : la page d’accueil d’Open Street Map France. OSM se présente comme un moyen d’accéder à la cartographie par tous et pour tous, explique son président. Coproduire la transparence Structurer la communauté de l’Open Data Hubert Guillaud

Wordplay - Spanish Vocabulary Game G. Pau-Langevin a en charge l'innovation, l'orientation et la réussite scolaire Un décret publié au Journal officiel du 9 juin délimite les attributions ministérielles de Mme George Pau-Langevin, ministre déléguée auprès du ministre de l'éducation nationale, chargée de la réussite éducative. Elle "traite, par délégation du ministre de l'éducation nationale, des questions relatives à la préparation et à la mise en œuvre des mesures propres à favoriser la réussite scolaire de tous les élèves. Elle met en œuvre la politique d'innovation et d'expérimentation dans l'enseignement et la vie scolaire ainsi que les actions d'accompagnement éducatif conduites dans le cadre de la réforme des rythmes scolaires. Elle est chargée d'améliorer les dispositifs d'orientation ainsi que ceux concourant à la prise en charge des élèves les plus en difficulté. Elle veille aux conditions d'accueil et d'intégration des élèves handicapés et suit les questions relatives à la santé des élèves". F. Au J.O.
