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Nginx server

Lighttpd server - fly light 50 Essential Online Tools For Every Computer Science Student - i-studentglobal Computer science students need to acquire skills in multiple areas — arguably more so than many other study disciplines. So not surprisingly, they need a large toolbox, for any of several activities encountered in the typical college program. To that end, here is a reference list of 50 essential tools (software and resources) for computer science students. Notes: We’ve left out the typical Web browsers, email clients, most IM/ chat clients, search engines, video sharing sites, etc., and given a sample of tool categories that have numerous options.Some tools listed are free, others follow a freemium model (free with paid upgrade options). “Essential tools for Computer Science Students” Communication and Collaboration Google Hangouts: Free group conversations and live voice and video, from a browser or mobile app.Strike: Create Web-based task lists and share with classmates, colleagues and other collaborators. Data Parsing, Data Conversion, File Retrieval, Format Checking “Website Development”

Welcome! - The Apache HTTP Server Project Dotdeb - depot serveur LAMP pour Debian How to automate Windows Security prompt input | John Louros Here's another post about automation. This time let's automate Windows Security input prompts text input. Disclaimer, use your best judgment to figure when you should or shouldn't use this scripts. Keep in mind that for the next set of examples passwords are kept in plain text. If you plan to actually use this files, at least use SecureStrings (check reference here). Moving on from the security disclaimers, some might ask why automate password prompts? Automating Remote Desktop access Automate opening Windows Explorer on remote machine file system Home : The Official Microsoft IIS Site HTTP/1.1: Status Code Definitions Each Status-Code is described below, including a description of which method(s) it can follow and any metainformation required in the response. 10.1 Informational 1xx This class of status code indicates a provisional response, consisting only of the Status-Line and optional headers, and is terminated by an empty line. There are no required headers for this class of status code. A client MUST be prepared to accept one or more 1xx status responses prior to a regular response, even if the client does not expect a 100 (Continue) status message. Proxies MUST forward 1xx responses, unless the connection between the proxy and its client has been closed, or unless the proxy itself requested the generation of the 1xx response. proxy adds a "Expect: 100-continue" field when it forwards a request, then it need not forward the corresponding 100 (Continue) response(s).) 10.1.1 100 Continue The client SHOULD continue with its request. 10.1.2 101 Switching Protocols 10.2 Successful 2xx 10.2.2 201 Created

Windows 7 Direct Download Links The Windows 7 direct downloads are back! You can use our new ISO download tool to generate temporary download links on the Microsoft server. All downloads that were previously available on Digital, River are accessible once again, plus many more (more languages, OEM versions, Get Genuine Kits etc.) Important Note May 2016 We proudly present you a new Download Tool for genuine Windows 7 ISO images directly from Microsoft! The previous Digital River download servers, and remain offline though. In this article we continue to share relevant tips and tricks about the Windows 7 ISO images. Download from the new Recovery Centre If you have a valid retail product key, you can alternatively download untouched ISO images via the Software Recovery Centre. Purchase a fresh Windows system If you have no product key yet, and want to use Windows 7 permanently, these links are for you. Windows 7 Test Drive

Web text editors Nging pour optimiser son serveur web Si vous êtes l’heureux possesseur d’un site hébergé sur un serveur dédié, la popularité est une bonne chose mais peut vite s’accompagner d’autres inconvénients comme la saturation des ressources de votre serveur. La solution la plus simple est souvent de passer à une offre supérieure (et donc plus chère), mais cela peut être sans fin ou presque, et les migrations ne sont pas forcément une partie de plaisir. Modifier l’architecture est parfois une meilleure solution et permet de mieux profiter de son hébergement actuel sans trop d’efforts et sans surcoût. Si vous travaillez bien, vous pourrez en plus anticiper le passage à une architecture à plusieurs serveurs. Pourquoi mon serveur plante ? Le problème principal affectant les serveurs Web comme Apache est la quantité de RAM disponible sur le système. Si le SWAP est utilisé, le temps de réponse du serveur augmente, et les visiteurs rafraichissent alors plusieurs fois la page accentuant encore la charge sur le serveur. nginx (Source).

Installing PHP 5.3, Nginx And PHP-fpm On Ubuntu/Debian | HowtoFo Version 1.1 Follow me on Twitter Since Apache is most of the time a memory hungy process, people started to look for different ways to host their website. Apache is clearly not the only webserver available. A few good examples are lighttpd and nginx. In this tutorial I will show you how to install it on your Ubuntu server. Ready? Step 0 - Preliminary Notes In order to complete this tutorial, I assume you have installed a base system of Debian or Ubuntu. Step 1 - Nginx Installing nginx is the first step we have to do. sudo apt-get install nginx The default vhost has to be changed in order to work properly. sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/default A nice starting point for your config is: Ok, we're done here. Step 2 - Installing PHP Many sites rely on PHP for providing them dynamic content, whether this is a wiki, forum software, weblog or something entirely different. If you are running Ubuntu, we first have to resolve two dependencies required for the dotdeb packages. cd /tmp Update apt:

Gestion erreurs PHP avec Nginx et PHP-FPM Nginx et son compère PHP-FPM forment une superbe alternative au couple Apache + mod_php. Robuste, rapide, simple à configurer. Il n'y a qu'une chose qui m'embêtait jusqu'ici : quand PHP rencontre une erreur fatale (erreur de syntaxe dans un script par exemple), on a droit à une magnifique page blanche avec un code 200. Et puis j'ai fait ce que j'aurais du faire depuis longtemps : lire la documentation associée à PHP-FPM (RTFM). ; Dans php.ini fastcgi.error_header = "HTTP/1.0 550 Script Error" On peut ensuite demander à Nginx d'associer ce code avec une URI : # Dans nginx.conf server { [..] error_page 550 /550.html; [..] } On peut afficher de cette façon une page plus explicative pour l'utilisateur et pour le débogage. Vous pouvez tester le fonctionnement avec le script PHP suivant qui comporte une erreur de syntaxe :
