99 Bottles of Beer | Start Two years spamming spammers back – Medium I created a bot to respond to these types of emails… Sarah: My husband dead two years ago and the family members wants to kill me and my children and seat on the inheritance he left for us with bank here l am now in a hiding with my kids and the documents of inheritance is with us… Bot: Very nice! Where abouts are you located? Jump to mlooper.com to see how this conversation continued… ^ that’s the Sp@m Looper. But first, the back story… I hate spam email. Dear sir/madam,Please first let me introduce myself. Damnit, Parul. Imagine if this type of thing happened in real-life. “Good morning Brian. “No, I walked away on purpose. “Okay, sounds good. “Please don’t talk to me again. “No problem. Email spam is real-life spam. Back in early 2015, I decided I had enough. But, how… how do you stop spam? You waste the spammers time. I figured if I could eat up a spammers time, then they would have less time to perfect their new spamming technique. I put them in the Spam Looper Wow! This worked well.
exercism.io Ordre des opérations Les règles de priorité sont : Exemples[modifier | modifier le code] Dans une successions d'additions et de soustractions, on peut effectuer les calculs de gauche à droite mais d'autres regroupements sont possibles (mais on n'effectuera pas : 2 − (0,5 + 1,5) = 2 − 2 = 0) Dans un calcul tel que 7 + 2 × 6, priorité est donnée à la multiplication : (et on n'effectuera pas ainsi : (7 + 2) × 6 = 9 × 6 = 54, comme on serait tenté de le faire par lecture de gauche à droite). L'usage de parenthèses permet donc de créer une exception aux priorités opératoires (multiplications et divisions prioritaires sur les additions et soustractions). Ainsi, un calcul comme (7 + 2) × 6 s'effectue ainsi : Ces quatre règles se complètent les unes les autres : ainsi le calcul 50 × 2 − [ 3 + 4 × (11 − 6 + 3) − 1 ] s'effectue ainsi : A = 50 × 2 − [ 3 + 4 × 8 − 1 ] (priorité aux calculs entre parenthèses 11 − 6 + 3) A = 100 − [ 3 + 4 × 8 − 1 ] (priorité à la multiplication 50 × 2 sur la soustraction précédant les crochets) et
The waterless toilet that turns your poo into power | Guardian Sustainable Business Human excrement is rife with pathogens, “odorant volatiles” (the chemicals that make it smell) and parasites, but it has something going for it: it’s about 75% water. What’s more, water is the smallest of all its component molecules. It’s these qualities of our faecal matter that got researchers at Cranfield Water Science Institute thinking about how to make a new kind of toilet that can provide safe sanitation to the 2.5 billion people around the world who do not currently have it. The result was the nano-membrane toilet which removes the water from human waste and leaves solids that can be used as fuel or fertiliser. The vapour is then recovered and drained into a collection vessel so it can be used for irrigation, household washing or even human consumption. Instead of a flush, the toilet uses a scraper mechanism that sends the waste from the toilet bowl into a collection tank below, where the solids collect at the bottom as sediment and where the liquid waste is filtered.
515 Free Online Programming & Computer Science Courses You Can Start in April Five years ago, universities like MIT and Stanford first opened up free online courses to the public. Today, more than 700 schools around the world have created thousands of free online courses. I’ve compiled this list of over 515 such free online courses that you can start this month. I’ve sorted all 515 of these courses into the following categories based on their difficulty level: BeginnerIntermediateAdvanced Many of these courses are completely self-paced. An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 1)Rice University via Coursera★★★★★ (2943 ratings) | 3rd Apr, 2017 Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)University of Michigan via Coursera★★★★★ (1143 ratings) | 3rd Apr, 2017 Introduction to Computer ScienceHarvard University via edX★★★★★ (62 ratings) | Self Paced Intro to Computer ScienceUniversity of Virginia via Udacity★★★★☆ (63 ratings) | Self Paced Introduction to Programming with MATLABVanderbilt University via Coursera★★★★★ (179 ratings) | 3rd Apr, 2017
Cloud Application Platform | Heroku Why Big Companies Keep Failing: The Stack Fallacy Stack fallacy has caused many companies to attempt to capture new markets and fail spectacularly. When you see a database company thinking apps are easy, or a VM company thinking big data is easy — they are suffering from stack fallacy. Stack fallacy is the mistaken belief that it is trivial to build the layer above yours. Comic credit: XKCD Mathematicians often believe we can describe the entire natural world in mathematical terms. Stack fallacy — “just an app” In the business world, we have a similar illusion. As history has shown, Amazon is dominating the cloud IaaS market, even as the technology vendors that build ingredient, lower-layer technologies struggle to compete — VMware is nowhere close to winning against AWS, even though all of AWS runs on virtual machine technology, a core competency of VMware; Oracle has been unable to beat Salesforce in CRM SaaS, despite the fact that Oracle perceives Salesforce to be just a hosted database app. History is full of such examples.
Enfin maîtriser les expressions rationnelles • Delicious Insights Le croque-mitaine Traditionnellement, les expressions rationnelles ne sont pas enseignées. Il est déjà assez difficile de trouver un prof de BTS ou DUT capable de faire véritablement du Java, sans même parler de Python, Ruby ou JavaScript, pour espérer avoir carrément des cours décents d'expressions rationnelles. Popularisées par Perl, les expressions rationnelles débarquent en général au travers d'un morceau de code parfaitement abscons, comme le dégorgement inattendu d'un fragment de fichier binaire au beau milieu du code source. Et de fait, quel développeur, pas forcément junior mais globalement sain d'esprit, n’aurait pas le cœur au bord des lèvres en tombant tout à coup sur ce genre de chose : if (expr.match(/\w+\[([\w-]+)(? C’est vrai, quoi, comprenez-les. Le bon outil pour manipuler du texte Naturellement, il n'en est rien, ne prêtez pas attention à cette porte qui claque quelque part dans l'asile d'Arkham. Vous me rétorquerez peut-être qu'ils sont bien plus lisibles. Délimiteurs ?