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Just What Is The Dark Web? | Thompson & Toresen Just What Is The Dark Web? August 17, 2015 | Technology The "dark web" is a part of the world wide web that requires special software to access. However, some sites are effectively "hidden", in that they have not been indexed by a search engine and can only be accessed if you know the address of the site. There is even a crowdfunded "Assassination Market", where users can pay towards having someone assassinated. Because of the the dark web's almost total anonymity, it has been the place of choice for groups wanting to stay hidden online from governments and law enforcement agencies. There are a number of ways to access the dark web, including the use of Tor, Freenet and I2P. Tor provides secrecy and anonymity by passing messages through a network of connected Tor relays, which are specially configured computers. Rather than conventional web addresses, Tor uses "onion" addresses, which further obsure the content. It is a mistake to think that Tor is entirely anonymous.
