THE DISCLOSURE Yes. You asked for answers regarding so many things, including St. Germaine's Trust, NESARA, The Prosperity Packages, the Global Collateral Accounts and before you unconsciously choose to live with limits or to live without limits...Pay conscious attention to the answers to all all your questions...Pay energy of attention to the release of truth, and the whole truth, for nothing but the absolute truth. What IS the Public Trust and what does it DO?... In trust you can lovingly relax, purify and build in transparency, or, by contrast, in distrust you can angrily shield, fight and whither in transparency. As you begin BE'ing together as one in this absolute current present moment of now, ...consciously choose between the contrast to BE or not to DO or not to DO...choose by your free will choice! The “powers that were”, in all your dimensions, know...they have known forever without transparency and... Trustee 1111 BE'ing 1111 Co-Creator 1111
Nikola Tesla: The Genius Who Lit the World This is the documentary film about Nikola Tesla, the scientist and inventor, one of the greatest men in history. Nikola Tesla was born on July 10,1856 in Smiljan, Lika in what later became Yugoslavia. His father, Milutin Tesla was a Serbian orthodox priest and his mother Djuka Mandic was an inventor in her own right of household appliances. Before going to America, Tesla joined Continental Edison Company in Paris where he designed dynamos. Young Nikola Tesla came to the United States in 1884. Direct current flows continuously in one direction; alternating current changes direction 50 or 60 times per second, and can be stepped up to very high voltage levels, minimizing power loss across great distances. Tesla's A-C induction motor is widely used throughout the world in industry and household appliances. Watch the full documentary now
Todo está relacionado How Was the Solar System Formed? | What Created the Solar System | Life's Little Mysteries Scientists aren't completely sure how the solar system formed, but most agree the best explanation is that a cloud of molecules collapsed inward on itself, forming our solar system about 4.6 billion years ago. In this description, called the nebular model, our sun coalesced first, surrounded by a spinning disk of gas and dust. How the sun formed Some evidence, such as a 2010 study from scientists at the Carnegie institution, suggests this contraction could have been spurred by a burst from nearby supernovas . Other forces like differences in density could also have caused the cloud begin collapsing according to "From Suns to Life: A Chronological Approach to the History of Life on Earth" (Springer, 2004), an astronomy review text. Initially, gas collected in the dense center of this spinning disk, creating a protosun. How the planets formed Meanwhile, in the disk of material around the young sun, a process called accretion formed the planets, moons, comets and asteroids. Got a question?
legnalenja Applied and Environmental Microbiology 'Fast and furious' se queda en un escándalo administrativo, pero no político | Estados Unidos El objetivo era dejar que las armerías de Arizona vendieran sin restricciones armas de fuego a personas vinculadas al narcotráfico. Las autoridades seguirían el rastro de esas armas y acabarían dando con los líderes de los carteles mexicanos. Eso es lo que iba a pasar en teoría. En la práctica, los 'hombres de paja' que adquirían las armas se acabaron haciendo con cerca de 2.000 pistolas, rifles y fusiles automáticos. Aunque se produjeron varios arrestos, EEUU no logró detener a ningún alto cargo de los carteles mexicanos. En lugar de eso, las armas provocaron decenas de muertos en México (hasta 150, según algunas estimaciones), y uno en EEUU. La operación se llamaba 'Fast and Furious' ('Rápido y Furioso'), y ha provocado una tormenta política en EEUU. El informe exonera a Holder, y acepta la versión de la Administración Obama de que la operación no fue aprobada por Washington, sino llevada a cabo por la sección de Arizona de la Oficina de Alcohol, Tabaco, Armas y Explosivos (ATF).
2ème édition du Nantes Food Forum du 3 au 7 octobre 2018 Après une première édition organisée à Nantes en juin 2017, le Nantes Food Forum a été reconduit et remet le couvert pour une seconde édition du 3 au 7 octobre 2018. C’est LE rendez-vous de ceux qui pensent l’alimentation de demain et qui se retrouvent autour de tables rondes, conférences mais aussi d’événements conviviaux. Et oui, vous avez bien lu, la deuxième édition du Nantes Food Forum, ce n’est plus trois jours mais bien cinq, du mercredi au dimanche. La raison ? L’alimentation est un sujet qui prend de l’ampleur et il était difficile de traiter tous les sujets qui nous animent, nous énervent, nous font peur, nous enthousiasment, nous taraudent, nous posent question. Le programme est en cours d’élaboration mais on peut quand même déjà dire que vous retrouverez quelques constantes. En attendant la sortie du programme, vous pouvez dores et déjà ajouter à votre agenda de rentrée un week-end pour penser à vos assiettes et à votre santé. Nantes Food Forum 03 au 07 octobre Nantes
En lucha constante contra el NWO… La Matrix Holografica | Part 1. Denial