How To Choose a Strong Password » Information Security For more information on choosing strong passwords visit the BU’s IS&T page General Guidelines: So, how do you have a “strong” password that is easy to remember? Use a mix of alphabetical and numeric characters. Choose You want to choose something that is easy to remember with a minimum of 8 characters that uses as many of the techniques above as possible. Some examples: If you are selecting a password for a website, you may want to incorporate the first few letters of the website name into your password so that every password is different and if one gets out, you don’t have to change them all. For example, if you have a standard password like B53:tg’Sot (see above) that you like to use most places (this not recommended), you may modify it by placing the first and last letter of the website around it: Do Not Choose… Your name in any form — first, middle, last, maiden, spelled backwards, nickname or initials. *Read on for more information on why it’s important to choose strong passwords
ORCID Conocé como conectar la computadora a internet con el celular Los teléfonos móviles disponen de una cuota de acceso a Internet mediante la red celular 3G o 4G, según el modelo del equipo. Esta conexión se utiliza para acceder desde el smartphone a las redes sociales, navegar por la Web, chatear y chequear el buzón de la cuenta de correo electrónico, entre muchas otras actividades. La conexión móvil de Internet también puede compartir, vía Wi-Fi, a otros dispositivos como tabletas, computadoras e incluso a otros teléfonos móviles. Esta modalidad, conocida como zona Wi-Fi portátil o conexión compartida según el modelo de teléfono móvil, comparte el acceso a Internet del abono de telefonía celular. Como recomendación, hay que recordar que en el abono mensual o en el plan prepago elegido suele haber un límite en la cantidad de megabytes o gigabytes que se pueden descargar. En caso de exceder esta cuota, hay que tener en cuenta que la operadora puede facturar cargos extra.
Technical Reports Technical Reports Overview Available here are the abstracts and full texts of HP Labs Technical Reports. Subscribe Subscribe to the HP Labs Technical Reports RSS feed » Information about HP RSS feeds Browse » Company Information | » Privacy Statement | » Using this site means you accept its terms | » Feedback to HP Labs © 2014 Hewlett Packard Development Company, L.P. Cómo hacer mantenimiento a la PC antes de finalizar el año No olvides reservar unas cuantas horas de tu tiempo antes de que acabe el 2015 para dejar tu ordenador funcionando casi como nuevo. Hacer mantenimiento a nuestro ordenador es una tarea necesaria para que funcione lo mejor posible. Lamentablemente, durante todo el año solemos postergar este trabajo porque no tenemos tiempo, porque no queremos hacerlo o porque no sabemos cómo. Falta muy poco para que termine el 2015 y aprovechando que tenemos un poco de tiempo libre por vacaciones, es buen momento para dedicar unas horas a esta tarea. Los siguientes consejos te mantendrán organizado y trabajando de manera correcta, te ayudarán a prevenir problemas en el futuro, como las catastróficas perdidas de datos, y además son muy fáciles de seguir. Haz un respaldo de tus archivos Cada vez que descargamos algo o creamos algún archivo lo guardamos directamente en el disco duro de nuestro ordenador; es la opción más fácil que tenemos en todo momento. Lo mismo con las aplicaciones.
JANE: Journal / Author Name Estimator Insert your title and/or abstract here: (or, click here to search using keywords) Have you recently written a paper, but you're not sure to which journal you should submit it? Or maybe you want to find relevant articles to cite in your paper? Just enter the title and/or abstract of the paper in the box, and click on 'Find journals', 'Find authors' or 'Find Articles'. Keyword search Instead of using a title or abstract, you can also search using a keyword search, similar to popular web search engines. Additional information about Jane WiFi Channels | WiFi Frequency Bands List - Wi-Fi / WLAN / 802.11 channels, their channel frequencies and bandwidth allocations around the globe, spectral mask and summary of which channels can be used together for WLAN solutions. The IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi / WLAN standards set the attributes for the different channels that may be used. These attributes enable different Wi-Fi modules to talk to each other and effectively set up a WLAN. To ensure that WLAN solutions operate satisfactorily, parameters such as the RF signal centre frequencies, channel numbers and the bandwidths must all be set.. ISM bands Wi-Fi is aimed at use within unlicensed spectrum. There are a number of unlicensed spectrum bands in a variety of areas of the radio spectrum. The main bands used for carrying Wi-Fi are those in the table below: 802.11 systems and bands There are several different 802.11 variants in use. 2.4 GHz 802.11 channels There is a total of fourteen channels defined for use by Wi-Fi 802.11 for the 2.4 GHz ISM band. 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi channel frequencies
OST Superuser Special user account used for system administration In computing, the superuser is a special user account used for system administration. Depending on the operating system (OS), the actual name of this account might be root, administrator, admin or supervisor. In some cases, the actual name of the account is not the determining factor; on Unix-like systems, for example, the user with a user identifier (UID) of zero is the superuser, regardless of the name of that account;[1] and in systems which implement a role based security model, any user with the role of superuser (or its synonyms) can carry out all actions of the superuser account. The principle of least privilege recommends that most users and applications run under an ordinary account to perform their work, as a superuser account is capable of making unrestricted, potentially adverse, system-wide changes. Unix and Unix-like[edit] Microsoft Windows[edit] In Windows NT, 2000 and higher, the root user is the Administrator account.[14]
3 alternatives gratuites à Photoshop Le logiciel Photoshop est devenu au fil des ans l’outil incontournable des pros de l’image. Mais est-ce la meilleure option pour des besoins plus limités ? Rien n’est moins sûr. D’une part parce que Photoshop a un coût non négligeable, d’autre part parce que l’autre prix à payer pour la puissance c’est la complexité d’un outil devenu une véritable usine à gaz. Pour vos besoins à l’école, que ce soit pour traiter une image pour un blog, un journal ou une présentation, voici 3 outils en ligne beaucoup plus faciles à utiliser et entièrement gratuits. Trois alternatives en ligne au logiciel Photoshop. Pixlr Editor C’est sans doute une des alternatives gratuites à Photoshop les plus crédibles. Picozu A l’inverse de l’outil précédent Picozu ne vise pas l’exhaustivité mais offre le minimum nécessaire à l’édition et au traitement d’une photo ou d’une image en ligne. Photoshop Express Editor Qui mieux que photoshop pour proposer une alternative crédible à Photoshop. Sur le même thème
Comparison of browser synchronizers The following tables compare general and technical information for a number of web-based browser synchronizers. Please see the individual products' articles for further information. Unless otherwise specified in footnotes, comparisons are based on the stable versions. General[edit] Operating system support[edit] Syncable Browsers[edit] Syncable Items[edit] Features[edit] History[edit] History of bookmarks (favorites) sync: See also[edit] References[edit] Comparison of lightweight web browsers A lightweight web browser is a web browser that sacrifices some of the features of a mainstream web browser in order to reduce the consumption of system resources, and especially to minimize the memory footprint.[1][2][3] Overview[edit] Operating system support[edit] Notes Features[edit] Test scores reflect the version of the browser engine in use. See also[edit] References[edit] Further reading[edit] Sugianto, Masim (18 January 2010). "7 Lightweight Linux Browsers You may want to Consider for Fast Browsing Experience".
Google Scholar
Looking for government information on sustainable business in Google or Google Scholar? Try doing a search that limits to government sites. Search for your term plus site: (whatever domain you want to search within). E.g., "triple bottom line" or "sustainability" or site:ca "corporate governance" canada" by danpeak Nov 17