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Big Picture Challenge | PBS Digital Shop The PBS Big Picture Challenge App Can you guess the zoomed in image? Test your skills and download PBS Big Picture Challenge for FREE now. Download the PBS Big Picture Challenge Now: Over 300 challenging photos to guess. Educational, with more than 20 exciting themed levels. Guess the photo, gather coins, and unlock badges when you win! Stumped? Play in your choice of six languages, including: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Portuguese. Available now on all iOS, Android, and Kindle devices. Follow the @PBSBigPicture Instagram account for bonus challenges!

Welcome | NAAE Communities of Practice Shane Dunbar, MEd, PRP, PAP, LP Parliamentary Procedure Consultant Parliamentary Procedure Instructional Materials Center Everett, Washington Facilitates: Parliamentary Procedure Community Shane started his career in Parliamentary Procedure as a four-year high school FFA member. After thirty years in education, which included serving as an Agriculture Teacher, Assistant High School Principal, and Vocational Director, he "retired" and pursued a career dealing in parliamentary procedure. Some other achievements include: Shane's web site includes over thirty FREE items than can be downloaded. To volunteer, contact CoP administrator Julie Fritsch, or learn more by reading this facilitator position description. Jak zrobić profesjonalne logo? Aplikacja instalogo pomoże! : AntyApps Każde szanujące się przedsiębiorstwo wie jak ważna jest identyfikacja wizualna. Firma z dobrze rozpoznawalnym logo, czy logotypem utrwala się w świadomości konsumenta i właściciele mogą być pewni, że klienci będą o nich myśleć, a atrakcyjność wizualna firmy przyciągnie nowych, potencjalnych klientów. Na rynku dostępna jest masa produktów mających pomóc w dostarczeniu profesjonalnie wyglądającego logo. Jednym z nich jest instalogo — dostępna na rynku mobilnym od 2012 roku aplikacja do tworzenia logo dla amatorów, małych i dużych przedsiębiorstw wciąż jest rozwijana i w ostatnich tygodniach doczekała się potężnego uaktualnienia. Założeniem twórców instalogo jest oddanie w ręce użytkowników potężnego narzędzia do tworzenia logo na ich urządzeniach mobilnych. Oprócz zmienionego interfejsu, który jest bardzo przejrzysty i intuicyjny wprowadzono również wsparcie dla inteligentnych zegarków. Wiele podstawowych narzędzi i kształtów, które można wykorzystać w programie jest darmowych.

Visual hexagons – jivespin I am an unashamed admirer of hexagons in the classroom. Hexagon activities (which can be found elsewhere on this blog) promote deeper and independent thinking on any topic as well as focus on different elements when answering a specific, exam focused question. They encourage students to make links between different elements of a topic and forces them to e plain and employ higher order skills. With such an activity, some students can find hexagons a challenge – especially Key Stage 3 and less able students. This is because the very skills hexagons encourage are higher order ones that students can struggle with. As a result, I have been thinking about modifiying hexagon activities to make them more accessible to all students without diluting the outcome of sharpening students’ higher order skills set. Putting these two together, I have experimented with usual visual hexagons. Firstly, students must identify the images and how they relate to the central question. Like this: Like Loading...

Comic Maker A 12-year-old app developer?! A 12-year-old app developer (04:38) Uploader: erncox | Provider: Vialogues Most 12-year-olds love playing videogames — Thomas Suarez taught himself how to create them. After developing iPhone apps like "Bustin Jeiber," a whack-a-mole game, he is now using his skills to help other kids become developers. (Filmed at TEDxManhattanBeach.) Date Uploaded: August 18, 2015 See all vialogues of this video Create Another Vialogue from this video Link Embed Code Note: Making embedded height less than 700 will cut off the comment window. Comment Density

PBS Videos A personalized PBS video experience is only a few clicks away. Use one of the services below to sign-in to PBS, and you'll be able to manage videos in your Watchlist, keep track of your favorite shows, watch PBS in high definition, and much more! You've just tried to add this video to your Watchlist so you can watch it later. But first, we need you to sign-in to PBS using one of the services below. You’ll be able to manage videos in your Watchlist, keep track of your favorite shows, watch PBS in high definition, and much more! You've just tried to select this program as one of your favorites. To get you watching PBS in high definition we need you to sign-in to PBS using one of the services below. You'll be able to manage videos in your Watchlist, keep track of your favorite shows, watch PBS in high definition, and much more! We have updated our registration process.

Darmowy Kreator Logo | Tworzenie Logo Firmy z Oprogramowaniem Online | LOGASTER Шестиугольное обучение как образовательная технология — Дидактор Уверен, каждый учитель получает наибольшее наслаждение тогда, когда он видит результаты своей работы. Причём не сиюминутные. Лучший способ убедиться, что учебный материал усвоен учениками хорошо, это оперирование прошлыми знаниями, их применение в новых условиях, когда выполняются операции сравнения, анализа, синтеза новых знаний. Ученики намного лучше воспринимают новые учебные идеи, если они связывают их с прошлыми. В течение последних лет в ряде школ Великобритании используется так называемый шестиугольный метод обучения. Почему шестиугольники? Форма шестиугольных карточек позволяет ученикам проявить творческий подход в организации своей познавательной деятельности. Каждая из шестиугольных карточек — это некоторым образом формализованные знания по определённому аспекту. Есть несколько вариантов использования данной технологии. 1.Вы можете вписать учебный материал в шестиугольники, разрезать их, и предложить ученикам собрать мозаику. 2. Это и есть цель «шестиугольного обучения.» 3. 4.

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