Geospatial Revolution Project
Spatial History Project
The Spatial History Project at Stanford University, a part of the Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis (CESTA), is made possible by the generous funding of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (VPUE), DoResearch, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and The Wallenberg Foundation Media Places Initiative. The Spatial History Project at Stanford University is a place for a collaborative community of students, staff, and scholars to engage in creative spatial, textual and visual analysis to further research in the humanities. We are part of the Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis (CESTA) along with Humanities+Design and the Literary Lab on the top floor of Wallenberg Hall. We continually seek fruitful collaborations with faculty at Stanford and beyond, and hire motivated students year round. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Matt Bryant.
Epidemics in Western Society Since 1600
Syllabus Professor Frank Snowden, Andrew Downey Orrick Professor of History Description This course consists of an international analysis of the impact of epidemic diseases on western society and culture from the bubonic plague to HIV/AIDS and the recent experience of SARS and swine flu. Leading themes include: infectious disease and its impact on society; the development of public health measures; the role of medical ethics; the genre of plague literature; the social reactions of mass hysteria and violence; the rise of the germ theory of disease; the development of tropical medicine; a comparison of the social, cultural, and historical impact of major infectious diseases; and the issue of emerging and re-emerging diseases. Texts Brandt, Allan. Barnes, David. Chase, Marilyn. Defoe, Daniel. Fenn, Elizabeth. Snow, John. Snowden, Frank. Snowden, Frank. Snowden, Frank. Verghese, Abraham. Requirements Grading Join a Study Group View study group OpenStudy is not affiliated with Yale University.
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