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Topics for Debate in English

Topics for Debate in English

250 Conversation Starters Here are some great questions for starting a conversation. There are a lot of random conversation starters to get you started and then conversation questions listed by topic. You can start with the random questions or find a topic that interests you. There are tons of ways to use these questions. The title would have you believe that there are 250 questions, but there are actually more. Random Conversation Starters What was the last funny video you saw? What do you do to get rid of stress? What is something you are obsessed with? Who is your favorite entertainer (comedian, musician, actor, etc.)? What’s your favorite way to waste time? Do you have any pets? Where did you go last weekend? What are you going to do this weekend? What is something that is popular now that annoys you? What did you do on your last vacation? What was the last time you worked incredibly hard? Are you very active of do you prefer to just relax in your free time? What do you do when you hang out with your friends?

Discussion topics for English language learners Prepare for Discussion 28 topics-- for the Higher Intermediate & Advanced levels----START 01 Alternative Beliefs 02 Animal Welfare 03 The Arts 04 Crime & Punishment 05 Cultural Differences 06 Economics 07 Education 08 Environment 09 Fashion 10 Food 11 Health 12 Holidays 13 Language Learning 14 Male & Female Roles 15 Marriage 16 The Media 17 Political Systems 18 Religion 19 Rich & Poor World 20 Science & Technology 21 Society 22 Sport 23 Tradition 24 Transport 25 Travel 26 Violence 27 Work 28 Youth & Old Age -----© Ted Power Glossary of Ten Discussion Techniques - detailed index List of the 28 Topics for Discussion [ This list of the 28 topics can be printed out for learners' or teachers' reference ] -- Higher Intermediate vocabulary and discussion - topics 1 to 10: 1. -- Higher Intermediate vocabulary and discussion - topics 11 to 20: 11. -- Higher Intermediate vocabulary and discussion - topics 21 to 28: 21. Return to the TOP of this page

» How To Make Conversation – Improve Your Social Skills Most conversation advice doesn’t help you make conversation. It’s easy to find tips like “Look your partner in the eye” or “Think of conversation topics ahead of time.” These tips are helpful, but they don’t explain how conversation actually works–it’s like saying “Keep your eye on the ball” instead of explaining the rules of baseball. Of course, you can still enjoy baseball even if you don’t understand the rules. But when you struggle during small talk, it’s incredibly frustrating – especially if you don’t know how to improve. The good news? You don’t need to be frustrated anymore. Improve Your Social Skills is a practical, step-by-step guide to social success – and that means it teaches you how conversation actually works. You’ll learn the bedrock principles of conversation, and how to apply those principles to make smooth, engaging conversation. Guess what? The Secret Of Conversation Flow What makes some conversations flow smoothly, and others sputter or feel awkward?

Engbloggalfa Conversation Starter Tips Intuitive Choice and Answer Lists offer a rich collection of ideas to support us in problem solving, decision making, creativity and deeper understanding. Too often, we get stuck in habitual thinking patterns and we can't find new ideas, options or solutions. Now, our lists give you may options, ideas, choices and triggers to help you answer the questions and needs in your life. Invite your intuition to help you find the answers that are best for you! This is one of over 90 Intuitive Choice and Answer Lists Conversation tips for beginners: If you are shy and uncomfortable talking with people, consider these ideas for developing more confidence in social situations. Before venturing into a social arena: Get your mind working for you rather than against you. In social situations: When you arrive, take time to scan the room and identify someone who is alone to connect with. Tips for taking conversations to a deeper level of connection: Be aware of theirs and your comfort zones.

Tell a story or personal anecdote Examiner: OK, Kelvin, so I’d like you to tell us a short personal story. Here are the topics. Please take one. Kelvin: Tell me about a great surprise you had. OK. Examiner: OK? Examiner: OK, Kelvin, you can start when you’re ready. Kelvin: OK. Examiner: Yeah, what a great surprise! Kelvin: Actually, no, because they hadn’t mentioned anything about my birthday before the match, so I hadn’t expected they would do this. Examiner: OK. Examiner: OK, Melissa, so now I’d like you to tell us a short personal story or anecdote and here are the topics. Melissa: OK. Examiner: What have you got? Melissa: Tell me about a time when you surprised someone. Examiner: OK, great. Examiner: OK? Examiner: OK, so you can start when you’re ready. Melissa: It was my best friend’s birthday and I decided to give her a surprise since we have been good friends since Form 3. Examiner: All right, what a great story! Melissa: Yeah. Examiner: OK. Examiner: OK.

Conversation Starters | Networking Ahead for Business When networking with people at meetings, conferences, association meetings or conventions, learn to ask more interesting open-ended questions to get the conversation going. Rather than the standard “what do you do for a living?”, why not ask a more creative, open-ended question to get a conversation going and enrich the human exchange. You will learn more about the other person in a shorter amount of time. You also stand to find more common interests and deeper connections than you would if you only share your job descriptions. Sample Questions Here are a list of forty open-ended questions that you might ask someone you are networking with. Name one activity on your “bucket list” that you’d like to do in the next year or two.What career ambition have you not yet fulfilled? Do you have an idea for question #41?

Liven up a listening | Recipes for the EFL classroom Not sure what to do with a listening text coming up soon in the unit? Don’t like the comprehension questions in the book? Want some ideas to liven it up? Pre-listening Prediction work can be a really useful pre-listening activity, preparing the students for what they are about to hear. KWL charts This is an idea I took from JJ Wilson’s excellent book, How to Teach Listening. The basic procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Bingo A fun and engaging vocabulary prediction task. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. You can try this with the weather forecast below: Whilst listening Giving students different tasks When we listen to many things in our day to day life, we are not interested in understanding everything, but just the salient points. An example: Using the text above, the teacher could think of a number of situations, write these on cards and give them out to the students. You can try this out if you like: choose a situation and listen to the weather forecast above. In summary Like this: Like Loading...

How to Start a Conversation When You Have Nothing to Talk About (with Examples) Edit Article Sample HintsStarting Your Conversation Edited by Anthony J. Starting a conversation to get to know someone or breaking an awkward silence can be very stressful. Ad Steps Starting Your Conversation 1Introduce yourself if necessary. 10Maintain the equilibrium. Tips Follow the lead that your listener is expressing. Warnings Make use of "please", "may I", "thank you", "could you" when someone is nice to you and when you want something. Etiquette for the Social Networking Age After a long day at the office, imagine logging onto Facebook to see what your friends have been up to, only to have your boss or colleague message you about an urgent work matter. Aside from the fact that you are officially off duty, is it appropriate for your co-worker to reach out to you through a social networking forum? Was it wise to accept a colleague or higher-up as a “friend” to begin with? And — perhaps more importantly — in this day and age, when people are seemingly available around the clock because of smartphones and our endless appetite for all things online, is anyone ever really “off duty?” As Facebook, Twitter and 24-hour Blackberry access blur the lines between business and personal lives, managers and employees are struggling to develop new social norms to guide them through the ongoing evolution of communications technology. Multiple ‘Selves’ “I’ve heard people say that Facebook is for personal friends and LinkedIn is for professional contacts,” Williams notes.

The Ethics Imperative in Social Media I had the pleasure of addressing Steve Quigley’s Public Relations class at Boston University today, and as a bonus, I asked Todd Defren to be part of the conversation as well. Steve Quigley, I have to say, is turning out quite a crop of Boston’s social media up and comers. Between him and Professor Ed Downes, BU seems to be the college to beat in Boston for PR’s next wave of rockstars. We talked about a lot of things, from the ways in which traditional PR must thread with the new stuff, to the ways in which students will find themselves challenged in the coming months. We talked about the importance of your personal database, and how to better annotate (post coming about this on Mashable shortly). Ethics in the World of Social Media and New Marketing In public relations and marketing, the primary goal is that those acting as an agent for an organization, their professional communicators, move the needle in some way. You could do that. Here’s the thing: Google remembers everything.

12 Reputation Management Tools to Track Your Name As a professional, building and keeping up a good reputation could bring you those career opportunities and advancements you have always dreamed of. Unfortunately, over the last 10 years the skyrocketing success of the Internet and social media means you need to monitor your reputation more closely. You can spend your whole life building up that notoriety and in 5 minutes it could be lost. Negative comments and information can show up in search results, in forums, in blogs, in online videos and in your social networking profiles. Three Best Ways to Improve Your Online Reputation 101 Conversation Starters People Love Below are 101 types of conversation starters to use on your first date, at a party, in business, with guys or girls, or on family and friends. The 101 great conversation openers are simple and effective. Do not be fooled. The most important point to remember when using any conversation starter is they aim to start the conversation. “Ice-breakers” break the ice; they don’t heat up the planet and make mother nature flourish. Conversation openers are not intended to make people laugh or get people to like you. What Makes a Great Conversation Starter? Watch this video for an amazing exercise you can do with me to create over 30 conversation starters that work for you The best conversation starters are situation-specific. ‘Ice-breakers’ break the ice; they don’t heat up the planet and make mother nature flourish. Here’s an exercise to help you develop excellent openers. Having done that, you already have 30 amazing conversation starters. Conversation Starters Anyone can Use in Any Situation
