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An interesting interpretation of the printed word

An interesting interpretation of the printed word

Rafael Araujo - Calculation - Illustrazioni di farfalle e spirali matematiche Se l’arte può essere definita come qualsiasi forma creativa di espressione estetica, allora cos’è la matematica? L’artista venezuelano Rafael Araujo si è avventurato alla ricerca di una sua estetica pura, utilizzando solo una matita, righello e goniometro. Il risultato è Calculation, una serie di tavole in cui farfalle e conchiglie trasformano spazio tridimensionale e spirali geometriche in un preciso balletto di colori e ombre. In fondo tutto ciò che ci circonda è un divino esperimento matematico e l’arte non fa altro che cercare d’imitarlo. Rafael Araujo TAGbutterfly·drawing·geometry·mathematics·shell Autore: Buddy Founder @buddy_bradley Nato a Catania nel 1982. Ha scritto 555 post Articoli correlati prev next Commenti per "Rafael Araujo – Calculation" next post prev post

Social Media Marketing Consultant & Strategy Specialist Mark Schaefer Content Shock: Why content marketing is not a sustainable strategy This post will demonstrate in simple economic terms why content marketing — the hottest marketing trend around — may not be a sustainable strategy for many businesses. Like any good discussion on economics, this is rooted in the very simple concept of supply and demand. When supply exceeds demand, prices fall. But in the world of content marketing, the prices cannot fall because the “price” of the content is already zero — we give it away for free. So, to get people to consume our content, we actually have to pay them to do it, and as the supply of content explodes, we will have to pay our customers increasing amounts to the point where it is not feasible any more. Paying people to read our content? You are paying people to read your content In 1997, I received my first company laptop computer, some brick-like device called a Grid. I explored the meager content offerings and found a file with NASA photographs. Fast forward to 2009, the year I became a serious content creator.

32 Irresistible Print Ads That Will Leave You Mesmerized Possibly Forever 1. World Tobacco Day Campaign Moscow ad agency A drive taken up to create an awareness among people that smoking does not make you look pretty. 2. Moms Demand Action Advertising Agency: Grey, Toronto, Canada Moms Demand Action as one child Is holding something that’s banned in America to protect them. We ban Kinder chocolate eggs for child safety but using assault weapons is completely fine? We keep Little Red Riding Hood out of schools because of a wine bottle, but we allow children to carry guns! 3. Advertising Agency: Publicis, Singapore Because just liking a picture on a social networking site showing a traumatized and sick child doesn't help them at all. Don't follow the crowd, stand out and help them. 4. Advertising Agency: Terremoto Propaganda, Curitiba, Brazil This ad highlights the negligence of driving and multi-tasking along with it. 5. Advertising Agency: Memac Ogilvy, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia An ad that is aimed to fight against domestic violence and other forms of woman abuse. 6. 8. 9.

19 beloved Street Art Photos - Nov 2013 - Jan 2014 7 Ingenious DIY Designs You Can Make At Home Samuel Bernier’s Project RE_ is a playful enigma. On the one hand, there is a clear aesthetic thread that runs through each project’s final form--it’s not hard to imagine spending far too much to buy these things at a high-end boutique. On the other hand, they are all made from household objects and the steps to making them are freely available online. It seems that Bernier is at home in this enigma. This is, in a funny way, big business. In the meantime, page through our gallery of Bernier’s designs and see if you can guess what the final result will be, by looking only at the ingredients. Improbabilità - 25 strange objects by Giuseppe Colarusso Improbabilità – 25 strange objects by Giuseppe Colarusso The series of strange and surreal objects, entitled “Improbabilità“, by the Italian artist Giuseppe Colarusso who hijacks everyday objects to make them deliciously unusable. Some improbable, but not impossible creations, exposed very simply as still lifes, which divert the functional codes of objects that surround us… Images © Giuseppe Colarusso

Design Seeds®: For All Who Love Color #ededed #e8dcca #b08a61 #66503c #6b636a #aba2a4 Find The Palettes You Love seasoned tones posted 04.27.14 comments 1 geode tones posted 04.25.14 comments 0 sponsored links culinary color posted 04.25.14 comments 1 geode brights posted 04.22.14 comments 0 dried tones posted 04.14.14 comments 3 bundled hues posted 04.09.14 comments 1 nature hues posted 03.07.14 comments 0 color comfort posted 12.01.13 comments 2 bountiful tones posted 11.28.13 comments 1 thanksgiving hues posted 11.28.13 comments 2 pear tones posted 11.25.13 comments 5 breakfast hues posted 11.24.13 comments 3 next page >>> ShareThis Copy and Paste
