10 plataformas innovadoras para aprender programación Si no aprendemos a programar, nos arriesgamos a ser programados... Programa o sé programado. -- Douglas Rushkoff Creo que a todos aquí nos queda claro que la educación formal, incluso la universitaria, está desfasada si no es que rebasada en su totalidad por Internet. Con esto me refiero a que la educación formal no aprovecha -y a veces ni siquiera (re)conoce- para su beneficio las herramientas técnicas y metodológicas que Internet no está legando. No es un asunto fácil seguirle el paso a la tecnología. 1. Bajo el lema "¿Qué quieres aprender hoy?" 2. Creo que no me equivoco al decir que la comunidad en pro del lenguaje Ruby tiene los tutoriales de aprendizaje de programación más lindos y divertidos de todos. 3. "Aprende lo que sea de quien sea, donde sea". 4. Programa justo ahora, Java, PHP, C++, Python y más lenguajes de programación en tu navegador, bajo tres principios básicos: aprende, codifica y comparte. 5. De interfaz limpia y mensaje claro: Aprende a hacer código. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Google Finally Takes A Clear Stance On Mobile SEO Practices Today at SMX Advanced during the iSEO panel, Pierre Far, Google Webmaster Trends Analyst, announced clear guidelines and recommendations on mobile SEO. In short, Google recommends you go with a responsive design when possible, otherwise you can use device-specific HTML but Google asks you to take certain steps to communicate when you are using device-specific HTML. Google has been known to offer contradictory advice on mobile SEO thus far and Google wanted to take a watch and listen approach to see how webmasters were implementing their mobile web sites. Now Google has come out with their official recommendations on how to build mobile web sites that work best for users and at the same time work well for Google. In December 2011, Google introduced a new mobile user agent for Googlebot-Mobile Smartphones, which was responsible for detecting mobile content. Three Methods of Smartphone Mobile Site Design Responsive Design Approach Device-Specific HTML Approach Pierre from Google explains:
25 Conseils SEO pour votre Site E-commerce - Blog Ecommerce / SEO Parfois, on dirait que les moteurs de recherche ont une dent contre les sites d’e-commerce. Difficile de les en blâmer. De nombreux magasins en ligne possèdent peu de contenu utile, se servent des descriptions de produits fournis par les fabricants, ont des liens internes mal conçus et ne possèdent pas de contenu unique, généré par les utilisateurs. Ces sites vont sans aucun doute au-devant de grands problèmes dès qu’il s’agira de SEO. Voici 25 conseils que j’ai appliqué avec succès par le passé, lors d’optimisation de sites d’e-commerce. 1. Il est tentant de seulement copier et coller les descriptions depuis le site du constructeur, mais il faut résister à cette tentation. 2. De la même façon que chaque produit de votre catalogue a un nom, un prix et diverses informations, vous devriez également inclure un champ de mots-clés pour le SEO. 3. Un de mes principes est d’essayer d’optimiser ma page d’accueil et les autres landing pages avec des mots au pluriel. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
45 Incredibly Useful Web Design Checklists and Questionnaires Designing websites can be a long and complicated process. Dealing with clients, designing prototypes, coding, programming, and testing – there’s a lot to keep track of and a lot to make sure gets done. That’s where checklists can make your life a whole lot easier. Below are 45 checklists to make your design process easier and more organized. Also consider our previous article: 15 Essential Checks Before Launching Your Website1 lists some important things to check before you make your sites public. 1. These questionnaires and checklists are focused on making your relationships with your clients better. How to Extract the Facts with a Web Design Client Questionnaire2 This questionnaire from Freelance Switch is meant to send out to prospective clients to get a good idea of what they’re looking for from a website. Design checklist: What clients should provide their designer4 A checklist of things that clients should provide their designer at the outset. 2. 3. 4. Dr. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Responsive design – harnessing the power of media queries Webmaster Level: Intermediate / Advanced We love data, and spend a lot of time monitoring the analytics on our websites. Any web developer doing the same will have noticed the increase in traffic from mobile devices of late. Over the past year we’ve seen many key sites garner a significant percentage of pageviews from smartphones and tablets. These represent large numbers of visitors, with sophisticated browsers which support the latest HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but which also have limited screen space with widths as narrow as 320 pixels. Our commitment to accessibility means we strive to provide a good browsing experience for all our users. Our pages should render legibly at any screen resolutionWe mark up one set of content, making it viewable on any deviceWe should never show a horizontal scrollbar, whatever the window size Stacked content, tweaked navigation and rescaled images – Chromebooks Implementation Liquid layout is a good start, but can lack a certain finesse. Viewports
Public Art Concepts - Dan Sternof Beyer 2011 Download the PDF of these ideas : Public Art Concepts - Dan Sternof Beyer 2011 (2mb) [ New American Public Art ] 6 Link Building Tools to Boost Your Traffic Matt Beswick is Technical Director at Electric Dialogue -- a London based digital agency. He's also the co-founder of Pet365. Follow him @mattbeswick. Link building is a concept that anyone involved in online marketing will come across and, more than likely, be involved in. The principle is simple — get high quality, relevant sites to link to your own. In doing so you not only generating traffic from visitors clicking through but also give search engines an indication as to the importance of your site. Fortunately, there are many link-building tools. 1. Ontolo is a powerful, sometimes complex, tool that can work wonders for someone who knows how to use it. In other words, this is not for the beginner link builder. Pros:+ Extremely Powerful+ Lots of customization+ Allows end-to-end workflow management Cons:- Steep learning curve- Can result in too much data Cost: Starts at $97 per month 2. My only criticism of this tool is that it’s a little hard to navigate. Cost: Starts at $29 per month
Google Shopping se met au référencement payant Le comparateur de prix de Google va inciter les marchands à payer pour améliorer leur ranking, à partir d'octobre aux Etats-Unis. Le comparateur de prix Google Product Search, qui jusqu'ici classait les résultats de requêtes par pertinence décroissante, va permettre aux marchands de payer pour améliorer leur référencement. Leur position finale dans les pages de résultat dépendra directement de la somme qu'ils dépenseront sur le service. Autrement dit, les marchands paieront pour une portion d'audience que le service leur apportait gratuitement auparavant. Certains analystes s'attendent à observer des changements similaires sur d'autres services de Google, qui est à la recherche de revenus additionnels.
Responsive Web Design: Missing the Point Alex Mangini touched on something I think is extremely important. In his post, Why Is Responsive Design Such a Big Deal? Seriously…You Tell Me, he asks: Do you really need to serve your “mobile” visitors a different layout based on your current content? Short answer: no. Like Jason Grigsby recently wrote, other tasks like optimizing performance can lead to a much better mobile experience than adapting the layout: If you could only do one thing to prepare your desktop site for mobile and had to choose between employing media queries to make it look good on a mobile device or optimizing the site for performance, you would be better served by making the desktop site blazingly fast. Also, Kristofer Layon’s book, Mobilizing Web Sites: Develop & Design, beautifully articulates lots of techniques to make your desktop site more mobile-friendly without necessarily having to go through the responsive process. Here’s the Point Does creating a better mobile experience really matter? Yes, yes and yes.
Mobile SEO Conectoma (I): El cerebro El neurocientífico del MIT, Sebastian Seung, ha publicado el libro My connectome, myself en el que describe la importancia de la conectividad neuronal y es continuación de la charla TED subtitulada al español Yo soy mi conectoma. El cerebro es una de las estructuras más complejas del universo. Una estructura de grandes números (aunque estos números parecen más un dogma que una realidad comprobada). La cantidad de neuronas es de: Cien mil millones = = 10^11 y la de sinapsis es de: Cien billones = = 10^14 El cerebro contiene más neuronas que estrellas hay en la Vía Láctea. Hay un millón de veces más conexiones en el cerebro que letras tiene el genomaClaramente, los genes son muy importantes, pero dado que no cambian después de la concepción, no pueden tener en cuenta los efectos de la experiencia. Niveles de organización cerebral Podemos dividir el cerebro en distintos niveles de organización: Conectoma La corteza cerebral contiene la llamada materia gris. ...
Bing Gets Its Own Knowledge Graph Via Britannica Partnership Bing’s search results are getting a bit more informational thanks to a new partnership with Encyclopedia Britannica. They’re calling it “Britannica Online Encyclopedia Answers,” and it adds extra information about a search result right within the search results page. As the screenshots below show, it looks quite a bit like Google’s recently-launched Knowledge Graph feature, but there are some differences that I’ll mention below. I’ve used red arrows to highlight one of the main differences with how Google presents this data and Bing’s version — Bing links out to several third-party sites for further information, such as Wikipedia, Freebase, Qwiki and Britannica (the source of the encyclopedic information). Some other noticeable differences, all of which I believe are related: Bing is currently showing these Britannica-powered listings far less often than Google shows Knowledge Graph boxes.