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WordWeb Online Dictionary and Thesaurus

WordWeb Online Dictionary and Thesaurus
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OpenLaszlo | the premier open-source platform for rich internet Oxford Dictionary of Word Origins "A treasure (from the Greek ‘thesauros’, treasure, store or storehouse) trove (past participle of an Anglo-Norman verb meaning ‘to find’) of verbal wonders" – William Hartston, Daily Express Combining both accessibility and authority, The Oxford Dictionary of Word Origins describes the origins and development of over 3,000 words and phrases in the English language. The book draws on Oxford's unrivalled dictionary research programme and language monitoring, and relates the fascinating stories behind many of our most curious terms and expressions in order to offer the reader a much more explicit account than can be found in a general English dictionary. Organized A-Z, the entries include first known use along with examples that illustrate the many faces of the particular word or phrase, from ‘handsome’ to ‘bachelor’ and ‘cute’ to ‘baby’, from ‘pagan’ to ‘palaver’ and ‘toff’ to ‘torpedo’. Bibliographic Information

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dico conjugaison About a little thing called 750 Words List of common NetSpeak words/ Phrases | Learn The Internet Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia Main Article: Internet Slang lol Speak Edit ORLY/ O RLY~ Oh really? NO WAI~ No way! Cheeze~ cheese Wut/ Wat/ Wa~ What Iz~ is Dat~ that Y Halo Thar~ Hello Liek~ Like Mite~ Might Kat~ Cat Bai~ Bye Tha~ the Im here 2 has sum fun! Basically anyway of writing a word differently but still pronouncing it the same way. Abbreviations LOL~ Laugh[ing] Out Loud ABT2~ about to [do something] BFF~ Best Friends Forever AKA~ Also Known As BBL~ be back later BF~ 'Boyfriend' or sometimes 'Best Friend' g2g~ Got to go (I have to leave) IDK~ I don't know IDC~ I don't care K~ Okay KK~ Okay L8R G8R~ Later Gator (good-bye) ILY~ I love you {don't be confused, this doesn't always mean "Love, love" it's usually refered to a friend} RL~ Real life (not on the internet) IM~ Instant Message PM~ Private Message NM~ Not much or Never Mind JK~ just kidding! BI5~ back in five minutes B4N~ Bye for now BTW~ By the way c-ya~ See you EZ~ easy FYI~ for your information Info~ information Grats~ Congratulations! BBL~ Be Back Later FWD~forward {as in E-mailing} b4~ before

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