Men Love Curvy Women I went on a date the other week with a pair of hot Swedish volleyball players with galactic hoots and bodies so taut that quarters bounce off bellies. These buxom hotties could easily have graced the pages of Brodawg Magazine, posing in the rain, wearing only leather belts. As they were putting on their heels to join me in the champagne jacuzzi, it occurred to me that these phantasmagorical sirens weren’t doing it for me. Then I woke up with both of my arms in my pant legs. Cursed margaritas, so tequila-y and delicious. Women with curves make my junk bark. I am not going to hate on our collective notions of beauty. More often than not, I want curves. You know what’s really of social value? Oh, and the beanpoles, with their delicate architecture. The majority of the women I’ve chased, loved, and slept with fall into one of those two categories.
Entrepreneurs can change the world. Join the movement now. Change. We need it, right? But where do we start? With entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are changing the world, one small business at a time. At Grasshopper, we've made it our mission to empower entrepreneurs with a virtual phone system that helps you stay connected and sound more professional. Have more ideas or want to share a resource with us? Start a small business. Now is the time to launch your small business. Don't be afraid to ask for help from others, too. Grow your existing small business. Have you already taken your "single brilliant idea" and launched a business? Once everyone has seen it, gather all of your employees into one room and hold a completely informal but incredibly productive brainstorming session about how to make your business better. Do you need a better marketing effort? If you make these changes now, you'll be ahead of the game later. Help entrepreneurs reach their goals.
Vrij Nederland - Jeff Jarvis over 'Wat zou Google doen? 'Ik doe met hoofdredacteuren en uitgevers vaak het volgende gedachte-experiment: stel je de dag voor – en die dag komt snel – dat je de drukpersen voorgoed uitzet. Wat ben je dan? Vrij Nederland is een merk, met een waarde. Wat is die waarde als je niet meer op papier verschijnt?' Jeff Jarvis neemt het verzoek serieus. Ik heb de 'überblogger', hoogleraar journalistiek, adviseur van onder andere The New York Times en The Guardian en schrijver van het boek Wat zou Google doen? Wat moet Vrij Nederland doen om aan de existentiële crisis van de printmedia te ontsnappen? Met het internet en Google is een geheel nieuwe wereld ontstaan. Wat zou Google doen? Ik spreek hem op het terras van café Westerliefde, op het Westergasfabriekterrein in Amsterdam, voorafgaand aan zijn key note speech op The Next Web Conference, een internationaal symposium over de toekomst van het internet. Lezingen van lezersJarvis: 'Jullie hebben hier in Europa nog wel even de tijd, maar niet veel. Maar dat is niet alles.
BNNGIDS - VIDEO | ISNORT - COKE OP JE IPHONE De Nederlandse Publieke Omroep is wettelijk verplicht toestemming te vragen voor het gebruik van cookies. Als je deze eenmalig accepteert, dan zijn alle websites van de Publieke Omroep te bezoeken. Wij maken gebruik van functionele cookies en cookies voor het beheer van webstatistieken, advertenties en social media. Momenteel werken we aan een nieuwe oplossing voor het geven van toestemming voor cookies. Je kunt nu al zelf cookies volledig uitzetten in je internet browser. Klik op accepteren als je al geïnformeerd bent over het gebruik van cookies.
@Google - @Twitter To Start Indexing Links For Search - washingt Twitter Search is easily the most promising aspect of Twitter. People talk about mundane updates, or connecting with companies, or following celebrities ¿ but that's all small scale. The real power of Twitter lies in its aggregate data. Why do you think Google and every other company out there is interested in them? Speaking on a panel today, Santosh Jayaram, Twitter's new VP of Operations, had some very interesting things to say, Webware's Rafe Needleman who moderated it, reports. Apparently, Twitter Search will index the content of these pages as well. Of course there is no way Twitter Search will index as many pages as Google, but that's not the point. Twitter's biggest trump card here is the real-time factor. One thing that is more clear is that Twitter is also looking at ways to better tailor search results.
Article To Video Converter - Turn your articles to videos in les - Dance Music TV - The Party’s At Your House!!! Here & There — a horizonless projection in Manhatt Here & There is a project by BERG exploring speculative projections of dense cities. These maps of Manhattan look uptown from 3rd and 7th, and downtown from 3rd and 35th. They're intended to be seen at those same places, putting the viewer simultaneously above the city and in it where she stands, both looking down and looking forward. (The map deserves to be examined at full scale. Looking uptown from 3rd and 7th Landmarks are in gold. What's going on? Imagine a person standing at a street corner. As the model bends from sideways to top-down in a smooth join, more distant parts of the city are revealed in plan view. How? Jack Schulze explains... "First we take an electronic Manhattan. "The projection seen here is a combination of city manipulations in modelling software, and choosing the best lens for the simulated camera. "Annotations come after the render. Why? Because the ability to be in a city and to see through it is a superpower, and it's how maps should work. Read more 21 Feb.
Alvin Toffler’s Future Shock, presented by Orson Welle May 1st, 2009 | # link to | posted by david Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5 This is an absolute gem and an almost forgotten one – a documentary version of Alvin Toffler’s classic 70s book, Future Shock presented by Orson Welles. The premise of Future Shock was that the pace of human progress had achieved a level which would create a pathological reaction, a metaphorical motion sickness caused by the fact that nothing seemed permanent. Unlike most past views of tomorrow, which look hopelessly obsolete (‘nothing dates like the future’), the premise of Future Shock can only get stronger since not only progress itself, but the derivative of it, its increasing rate of change, exacerbates the core phenomenon. Stylistically, however, Future Shock is a definitively dated period piece, an early 70s, Jumbo Fonted, psychedelic trip full of deliciously obsolete technology that conjures up wistful nostalgia where it is intended to do exactly the opposite.