18 Hacked Digital Road Signs Road signs are pretty boring, albeit important. They tell us where to go, what to do and what we should avoid on the road. Road signs don't usually make us laugh -- until people figured out that they could be altered in a number of ways. Pasting a sign over another sign is a simple idea, but hacking into the digital road signs that warn us about traffic delays and road hazards is a whole new level of dedication to mishievous shenanigans. Here are 19 of the funniest hacked digital road signs. "You'll Never Get to Work on Time, Haha!!" "Take Your SUV Back to Detroit" "Trapped in Sign Factory" "Sorry Mario -- The Princess Is in Another Castle" "This Sign Has Been Hacked" "Drive Drunk" "Prepare to Be Annoyed" Zombies are a favorite for these sign-hackers. "Nobody Has Ever Loved You" "Extreme Fire Hazard -- Don't Even Fart in the Forest" "OMG The British Are Coming" "Raptors Ahead, Caution" "New York Is Dying" "There May Be Trouble Ahead" "Party At Julia's 2nite" "Klaatu Barada Nikto" "UFO Crossing Ahead"
Funny Anti Jokes What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline. We’ve just released huge update to the iOS app! Now, access all your favorite text and photo sites like Anti-Joke, DIYLOL! A few things didn’t make the original cut (like comments) but they’ll be back soon. NEW ANTI-JOKE BOOK! Want more? YouTube - Kate Beckinsale: Esquire's Sexiest Woman Alive (Official 4K HD Version) Graphik Addict Envoi et suivi de colis express. Livraison colis international avec Chronopost - Suivi colis Contenu de page Vos livraisons sur toute la France métropolitaine le lendemain matin avant 13h et à l'international dans les meilleurs délais Première visite ? | Aide | FAQ Accueil > Suivi colis Liste des envois et/ou enlèvements Sur internet Veuillez saisir le numéro d'envoi qui se trouve sur votre lettre de transport, ou votre numéro d'avis de passage Saisissez votre n° d'envoi ou votre n° d'avis de passage, ou d'enlèvement. Le n° d'envoi est inscrit sur la lettre de transport, il est composé de 13 caractères (2 lettres, 9 chiffres, 2 lettres). La Poste | GeoPost | La Boutique du Timbre | Box e-commerce
The Sneeze - Half zine. Half blog. Half not good with fractions. Join me in saying F-YOU to my tastebuds. Steve, Don't Eat It! Vol. 1 Potted Meat Food Product There aren't too many products that feel the need to reassure you that they are, in fact, "food." The list of ingredients is long and horrifying, coming right out of the gate with "MECHANICALLY SEPARATED CHICKEN." Other ingredients include BEEF TRIPE, BEEF HEARTS, AND "PARTIALLY DE-FATTED COOKED PORK FATTY TISSUE" How does one de-fat fat? Okay, I'm going to go try it now. I'm back. Okay, here we go-- Pulling back the lid (not recommended) lets loose an odor that punches you in the nose like a stinky fist. Inside is a smooth, oddly pink meat paste. The can shows a serving suggestion of the Potted Meat being served on squares of toast. All I can tell you is, I survived the first installment of "Steve, Don't Eat It." Not surprisingly, I've come up with a little slogan the peeps who handle Potted Meat Marketing can use (no charge, as always): POTTED MEAT FOOD PRODUCT: Made By, For, And With Assholes.
Tractrice TRACTRICETractrix, Traktrix La tractrice peut être définie comme tractoire de la droite, ou ce qui revient au même, comme courbe à tangente constante. La tractice est aussi : La radiale de la tractrice est le kappa.Sa rotation autour de la base engendre la pseudo-sphère.Voir aussi les syntractrices.Remarque : les courbes à normale constante ne sont autres que les cercles. Instrument dû à Perks permettant de tracer la tractrice. © Robert FERRÉOL, Jacques MANDONNET 2007
Who would have thought that dumpsters could be so much fun British design graduate Oliver Bishop-Young has come up with an urban art project, called the SkipWaste project, where dumpsters are used in a fun and different way. They are no longer used for trash, but for activities and other amazing art installations. You have dumpsters that work as either a skate ramp, a lawn, a flower bed, a pool, or even a cozy living room. They appeal to everybody, both the younger and the older. Others have also used simple objects to create urban art, like the four Australian friends that created a huge “Lego Man” out of ordinary milk crates.
stereomood – emotional internet radio - music for my mood and activities s Curiosities The deepest swimming pool in the world is located in Brussels, Belgium inside a recreational diving center and anyone can use it provided they are accompanied by a professional diver. With a depth of 33 meters (108 ft) the pool contains several submerged structures offering a variety of diving opportunities. biomécanique : coureur et ressort Présentation du secteur Vous serez peut être surpris d'apprendre que si pendant une course de 2 km, votre "style" respecte certains principes mécaniques, vous parcourrez plus d'1 km gratuitement, sans dépenser la moindre once d'énergie physiologique. Mais avez vous un style correct ? Courez-vous à l'économie ? Le secteur dans lequel vous vous trouvez aborde les connaissances relatives à la foulée du coureur. Dans cette page nous avons regroupé les principes biomécaniques relatifs à la course à pied. 1 Les deux énergies de la course A 20 km/h un coureur économe peut dépenser moins d'énergie qu'un coureur dépensier qui lui court à 18 km/h. Energie payante - Energie gratuite : du chimique à l'élastique Pour bouger, il nous faut transformer l'énergie prélevée dans l'environnement en énergie de mouvement (voir secteur physiologie). Heureusement une partie de l'énergie transformée en mouvement peut être recouvrée. Nous parlerons de l'énergie chimique dans le secteur "physiologie". 3.3.3 Aligner
67 Not Out: Married Couple In The Same Photo As Children Here's a photo coincidence on the lines of the post I published called Photo Taken Of Father Showed His Missing Daughter. I came across this new one by chance on a video from WXII 12 TV . The odds against this coincidence happening must be millions to 1. Young newly weds Alex and Donna Voutsinas were looking through some of Donna's old photos from when she was a child and came across one of her at Disney World. Donna is at the front of the photo, see above, with one of the Disney characters and then Alex spotted something - his dad! Yes, it's his dad in the background of the photo pushing a stroller (pushchair) and, of course, in the stroller is Alex. A remarkable coincidence because the families didn't know each other back then and, to make it even more remarkable, at the time of the photo Alex lived in Canada and Donna in Florida. It looks like their lives touched upon each other when they were young ready for the big romance in later years.
Reset the Source SDK Game Configuration - Valve Developer Community If you're experiencing problems with the Hammer game configuration or SDK Launcher game configuration not behaving correctly, you can follow this procedure to reset the game configurations to the default state. If you have not created a custom Mod through the "Create A Mod" wizard: Shut down any Source SDK Tools, such as Hammer or FacePoser. Open the Source SDK application from the Steam Window, under the Tools section. Choose Reset Game Configurations from the Source SDK window. If you have created a Mod through the "Create A Mod" wizard, see the following page on Resetting a Custom Mod Game Configuration. If after resetting the Game Configuration the tools still do not run correctly, this usually means that the SDK tools cannot find the Gameinfo.txt for the game or mod you want to work with. If you are still having issues then you might want to get additional help.