10 Words to Cut From Your Writing As Mark Twain famously wrote, "I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead." His point? Strong writing is lean writing. When you want to make your writing more powerful, cut out words you don't need--such as the 10 included in this post: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Recent Articles From PR Daily 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Whether you've been writing for a few days or for many years, you'll benefit from evaluating the words you use. This story originally appeared on PR Daily
Learn English If you're trying to learn English, check our courses below about adjectives, adverbs, articles, gender (feminine, masculine...), negation, nouns, numbers, phrases, plural, prepositions, pronouns, questions, verbs, vocabulary, excercises... to help you with your English grammar. Below are our free English lessons. Enjoy our courses! English Lessons Information about English English belongs to the Indo-European family, Germanic group, West Germanic subgroup and is the official language of over 1.7 billion people. The words "England" and "English", come from the word, "Angles". We hope the lessons above helped you learn English.
Food Topic for ESL Kids food topic Learn and practise English vocabulary connected with the theme Food: bread, buns, butter, cake, cheese, chips, egg, hamburger, ice cream, sausages. The Food Unit contains materials to introduce, practise and revise new vocabulary. You can work through the topic-unit in any order feeting your needs, but we recommend this way: 1. learn Study the picture dictionary first. 4. print out Have more fun with our printable materials. 50 Incredibly Useful Links For Learning & Teaching The English Language Teaching a new language to non-native speakers may be one of the most challenging educational jobs out there, so ELL teachers can use all of the help they can get! Thankfully, many excellent resources for ELL and ESL exist online, from full-service websites to reference tools and communities, all designed to make the task of educating ELL students just a little bit easier and more effective. We’ve scoured the Internet to share 50 of the best of these resources, and we hope you’ll find lots of valuable content and tools through these incredibly useful links for ELL educators. Websites Resource tools, printables, and other great stuff for ELL educators are all available on these sites. Articles & Advice Check out resource lists, journal articles, and ideas for best practices in ELL on these links. Organizations Take advantage of the great opportunities and resources available from these organizations that benefit ELL teachers. Learning Resources Teaching Resources Reference Communities & Blogs
index English Online 6-9, lärarlicens 12 mån av Natur & Kultur Digital Glansholms Bokhandel & Antikvariat Söker du denna bok? Du kan sluta leta. Information från förlaget Väck elevernas lust att lära med ny teknik och engagerande texter. English Online har alla de självklara fördelar som ett webbaserat läromedel erbjuder. En stor mängd matiga hör- och läsförståelsetexter förbereder på bästa sätt dina elever för kommande Nationella Prov då de ställs inför liknande övningar och uppgifter. Varje text kommer med gloslista och utskriftsfunktion för möjlighet till mer traditionella arbetsmetoder. Till English Online har vi kopplat en kostnadsfri lärarportal. Interaktiva karta Australien Storbritannien Verb Frågeord Pronomen Ordföljd Interaktiva kartan:Denna världskarta fungerar som ett navigeringsverktyg i English Online. Australien:Här får eleverna lära känna Dale. Storbritannien:Händelserna här kretsar kring Josh. USA:Slutligen får eleverna stifta bekantskap med Maria. När du köper English Online behöver användarkoderna aktiveras för att fungera. Utgåvor E-Bok
For my students – 30-day-challenge | Mias klassrum This challenge is to make you use your English more outside the classroom. For 30 days I want you to do at least one thing from the list every day. Fill in the grid you have gotten from me each day with what you have done. Try to do as many different things as possible. You can only do each assignment three times. Use Facebook in English for at least 24 hours.Watch a movie in English with no subtitles.Watch a movie in English with English subtitles.Listen to a podcast in English, look here for examples: at least one article at News in Levels at least five text messages in English.Watch TV news in English (using the internet works fine).
Language Arts Games - Fun & Interactive Language Online Games & Activities For Kids Language is the basis of a child's being. It determines their future and how well they understand other subjects. General knowledge of letter recognition, phonics and rhyming words are essential to preschoolers and school-aged kids to be successful in other subjects. Providing children with a fun, interactive way to learn the basics will help them have a successful future in reading and writing, which form the basis for all other subjects in the future of all children. Our interactive English as a Second Language (ESL) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) games for kids provide engaging activities that are also educational, giving children the basic knowledge they need to learn future subjects. Learning Phonics can be Fun With creative games that are fun to play, preschoolers and kindergartners will learn phonics is fun. Language Arts games and Activities for Children English as a second language is much easier for children to learn than it is for adults.
Clilstore - Teaching units for content and language integrated learning First visit to Clilstore? Clilstore, like virtually all other interactive sites, needs to use cookies to work properly. Got it If this message persists when you click “Got it”, then your browser must be refusing cookies, or have Javascript disabled. Clilstore is a well-behaved, responsible website. Teaching unitsfor Content and Language Integrated Learning HelpAbout Clilstore Select the language you are learning and then your level to see the available units. Level AllBasicA1A2B1B2C1C2Advanced A new website is available at clilstore.eu with a new user interface and the same data Disclaimer: The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Lisa Rowe quotes ... Movie Quotes Database [to Susanna] You think you're free? I'm free! You don't know what freedom is! I'm free! I can breathe! And you - you'll go choke on your average fuckin' mediocre life! [Southern accent] Razors pain you, Rivers are damp / Acid stains you, Drugs cause cramp / Guns aren't lawful, Nooses give / Gas smells awful, Ya might as well live. [to Daisy about going to Florida] I am going to be the Cinderella at Walt Disney's new theme park, Susanna's gonna be Snow White. Dr. Susanna Kaysen: What the fuck are you doing, Lisa? Janet Webber: I want my fucking clothes! Lisa Rowe: Hey, Torch.Polly Clark: Hey, Lisa.Lisa Rowe: Did you miss me? Susanna Kaysen: Oh my God... a guy I know was drafted.Janet Webber: What's his name? Lisa Rowe: So, have you had your first Melvin yet? Daisy Rathbone: My dad got me an apartment.Susanna Kaysen: Really? Georgina Tuskin: Lisa, is Daisy really getting out? Susanna Kaysen: [picks up phone] Hello.Lisa Rowe: [on phone] So what's your diag-nonsense? [Susanna is leaving.
English Learning Online, ESL conversation, Speaking, Spoken English Expressions To teach and practice spoken English, we offer commonly used English Expressions for daily communication, ESL conversation & dialogues. We also provide pronunciation materials which help in the teaching and learning of a standard English pronunciation.We provide exercises to study or teach them, like mp3 audio downloads, printable worksheets and self-grading exercises. Communication- Daily Expressions From learning these expressions, students will be able to use very important communication phrases and expressions which native speakers normally use in English conversations or dialogues. Pronunciation Teaching and learning of pronunciation has been made easy by our partners. Extras - Tools for Students and Teachers Dictionaries Online More dictionaries and more tools online>>> ESL/EFL/ESOL Resources- Map
Engelska åk 6 - Nationella prov i främmande språk, Göteborgs universitet Här ges exempel på olika typer av uppgifter som har förekommit och kan förekomma i nationella prov i årskurs 6. Provuppgifterna kommer från tidigare givna prov, som inte längre omfattas av sekretess. Observera att dessa uppgifter främst avser att exemplifiera olika typer av uppgifter som kan förekomma i proven, så elever inte ska känna sig främmande för hur de ska genomföra en uppgift i provsituationen alla typer av uppgifter inte förekommer varje gång och att nya format kan komma att introduceras exempeluppgifterna inte sammantaget utgör hela, representativa prov - vare sig när det gäller omfång, svårighetsgrad eller autenticitet Lgr11 i A3 format (PDF) Speaking What Do You Think? Gröna kort (PDF) Bedömningsanvisningar (PDF) Reading Reports (Elevhäfte) Bedömningsanvisningar Where to Go – What to Do (Svarsblad) Where to Go – What to Do (Holiday brochure A3) Bedömningsanvisningar Spare Time Talk (Elevhäfte) Bedömningsanvisningar Listening My Friend (Elevhäfte) Bedömningsanvisningar Bedömningsanvisningar