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Meetings Are A Skill You Can Master, And Steve Jobs Taught Me How

Meetings Are A Skill You Can Master, And Steve Jobs Taught Me How
This is our second excerpt from Insanely Simple: The Obsession That Drives Apple’s Success by Ken Segall, a close collaborator with Jobs for over a decade. To read the first, on how the iMac was almost called the MacMan, go here. Apple encourages big thinking but small everything else. That is, if you feel the urge to speak or act in a manner reminiscent of anything you learned in a big company, it’s best that you do that in the privacy of your own home. Meeting size is a good example. Once Chiat/Day was installed as Apple’s agency of record and we’d settled into our work, we would meet with Steve Jobs every other Monday. Typically there would be no formal agenda. One particular day, there appeared in our midst a woman from Apple with whom I was unfamiliar. Lorrie was a bit stunned to be called out like that, but she calmly explained that she’d been asked to attend because she was involved with some of the marketing projects we’d be discussing. 1. I’m exaggerating, of course.

The Secret To Marketing Success On Facebook? Advertise Like Your Grandfather A new study by Facebook brings some big news that, curiously, at first blush might not seem like much news at all. It's this: If you want to create successful ads for the social network, just do the same thing you would do if you were advertising on TV. Or in magazines. Or on the radio. But here's the thing: Until now, Sean Bruich, head of measurement at Facebook, tells Fast Company, marketers have been unsure about how, exactly, to advertise on the social network. And as a result, some advertisers have thrown out the book on how to create a great campaigns in the hopes of unearthing some new formula that works uniquely well on the new medium. "Marketers were asking us, 'Are the fundamentals of advertising on Facebook the same as the fundamentals elsewhere?'" Bruich is presenting the results of the study in a paper called "What Traditional Principles Matter When Designing Social" at the Advertising Research Foundation's Audience Measurement 7.0 conference today.

presents Future of Retail Report 2012 5 Traps You Have To Avoid When Pitching Bold Ideas Innovation is not a science. Much of it has the elusive qualities of art, dressed up as useful things. But business leaders continue to try and invest in innovation as if it were a science. And too often, the designers they employ as consultants engage with these leaders not only as if it were an art but also as if their clients understood how to speak in “creative” terms. So we find these two parties speaking different languages, in need of a translator. My experience leading Frog, a 1,000-person global creative organization, for 18 years, has left me with a few key insights about how the creative industry needs to improve its communication with its corporate clients. Here are five reasons why creatives need to improve how we interface with executives. Seeing the Problem Through the Client’s Eyes A group of young designers in a workshop recently came to me and complained that their clients were treating them as vendors. Finding the Lens Your Client Is Looking Through

E-Commerce Is Head Over Heels for Pinterest, and for Good Reason - Tricia Duryee - Commerce No one knows for sure what social commerce will be in the future, but it’s starting to look a lot like Pinterest. Based on a report shared exclusively with AllThingsD, Pinterest is on pace to become the most significant driver of social traffic to e-commerce sites by the end of the year — besting more mature networks like Facebook or Twitter. “If you aren’t doing it, you are falling behind, and you need to do it as quickly as possible,” said Kurt Heinemann, the chief marketing officer for Monetate, referring to Pinterest. ”It is absolutely justified.” The report was compiled by Monetate, which helps its clients — including Best Buy, Urban Outfitters, Aeropostale, The Sports Authority, OfficeMax and others — maximize their marketing strategies. While the report comes from a single source, Monetate can get a good sense of overall trends because of its large client base. Heinemann said all of the attention and hype around the company is entirely justified, especially for retailers.

Making Innovation a Natural Act In the creative economy, innovation is more important than ever. Innovation is the only insurance against irrelevance. It’s the only antidote to margin-crushing competition, the only hope for out-performing a dismal economy, and the only way to truly amaze your customers. We all get it: innovation is the lifeblood of every organization. Fact is, most companies aren’t very good at game-changing innovation. For industry incumbents, the problem isn’t a lack of resources or a shortage of human creativity, but a dearth of pro-innovation values, processes and practices—and when innovation programs do get launched, like an internal venture fund or an idea wiki, they tend to either be organizationally isolated or easily marginalized. Through the years, we’ve spoken to hundreds of individuals who’ve struggled to make their organizations more innovative—and most seem to end up deeply frustrated. Ultimately, every management process must be a catalyst for innovation. So . . . over to you!

5 Keys To Building A Business That Doesn't Bury The Humans At Its Core As business leaders speak of the “Human Age” and claim that capitalism is being replaced by “talentism”--defined as access to talent as a key resource and differentiator--many companies have embarked on initiatives to “unleash their human potential.” Those are big words and noble ambitions, and naturally they seem worth striving for. But as one of the hosts of a hackathon in San Francisco this weekend, which invites developers, designers, and other creative minds to “reinvent business,” I have been wondering: What is a “human” business, anyway? You might argue that the notion of a human business is a category error. And yet, companies are made up of people who are loving, caring, generous, forgiving, and wildly creative at their best, and incoherent, inconsistent, moody, selfish, arrogant, aggressive--and yes, even violent at their worst (not coincidentally, the corporation, when contextualized as a “person,” has been diagnosed a psychopath in a popular 2004 documentary film). Empathy

Bad career advice: Do what you love One of the worst pieces of career advice that I bet each of you has not only gotten but given is to “do what you love.” Forget that. It’s absurd. I have been writing since before I even knew how to write – when I was a preschooler I dictated my writing to my dad. And you might not be in preschool, but if you are in touch with who you are, you are doing what you love, no matter what, because you love it. So it’s preposterous that we need to get paid to do what we love because we do that stuff anyway. I am a writer, but I love sex more than I love writing. So how could you possibly pick one thing you love to do? The world reveals to you all that you love by what you spend time on. Often, the thing we should do for our career is something we would only do if we were getting a reward. The pressure we feel to find a perfect career is insane. Here’s some practical advice: Do not what you love; do what you are. Relationships make your life great, not jobs. A job can save your life, though.

Veduca | Assuntos Calculating The True Economic Benefit Of Green Buildings Humans are shortsighted by nature, and humans in the U.S. may be more shortsighted than most, at least when it comes to environmental issues. We have an economic system that is often more driven by quick return on investment than any other developed nation, and as a result, longer-term investments like green buildings don’t get the attention they deserve. A group of green building professionals are aiming to change that with a project called The Economics of Change (PDF). When complete, it will provide a new investment model for green building that actually makes sense to the ROI-driven business world. The big problem right now lies in a lack of data. Many of the non-tangible attributes of living, green buildings can be measured and inputted into traditional real estate valuations--it just takes a little ingenuity. As convincing as the numbers may be, it will still be nearly impossible to gain traction without policy change on the local, state, and federal level.

How To Get 100,000 Facebook Likes For Your Blog Fan Page Editor’s note: James Altucher is an investor, programmer, author, and entrepreneur. He is Managing Director of Formula Capital and has written ten books. His latest books are I Was Blind But Now I See and 40 Alternatives to College. You can follow him on Twitter @jaltucher. I wanted to have 100,000 Facebook fans for my blog. We have entered the “Choose Yourself” era. [See also: "Self-publishing your own book is the new business card"] Now, if you want to spread the truths of your brand, of your ideas, of your products, of your message, you have to create your own platform, you have to spread it across all media, and then you have to manage each medium differently. For each medium, you have to ask: why this medium? BUT, on Facebook, as opposed to any other medium (other than twitter) you pay ONCE and then forever after you can market to that Fan for free. So here’s what I did. It basically took about 30 days to get 100,000 fans. Using this approach got me to the first 50,000 Fans.

PF Week seleciona lugares para comer em SP com até R$ 15 - Terra Brasil Foto: PF Week / Divulgação Você escolhe um restaurante, desembolsa um dinheiro no vallet, se confunde com as opções de talheres em cima da mesa, pede uma carne que ocupa apenas 20% do prato e se depara com uma conta que serve como pontapé para a má digestão. A ideia do PF Week é exatamente essa, só que ao contrário. De volta à infância em uma mordida: confira receitas deliciosas da vovó Hambúrguer: veja lugares para provar em SP A ideia surgiu durante o Restaurante Week, que sugere uma experiência gastronômica por um preço menos salgado – mas não tão acessível – em restaurantes de São Paulo. Como muita gente, os dois também torciam o nariz ao passar em frente a um restaurante “especialista” em PF, mas resolveram encarar a experiência. De setembro para cá, eles já visitaram mais de 30 restaurantes, avaliando ambiente, o sabor do prato, a quantidade de comida, digestão, atendimento, variedade e preço. publicidade Lanchonete Iguape: “a pedido de uma leitora, fomos atrás de um PF na Berrini.

Why Experts Can't Solve Big Problems Naveen Jain made his money in the technology industry, first as the founder of search company InfoSpace, and then as the founder of web security firm Intelius, which has in the past been seriously scrutinized for its questionable marketing practices. But Jain’s interests span far beyond search and security: He is on the board of Singularity University (a Silicon Valley educational program that has spawned startups like ridesharing service Getaround); he co-chairs the education and global development initiative at the X Prize Foundation; and in his spare time co-founded Moon Express, a startup working on a lunar lander that will one day be able to mine the moon for resources. We sat down with Jain to talk about philanthropy, entrepreneurship, digital doctors, and more. On solving big problems through philanthropy How do we start to use many of the innovations currently in the pipeline to think about how to solve big problems? On the problems with today’s education system

Take this simple marketing quiz Not so simple, actually, and about more than just classical marketing: There are a hundred people in a room, perhaps a trade show or a small theatre. What's your choice: Sit in the back, watch, listen and learn.Cajole your way onstage so you can make a slick presentation that gets everyone on their feet, buzzing and excited, eager to do business with you or hire you.Set up a booth in the lobby that energizes and engages 12 of the people enough that they tell their friends, while it disturbs or mystifies two of the others and is ignored by the rest.Provide a service (like cookies and juice in a box at the exit) that many of the people there are appreciative of but few remember or talk about. Most people say they choose #2. Apple and Nike and Starbucks are trotted out again and again as marketing gold standards, because they are beloved by many and ignored or distrusted by few. The mass market is no longer.

Google lança Ingress, um game mobile para jogar no mundo real 718 likes 124 Tweets 4 Pin it 4 pin it O Mashable noticiou hoje o lançamento de um novo game mobile do Google, em parceria com a Niantic Labs. A descrição no You Tube diz que o mundo à nossa volta não é o que parece. Os jogadores podem escolher entre serem The Enlightened, que ficará do lado da tal energia, ou The Resistance, que vai defender e proteger a humanidade. Como é baseado em geolocalização, é preciso se movimentar pela cidade para conseguir liberar armas e novas aventuras.
