OpenBrand Nos travaux | Institut des Futurs Souhaitables Organisation à but non lucratif, l’Institut des Futurs souhaitables fonctionne comme un Think & Do Tank dont la vocation est de produire et diffuser librement de nouveaux savoirs pour réhabiliter le "long terme" dans les décisions présentes . L’IFs s’inscrit dans la tradition anglo-saxonne des Think Tank et conduit ses propres travaux de recherche et d’expérimentation en partenariat avec le milieu académique , laboratoires, universités et grandes écoles. Que ce soit sur des sujets amonts dont l’IFs s’autosaisit (Qu’est-ce qu’un futur souhaitable ? Pour sa première expérimentation d’innovation sociale, l ’Institut des Futurs souhaitables a vu grand. Invest for Change est un projet de plateforme internet 2.0 permettant une mise en relation et une collaboration plus efficaces entre porteurs de projets environnementaux et sociaux et l’ensemble des détenteurs de ressources susceptibles de les soutenir (*). (*) expertise, subventions, dons, dette, fonds propres
Infographic: Want your new game to land in the US Top 10? Infographic: Want your new game to land in the US Top 10? You have 72 hours to spend $56,000 Start strong, says Trademob After spending months or years of your life developing a mobile game, it's natural to think that it'll be appreciated by the world and instantly recognised for its genius. But time and again, great games launch onto the App Store and spend weeks struggling to break into the Top 10. Trademob's taken a good hard look at what it takes to achieve a Top 10 rank in the App Store, and the results are surprising. According to its data, Trademob states that an app "must achieve a high number of downloads within 72 hours" to crack the Top 10 - with the last 24 of those 72 hours being the most significant. Further, it's estimated that you'd need 80,000 installs to break into the US Top 10. Swings and roundabouts The good news is that to actually hit the mark, you only need to splash out on half as many installs. Click for full scale image
Crowdfunding for Open Source Projects Open Source projects requires sponsors to fund their project. Few got good funding but few others are struggling to continue their project. A contributor, who does full time work in open source project requires funding to take care his needs. He has to be paid and he cannot do it for free. For those who don't get fund, check out this crowdfunding sites, these are exclusively for open source projects. Open Source Crowdfunding: Crowdfunding means collect money from bunch of people and complete the event or work. BountySource: BountySource is the funding platform for open-source software. FreedomSponsors: FreedomSponsors is a platform for supporting free/libre software projects through microcrowdfunding ? Catincan: Catincan is a crowdfunding platform to help existing open source software projects thrive. Gun.IO: Gunio - pronounced 'Gun-yo' - is a place where independent and open source developers can hire each other. The crowdfunding for open source projects is in nascent stage. Read more
Flattr - Social microdonations Auctionata France 2 et la vision utopique du crowdfunding ! – Octopousse, le blog Jeudi soir dernier, France 2 diffusait, lors de l’émission Envoyé Spécial, un reportage sur le financement participatif. Cette « nouvelle » méthode qui permet aux porteurs de projets de financer leurs projets via les internautes en proposant son initiative sur un site internet. Ce jour-là, les demandes ont explosé, les records de visites ont été battus, les collectes se sont accrues et nous en retenons beaucoup de positif. Pourtant, nous n’avons jamais autant refusé de projets… Pourquoi ? Nous allons donc remettre les choses à plat sur ce qu’est une plateforme de crowdfunding comme Octopousse. 1. En clair, pour réussir une collecte, il faut communiquer. Pour réussir une collecte, il faut toucher trois cercles de financements : Il n’y a que si vous y allez étapes par étapes que vous pourrez atteindre les inconnus et non le contraire. Sur Octopousse, 19 % des projets recoivent moins de 5 soutiens financiers. 2. Non, non, non, ce n’est pas du don ! 3.
Ink File Picker Six Things About Kickstarting Your Hardware Idea That Will Drive you Insane So you’ve invented and prototyped a really cool new thing and you’re going to run a Kickstarter campaign – Congratulations! If you’re like us, you might be thinking that once you’ve twisted the last wires and run the final tests, the hard part is over. Boy howdy, are you wrong. We are Mebotics, LLC., and we invented the Microfactory: A hybrid 3D printer and milling machine with four print-heads, a full on-board computer, custom software, swappable hardware and a chassis built for rugged portable manufacturing-on-the-go. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. But take heart – we’re not insane yet, and chances are good that you’ll survive too. Related