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Changing the Way We Teach: Making the Case for Learner-Centered Teaching June 1, 2011 By: Maryellen Weimer, PhD in Teaching Professor Blog “Why should we change the way we teach?” a marketing professor asked with an honest gaze and a smile that bespoke sincerity. It was early in a workshop session just after I’d introduced the idea of learner-centered teaching and explained why students should be doing more of the learning tasks themselves. In a lot of ways the question links to one I recently asked myself: “Should I keep working on learner-centered teaching?” But then in January I decided I would look seriously at what’s been published since that book came out in 2002. If teachers focus their attention on the learning experiences of students and make changes based on what we know about teaching that promotes learning: Students will understand more of what they are learning – When students interact with the content, when they speak about it and work with it, they make it their own and it becomes meaningful to them.

COGNICION Revista Científica ltimo N de COGNICIN, revista cientfica educativa TERCER CONGRESO VIRTUAL IBEROAMERICANO DE CALIDAD EN EDUCACIN A DISTANCIA EduQ@2010 PRIMER LLAMADO A PARTICIPACIÓN 1st CALL FOR PAPERS (Algunas instituciones pendientes de confirmación) FUNDACIÓN LATINOAMERICANA PARA LA EDUCACIÓN A DISTANCIA (República Dominicana) (Algunas instituciones pendientes de confirmación) UNIVERSIDAD ABIERTA PARA ADULTOS (República Dominicana) UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DEL ESTADO DE HIDALGO (México) En el presente año convocamos a la participación en el Tercer Congreso Virtual Iberoamericano de Calidad en Educación a Distancia, EduQ@2010. TERCER CONGRESO VIRTUAL IBEROAMERICANO DE CALIDAD EN EDUCACIÓN A DISTANCIA EduQ@2010 EVALUACIN PEDAGGICA DEL CURSO E-LEARNING Y ABIERTO: elrn09 Licenciada en Educacin Permanente. Teadira Prez Universidad de Los Andes Elvina Castillo Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco de Miranda

Social Sciences | Human Communication Research Journals which have discontinued or transferred from Oxford Journals to another publisher in previous years OAH Magazine of HistoryPrint ISSN: 0882-228X Online ISSN: 1938-2340 This journal is ceasing publication at the end of 2013. Previous content will continue to be available via the Oxford Journals website. European Journal of Heart FailurePrint ISSN: 1388-9842 Online ISSN: 1879-0844 This journal will be published by Wiley-Blackwell from 2014. InnovAiTPrint ISSN: 1755-7380 Online ISSN: 1755-7399 This journal will be published by SAGE from 2013. Writing Systems ResearchPrint ISSN: 1758-6801 Online ISSN: 1758-681X This journal will be published by Taylor & Francis from 2012. Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative MedicinePrint ISSN: 1741-427X Online ISSN: 1741-4288 This journal will be published by Hindawi from 2011. Journal of the Royal Musical AssociationPrint ISSN: 0269-0403 Online ISSN: 1471-693 This journal will be published by Taylor & Francis from 2009

Changing the Way We Teach: Making the Case for Learner-Centered Teaching By: Maryellen Weimer, Teaching Professor Blog If teachers focus their attention on the learning experiences of students and make changes based on what we know about teaching that promotes learning: Students will understand more of what they are learning – When students interact with the content, when they speak about it and work with it, they make it their own and it becomes meaningful to them. It makes sense. They see why it’s important, why they must know it and how it fits with what they already know and still need to learn. Students will retain what they learn longer – When students are engaged and involved with the content, when they are really learning, as in understanding the material, they remember it longer.

UWG - OJDLA Editor-in-Chief Dr. Melanie Clay University of West Georgia Managing Editor Ms. Kendall Dickey University of West Georgia Associate Editor Ms. Julie Stone Ingle University of West Georgia Editorial Board Dr. Christopher L. David Babb University of North Georgia Dr. Mr. Dr. Dr. Ms. Erik Burns University of Wisconsin-Madison Dr. Dr. Yong Chen Old Dominion University Mr. Dr. Bradly Corlett AliveTek Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Ms. Dr. Jan Flegle American Public University System Dr. Dr. Dr. Mrs. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. James Kinneer Indiana University of Pennsylvania Irene Kokkala University of North Georgia Olabisi Kuboni (retired) The University of West Indies Dr. Albany State University Dr. Ms. Melissa Layne American Public University System Dr. Dr. University of Phoenix Ms. Dr. Dr. Christopher Mathews-Smith M.A. Dr. COL Philip A. Dr. Dr. Dr. Anna Obedkova University of Texas of Arlington Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Melanie Shaw North central University Angela Solic Rush University Dr. Dr.

SAGE Publications - Journal Issue - Qualitative Research free online templates, samples, examples, articles, resources and tools for business training and organizational development - free downloads free diagrams - theories, processes, models (pdf) John Fisher's Process of Transition Diagram - revised Nov 2012 - pdf - colour/color - with Complacency stage - see Process of Transition explanation John Fisher's 2012 Process of Personal Transition diagram - pdf - see Process of Transition explanation The Psychological Contract 'Iceberg' Diagram - pdf - see Psychological Contract Theory notes TokPisin (for Papua New Guinea) version of John Fisher's Process of Transition diagram - pdf - (with thanks to Sharne Black of Ozi-K Ltd Papua New Guinea) - refer to Process of Transition explanation Spanish Version of John Fisher's Process of Transition diagram - pdf - (with thanks to Marcelo Rivadeneira for the translation) - refer to Process of Transition explanation French version of John Fisher's Process of Transition diagram - pdf - (with thanks to the Canadian International Development Agency for the translation) - refer to Process of Transition explanation Tuckman 'forming storming' diagram - pdf

International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) This interdisciplinary journal aims to focus on the exchange of relevant trends and research results as well as the presentation of practical experiences gained while developing and testing elements of technology enhanced learning. So it aims to bridge the gape between pure academic research journals and more practical publications. So it covers the full range from research, application development to experience reports and product descriptions. iJET is an Open Access Journal. Announcements Vol 9, No 2 (2014) Table of Contents Papers Short Papers Calls

Learning is Not an Instructional Method Learning takes place within a learner it results in the change of the learners understanding and behavior. As toddlers we learn that fire is hot, and ice is cold. Those of us who watched A Christmas Story learned not to stick our tongue on a frozen flag pole. Recently I have been part of discussions surrounding ‘Online Learning’ some of these discussion take place at work, others among my PLN and a few more at Moodle Boot Camp. I continually hear that online classes are not as rigorous or as valuable as a face to face class. Since learning is ultimately the responsibility of the learner, they should have a choice on what delivery and instructional methods works best for them. I think we need to pay attention to the words we use and distinguish between learning environments (instructional methods) and actual learning, they are not the same.

Edutec Edutec nº 52, Junio 2015: monográfico sobre “Webquest: 20 años utilizando Internet como recurso para el aula” Plazo hasta el 30 de enero de 2015 Más información aquí. Presentación Edutec-e, Revista Electrónica de Tecnología Educativa (ISSN:1135-9250), desde 1995 recoge artículos de reflexión generados en el ámbito de la Tecnología Educativa. La revista Edutec-e forma parte de un proyecto amplio de difusión de trabajos e intercambio de ideas en Internet auspiciado por Edutec (Asociación para el desarrollo de la tecnología educativa, que incluye, además de Edutec-e Edutec-l (lista de distribución en tecnología educativa o Edutec-b (blog de tecnología educativa Edutec-e actualmente se edita desde el Departamento de Pedagogía Aplicada y Psicología de la Educación de la Universidad de las Islas Baleares, con una periodicidad trimestral.

Learning Online Reflection: Learning is Not an Instructional Method by Beth Knittle, An individual’s learning does not take place online, on a computer, in a library, or in a classroom for that matter. Learning takes place within the learner. The classroom, a learning management system, online resources, books, teachers and other learners are part of the learning environment but are not learning themselves.

Understanding How the Brain Thinks (Part 1 of 7) Understanding How the Brain Works For 21st century success, now more than ever, students will need a skill set far beyond the current mandated standards that are evaluated on standardized tests. The qualifications for success in today's ever-changing world will demand the ability to think critically, communicate clearly, use continually changing technology, be culturally aware and adaptive, and possess the judgment and open-mindedness to make complex decisions based on accurate analysis of information. The most rewarding jobs of this century will be those that cannot be done by computers. For students to be best prepared for the opportunities and challenges awaiting them, they need to develop their highest thinking skills -- the brain's executive functions. Factory Model of Education Prepares for "Assembly Line" Jobs Automation and computerization are exceeding human ability for doing repetitive tasks and calculations, but the educational model has not changed. Climb high.

George Siemens's blog: Ideas, collaboration, and innovation It's always difficult to assess the trajectory and depth of change when you're in the middle of it. I wonder if people in the industrial revolution, American/French revolutions - or even in the long, steady progress of the scientific revolution - were aware of what they were witnessing. Revolutions look so neatly packaged and defined, i.e. Since the early 1990's, I've heard a fair bit of hype around how the internet (and then the web, then web 2.0, now social media, and tomorrow "big data") would impact society and businesses. It is this stage - where new technologies change practice and changed practices in turn alter organizational structure - that fascinates me. This past week, I was at the Social Business Forum in Milan, presenting on Analytics in Learning and Knowledge ( The focus was strongly on monitoring social media and encouraging engagement with customers.
