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Explore Meditation Popular Guided Meditation Categories are listed first – with the full collection of Guided Meditation posts below. Listen to these Free Guided Meditations for Relaxation and Spiritual Growth. Guided Meditation Packages you can download to your computer or MP3 player. Chakra. Root Chakra, Sexual Chakra, Personality Chakra, Heart Chakra, Expressive Chakra, Knowledge Chakra, Crown Chakra, alternative medicine, traditional Oriental medicine The Chakras Chakras are a common concept in several disciplines of alternative medicine and traditional Oriental medicine. A chakra is a centre of energy which has several functions. In addition to being 'representative' of a particular organ or group of organs, a chakra also controls our being on different levels and it links these two representative states. The concept of chakra is very important in therapies such as reiki, meditation, yoga, therapeutic touch, aura, etc.

African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955–1968) The African-American Civil Rights Movement or 1960s Civil Rights Movement encompasses social movements in the United States whose goals were to end racial segregation and discrimination against black Americans and to secure legal recognition and federal protection of the citizenship rights enumerated in the Constitution and federal law. This article covers the phase of the movement between 1954 and 1968, particularly in the South. A wave of inner city riots in black communities from 1964 through 1970 undercut support from the white community. The emergence of the Black Power movement, which lasted from about 1966 to 1975, challenged the established black leadership for its cooperative attitude and its nonviolence, and instead demanded political and economic self-sufficiency.

learn tai chi We know you want to learn tai chi and it's very tempting to just say 'Start - now - today! And point you to qigong exercises and let you read about the fundamentals and start to learn some individual exercises. It's important to remember that any exercise done the wrong way has the potential to cause damage. Tai chi is no different in that respect. If you do decide to learn on your own it's really important that you protect your knees and back by following the posture guidelines at the beginning of the exercise instructions. Please read the instructions guidelines techniques, they tell you how to use our instructions.

And Essential Oil Mood Blends Aromatherapy is based on the principle that natural fragrances, or essential oils, from certain plants or flowers can affect our moods, and consequently how we think or feel at any given time. In fact, practitioners of Aromatherapy base their entire belief system on the ideology that essential oils, or aromatherapy oils, have medicinal benefits – including antidepressant and antibacterial properties, and plenty in between! Certain essential oils can trigger physical or emotional effects on their own. For instance, lavender is a widely known calming agent, whereas peppermint is a mood lifter. Other oils are blended to achieve a desired physiological or psychological effect. Blending ylang ylang with grapefruit relieves stress.

Chakras Do the chakra test to learn the state of your chakras and open the ones necessary using the chakra meditations. Introduction to the Chakras What the chakras are, and their properties.Chakra test Find out the states of your chakras by doing this chakra test.Opening the Chakras How to open the chakras by performing chakra meditations.Working with the Chakras How to proceed while working with your chakras. Background information How emotions affect the chakras Emotions and states that are able to close down chakras.Different views of the chakras Differences in names, locations and properties attributed to the chakras. Buy the Chakra Test software or Chakras PDF Chakras, Information on Chakras, Pictures: WSM Explains Philosophy of The Chakras Philosophy / Metaphysics of Chakras & our Connection to the Universe On Resonance, Harmonics, Wave Structure of Matter & Flow of Energy Information & Pictures The word Chakra is Sanskrit and signifies a wheel. ... The chakras or force-centers are points of connection at which energy flows from one vehicle or body of a man to another. ... In a more evolved person they may be glowing and pulsating with living light, so that an enormously greater amount of energy passes through them, with the result that there are additional faculties and possibilities open to that person.

Online language practice community by Rosetta Stone RWorld: Online Language Practice RWorld is an online community where you can practice your language skills. In RWorld, you'll be completely immersed in your new language in a social environment filled with fun, interactive activities.

Chakra Meanings, Realigning, Unblocking, Balancing Chakras The second chakra is known as the sacral plexus chakra spleen chakra or sexual chakra. It is situated in the lower abdomen behind and approximately two inches from the belly button, in the area of the womb. The chakra is represented by the orange Svadhistthana mandala (ones own place), the element of water and it is also symbolised by a fish. It is the source of creativity and inspiration. The second chakra is the foundation of the emotional body, it influences our ability to feel emotions, sensations and atmospheres, and controls our ability to let go of our emotions.

Baha'i books from independent publisher Kalimát Press Now is the time for the lovers of God to raise high the banners of unity, to intone, in the assemblages of the world, the verses of friendship and love and to demonstrate to all that the grace of God is one. — ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Dr. Amin Banani (who passed away last year) and Dr. Anthony A. Enlightened Beings How To Find Inner Peace and Happiness In ANY Situation! Divine inner peace and unbounded happiness is possible within you right now. In fact, within each moment there is a window of opportunity to letting go of the usual tiresome way of dealing with your life and discovering a completely different angle to life's perpetual dangle. From the most basic to the most complex situations you encounter, you'll discover that every experience is trying to teach you something.

Free Qigong Exercise: Easy, Step-by-Step, Free Qigong Lessons Looking for free tai chi qigong exercise? Here are a range of free lessons, with precise, detailed descriptions and easy step-by-step instructions. Qigong (a.k.a. chi kung) lessons do not have to be expensive. Although there seems to be a growing "qigong industry" where commercial classes can range in tuition prices from $20 a lesson to two or three thousand dollars per qigong workshop—there are inexpensive classes that you can take and still get many of the benefits. If you are interested in benefiting from tai chi qigong but can't afford the pricey lessons, or if you don't want to pay the heavy price of taking commercial lessons without first trying them out, try the following qigong exercises below. If you are new in tai chi qigong, I suggest that you start from the beginning and work your way through each qigong exercise.

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