css - My media query doesn't work on my android device Teatro di San Carlo - Eduard Zilberkant / Evelyn Glennie * Il prezzo ridotto è riservato ai titolari delle Carte dei programmi di Membership, ai gruppi di almeno 10 persone e ai membri di enti, CRAL ed associazioni convenzionati con il Teatro di San Carlo Informazioni e Prenotazioni L'abbonamento Opera e Balletto 2014/2015 consente di assistere a 12 spettacoli: - 10 a posto fisso al Teatro di San Carlo - 2 a posto libero al Teatro di Corte (L'isola disabitata / Otello) TUTTI i titoli sono obbligatori Gli abbonati del San Carlo per le future generazioni. Gli abbonati alla Stagione d'Opera e Balletto che volessero acquistare anche l'abbonamento della Stagione Sinfonica avranno diritto al prezzo ridotto(max due abbonamneti Sinfonica per ogni abbonamento Opera e Balletto acquistato). Il periodo di prelazione per i nostri abbonati va dal 19 maggio al 3 agosto 2014 compresi.
The Ronettes on Spotify The Ronettes were formed in the Washington Heights/Spanish Harlem area of New York City. Sisters Veronica (aka Ronnie) and Estelle Bennett and their cousin Nedra Talley first started harmonizing together as teenagers in 1959, inspired by doo wop groups like Frankie Lymon & the Teenagers and Little Anthony & the Imperials. First calling themselves the Darling Sisters, the trio also worked on their dance moves, and won the famed amateur talent contest at the Apollo Theater; afterward, they began formal vocal training. In 1961, they were standing in line to get into the Peppermint Lounge -- epicenter of the twist dance craze -- when a manager mistook them for an act he'd booked. They performed to great response, and were quickly hired as regulars. Later that year, they appeared in the film Twist Around the Clock, and danced in shows staged by disc jockey Murray the K.
Responsive Web Design Grid Rai Replay Il servizio ti permetterà di rivedere in replica i programmi andati in onda negli ultimi 7 giorni su Rai Uno, Rai Due, Rai Tre, Rai 5 e Rai Premium. Seleziona il canale tv che ti interessa (a sinistra) e il giorno di messa in onda (in alto); così facendo visualizzerai la lista dei programmi del giorno e potrai vederli con un semplice click. I programmi già disponibili in modalità Replay sono contrassegnati dal colore azzurro I programmi ancora in fase di lavorazione e dunque disponibili a breve sono evidenziati dal colore grigio chiaro I programmi non disponibili perchè Rai non ne detiene i diritti di diffusione su internet sono contrassegnati dal colore grigio scuro I programmi di Rai Replay sono offerti in modalità geoprotetta per tutelare i diritti di terzi © Tutti i diritti sono riservati - Vietata la registrazione anche parziale
Farmacy Kitchen Cookbook: Plant-based recipes for a conscious way of life: Amazon.co.uk: Camilla Fayed: Books Book Description Fresh ideas and delicious food to support a sustainable lifestyle. About the Author Camilla Fayed is the originator and founder of Farmacy. Having always been passionate about healthy eating and conscious living, Camilla began her journey into the world of plant-based living after the birth of her first child. Having experienced the powerful, healing benefits of a plant-based diet herself, and after extensive research and travels, Camilla was inspired to create Farmacy; a place where she could share her philosophy on nutrition and help bring the conscious eating revolution to London. Camilla's aim with Farmacy was to make healthy eating fun, in a beautiful setting. Under Camilla's direction, the Farmacy team work hard to constantly experiment and evolve the menu, with the regular introduction of new seasonal dishes and superfood ingredients.
CSS3 Media Queries - Examples Ricordare Nick Drake, illustrazione di Ilaria Grimaldi | Freakout Magazine onLine Il prossimo 6 novembre uscirà il primo libro ufficiale su Nick Drake, Remembered For A While e la nostra Ilaria Grimaldi ha ben pensato di dedicare un’illustrazione al celeberrimo cantautore. Clicca qui per leggere l’intero articolo sul libroAutore: Ilaria Grimaldi
HTML source media Attribute David Bowie’s Enchanting Isolated Vocal Track for “Ziggy Stardust” by Maria Popova Because Ziggy didn’t always play guitar. In June of 1972, David Bowie released his fifth studio record, The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars — the album that gave birth to his legendary alter ego, the fictional rock star Ziggy Stardust, who catapulted Bowie into superstardom and went on to become one of the twentieth century’s greatest pop-culture cults. This mesmerizing isolated vocal track for the album’s title song reveals as much the intimate beauty of Bowie’s imperfect voice as it does the enormous role instrumentation and performance play in creating the overall effect of the song’s enchantment and exhilaration: Donating = Loving Bringing you (ad-free) Brain Pickings takes hundreds of hours each month. You can also become a one-time patron with a single donation in any amount. Brain Pickings has a free weekly newsletter. Share on Tumblr