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Blogs Wikis Docs Chart

"Laptop Kits" for Using Computers in the Classroom This post was originally published in June, but I am "recycling" it again to link up with Debbie Clement's post on Classroom Organization Tips. Check out Debbie's AMAZING (and comprehensive!) post where she discusses tips and materials for organizing your classroom. Then link up and add a strategy to share. There are already lots of great ideas in the link-up section at Rainbows Within Reach! In order to run smoothly, in my opinion, a classroom needs routines and systems. My thirty-four sixth graders have been lucky enough to have netbooks for the past two years. Having computers in the classroom leads to the need for several systems to keep the use of technology as easy and efficient as possible. It was quickly clear that students were collecting a variety different things necessary for using the computers, particularly ear buds or headphones. And so was the origin of our "Laptop kits." Some students have traditional headphones (These won't fit in the bag. And WHAT is this?

The Ultimate Guide To Using Twitter In Education Twitter seems to be here to stay. As one of the most popular ways for teachers, students, and the general public to communicate, it’s becoming a must-have tool in almost every teacher’s toolbox. However, numerous recent studies have shown that education in general has been slow to adopt social media. In an effort to speed up this adoption process, below you’ll find a boatload of resources on the past, present, and future of Twitter in education as well as some helpful guides to using the tool in the classroom. This guide is by no means exhaustive and is meant to be added to on a regular basis. To do that, Edudemic needs your help . The History of Communication The following is a guest post excerpt from Ernesto Priego of The Guardian (UK). With that in mind, the future of communication in the form of social media is examined as a way to forever alter the world of education. Read the full article on here . The Nuts and Bolts of Twitter In Education The Twitter Experiment Dr.

100 Blogs That Will Make You Smarter By Alisa Miller Reading blogs doesn’t have to be an exercise in futility or a waste of time. Your blog addiction can serve you well by with these blogs that are sure to make you smarter. These blogs bring you information about politics, education, technology, art, literature, an international perspective on life and culture, and much more. Become a regular reader of these blogs and who knows how intelligent you will be in the end. Politics Whether you fall to the left, right, or down the middle, these political blogs will open your eyes and expand your mind and bolster your leadership skills. Daily Kos. News Get the latest news about the nation, the world, the economy, health care, and even some off-the-wall news stories with these blogs. AC360. Higher Education These blogs come from professors and universities and share a wealth of information that will surely expand your world and help make you smarter. Lessig. Technology Harga-Blog. Sports The Wages of Wins Journal. International Perspective

Under Ten Minutes | How to use Education Technology quickly. ActivInspire is predominantly used as a teacher tool for presenting information to children but it shares many similarities with other tools such as PowerPoint and can therefore be used by children quite easily too. Each page is similar to a PowerPoint slide and it can contain images, information and links to other resources. This video gives a quick overview of how to create a flipchart using ActivInspire. This video is also available to view Vimeo by clicking here. 2Sequence is a tool that is part of Purple Mash. It provides a range of instruments and sounds that can be dragged onto a musical score. To view this video on Vimeo, click here. Isle of Tune ( is a website that starts with a blank green island. Islands can be shared via a URL and popular islands can be viewed too. To view the video on Vimeo, click here. The Zondle site recently went through some refurbishments. The video is on YouTube, if you can’t access the video, try this link instead. YouTube: Vimeo:

50 Things Everyone Should Know How To Do Self-reliance is a vital key to living a healthy, productive life. To be self-reliant one must master a basic set of skills, more or less making them a jack of all trades. Contrary to what you may have learned in school, a jack of all trades is far more equipped to deal with life than a specialized master of only one. While not totally comprehensive, here is a list of 50 things everyone should know how to do. Edit: Do you like this post image? Beautful, isnt’ it? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Animateurs multimédias, suivez la vague ! : Articles : Thot Cursus L’animateur multimédia est au centre de la communauté Web. Il doit donc maîtriser mieux que quiconque les outils multimédias et surtout connaître leur palette d'usages, afin de pouvoir répondre aux demandes de ses utilisateurs. Si la familiarisation avec les principaux outils de bureautique, le courrier électronique, le navigateur web et les applications courantes de création multimédia continue de représenter l'essentiel de son travail auprès d'un large public, l'animateur multimédia peut et doit, de plus en plus, proposer une large gamme d'outils répondant à des besoins spécifiques, et les combiner entre eux. Mais, sans formation initiale commune, les animateurs multimédias développent des compétences personnelles hétérogènes et leur offre de service est fortement dépendante de ce qu'eux-mêmes maîtrisent. Le site DUO 2.0 propose six parcours de formation scénarisés : Les formations sont disponibles entièrement en ligne, sous forme de widgets embarquables. Chaque capsule propose :

Mobile Learning: 50+ Resources & Tips I believe mobile devices will transform education. This is why I created a free ebook, Effective Mobile Learning: 50+ Quick Tips & Resources with helpful tips and several resources to help support this trend. One reason is because mobile devices are designed in a way that forces the teacher to give control to the learner. When we equip a classroom with iPads, iPods, small tablets, or cellphones the learning is literally put in the hands of the students. The teacher has to facilitate and walk around the room to manage the learning. Below are a list of 50+ Mobile Learning resources & growing! Mobile Learning Free Ebooks Mobile Learning Posts/Presentations I’ve Given Mobile Learning LiveBinder of Resources Mobile Learning Mindmap of Implementation This mindmap is full of case studies, schools, teachers, free ebooks, and more to show real examples of mobile learning at its best.

17 Reasons Facebook is Right for Education Home » Social Media Social media stats are on the rise (yes, still), and if you haven't gotten on board with Facebook yet, you may be at a disadvantage. Time for a pop quiz! Don't worry, I'm not grading. Take a look at these 17 true/false statements. You see that... most of your students are on Facebook.most of your colleagues & students' parents are on Facebook.most of your local community is on Facebook.even one of your friends' pet dog is on Facebook. I don't need a Master's in Social Media to guess that your answers to these questions are "Yes". The point is there is value in using a popular social media outlet that people already touch base with on a daily basis. OK, now back to the quiz. You are interested in... You are a teacher who wants... You are a school administrator who wants to...

How I use my iPad on Vimeo via @Ilotimo…
