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20+ Cheatsheets & Infographics For Photographers
We love cheatsheets as one can refer to them and make quick amendments to better our skills. Since many loved our last compilation of cheatsheet for designers, we’ve decided to compile another set of cheatsheets, this time for photographers. Amateur photographers, and even pros can easily benefit from these cheatsheets as it is a resource for fresh and new ideas. We’ve scoured the Web and have found a wide variety of cheatsheets covering various aspects of photography and catering to the many levels of skills and interest of anyone who calls themselves a photographer. Most of the pictures you see here are cropped for a nice fit, so remember to click on the links to check out the entire cheatsheet or infographic. Some of them are really long and can give you a ton of worthwhile information that you really can’t do without. Recommended Reading: Five Vital Black & White Photography Tips Focal Lengths Manual Photography 3 Ways to Affect Depth of Field Photography Cheatsheet 3 Elements of Exposure
Focusing Basics | Aperture and Depth of Field
Depth of Field Depth of Field (DOF) is the front-to-back zone of a photograph in which the image is razor sharp. As soon as an object (person, thing) falls out of this range, it begins to lose focus at an accelerating degree the farther out of the zone it falls; e.g. closer to the lens or deeper into the background. With any DOF zone, there is a Point of Optimum focus in which the object is most sharp. There are two ways to describe the qualities of depth of field - shallow DOF or deep DOF. Aperture The aperture is the opening at the rear of the lens that determines how much light travels through the lens and falls on the image sensor. Small vs Large Aperture Manipulating the aperture is the easiest and most often utilized means to adjust Depth of Field. Aperture Range The aperture range identifies the widest to smallest range of lens openings, i.e. f/1.4 (on a super-fast lens) to f/32, with incremental “stops” in between (f/2, f/2.8, f/4, f/5.6, f/8, f/11, f/16, and f/22). Conclusion
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Camera Modes | Understanding DSLR Camera Shooting Modes
Auto Mode Automatic Exposure is when the camera chooses the optimum shutter speed, aperture, ISO and flash settings for your shot. All you need to do is point and shoot. This can be good if you have no idea of what settings to choose and also when you need to shoot quickly. The shot here is perfectly exposed as the day is well lit, though auto-exposure may struggle in situations where the light is uneven, and it tends to trigger the flash even when it’s not necessary. Portrait Mode Portrait mode will “think” that there is a subject in the foreground of the frame and choose a shallow depth of field in order to keep the human subject in focus but the background blurred. Macro Mode Macro mode is very useful to take a photograph of an image smaller than your hand. Landscape Mode Landscape mode usually uses a small aperture (high f/number) to create a well focused image from the foreground into the distance (on old style cameras, the setting was ‘infinity’ represented by a sideways figure 8).
Vinnare 2016 | Årets Bild
Årets Bild Årets Bild: Magnus Wennman (Aftonbladet) Juryns motivering: Årets Bild är tagen av en extremt stilsäker fotograf med en medvetenhet om vad som händer både inuti och utanför kameran. Det är en empatisk, mogen fotograf som har något på hjärtat. Årets Bild skriker inte ut sitt budskap; det är en poetisk bild som med sin skönhet fängslar oss och ger oss lust att stanna upp och betrakta den för att tränga in i berättelsen. Bilden förmedlar normalitet i en onormal situation. Årets Fotograf Årets fotograf: Anders Hansson (Dagens Nyheter) Juryns motivering: Juryn får ett starkt intryck av Årets Fotograf i en portfolio med ett klassiskt tillvägagångssätt till bildjournalistik. Årets Fotograf har arbetat hårt under 2015; han har rest mycket men har också gjort projekt hemma i Sverige. Nyhetsbild Sverige 1:a pris Anders Hansson (Dagens Nyheter) Juryns motivering: Bilden sammanfattar årets viktigaste nyhet i Europa, ur svenskt perspektiv. 2:a pris Urban Andersson (Aftonbladet) Nyhetsbild Utland
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Andreas bilder från föräldraledigheten får alla att skratta
Svenske Andreas Miezans, som bor i norska Tönsberg, har försökt förgylla sin föräldraledighet genom mer eller mindre manipulerade bilder på sig själv och sonen Oscar, 11 månader. – Jag hoppas att det kan inspirera folk som ska vara föräldralediga. Det är inte så tråkigt som man kan tro, säger Andreas. Det började med att Andreas Miezans lade ut ett par roliga photoshoppade bilder på sig själv och 11 månader gamla sonen Oscar. – Det var först bara en kul grej som jag tänkte visa på Facebook för familj och vänner, säger han. Inspirationen kom från ett liknande projekt han sett på nätet för några år sedan. – Det var kul att alla tog emot det så bra. Han tar uppmärksamheten med ro och tycker det är kul att det skrivs om bilderna. – Det är klart att det är kul att det skrivs om lite gladare grejer också ibland. Här är några fler av bilderna på han och sonen Oscar:Poolhäng Gunga i parken Biltur Blöjbyte Städdags Fotbad En liten olycka i köket Matdags Grilltajm Bebiskvintett Löpträning Heja Sverige! Brödbak
World War I in Photos: Introduction - In Focus
A century ago, an assassin, a Serbian nationalist, killed the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary as he visited Sarajevo. This act was a catalyst that ignited a massive conflict that lasted for four years. More than 65 million soldiers were mobilized by more than 30 nations, with battles taking place around the world. Industrialization brought modern weapons, machinery, and tactics to warfare, vastly increasing the killing power of armies. Battlefield conditions were horrific, typified by the chaotic, cratered hellscape of the Western Front, where soldiers in muddy trenches faced bullets, bombs, gas, bayonet charges, and more. On this 100-year anniversary, I've gathered photographs of the Great War from dozens of collections, some digitized for the first time, to try to tell the story of the conflict, those caught up in it, and how much it affected the world. Use j/k keys or ←/→ to navigate Choose:
The Year in Pictures 2015
THIS was the year of the great unraveling, with international orders and borders challenged or broken, with thousands of deaths, vast flows of migrants and terrorist attacks on some of the most cherished symbols of civilization, both Western and Muslim. Palmyra and Paris (twice). Aleppo, Homs, Kobani and even San Bernardino, Calif. The conflict spurred the migrants lapping against the shores of bourgeois Europe, a million or more, huddled in small boats or crammed into airless trucks, abused by human traffickers, thousands dead on the journey, prompting both empathy and backlash. Just look. The outrages of Boko Haram and the Shabab in Africa. The ruins still in Gaza, a year after a brutal and inconclusive war, and Israel hunkering down in a region losing its compass. Even the Earth seemed slightly unhinged — the ice caps melting, sheep stuck in the smog of Beijing, huge snowstorms and floods, a major earthquake in Nepal, one of the world’s poorest countries.